研究生: |
林澄億 Lin Cheng-Yi |
論文名稱: |
從職場需求檢驗台灣大學商用英語課程 A Needs Analysis of English for Business Purposes at Universities in Taiwan: From Teachers' and Professionals Perspectives |
指導教授: |
Chen, Chiou-Lan |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 205 |
中文關鍵詞: | 需求分析 、商用英語 、職場英語需求 、課程評鑑 、溝通功能 |
英文關鍵詞: | Needs analysis, English for Business Purposes, English needs in the workplace, Curriculum design, Communicative functions |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:771 下載:36 |
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結果顯示在這三個產業中,英語讀寫能力比聽講能力更常用到。根據Bachman和Palmer 2010年定義的語言溝通功能,職場上最常用來完成英語任務的語言功能是操控成事、表情達意及學習解惑,尤以操控成事為最大宗。研究參與者表示英語聽講能力是他們較缺乏的能力,尤其是與國外客戶社交與閒聊的英語口語能力。雖然英語聽講任務較不常被執行,研究參與者表示最想增進英語口語溝通能力、跨文化溝通技巧,以及溝通語用技巧。此外,ANOVA統計進一步分析公司型態、公司所在位置、三大產業,以及參與者的工作年資是否在職場英語需求上有差異。結果顯示公司型態與公司所在位置在職場英語需求上並沒有差異;有顯著差異的是三大產業的職場英語需求,以及參與者的工作年資對於所感到困難的英語任務亦有顯著差異。10位受訪的大學商英教師則表示他們主要將重點擺在英語簡報技巧、小組討論技巧的訓練上,輔以閱讀商業英文新聞、商業英文報告,加強商用英文單字。受訪教師表示他們著眼於這些能力是職場所必需,且是學生所缺乏的能力,因此選擇這些為課程內容。經比較以上受訪業界人士的職場英文需求,以及受訪大學商英教師的授課內容,兩者明顯存在差距。
The purpose of this study is to examine if the tertiary EBP curricula in Taiwan meets the English language needs of the fields in international trade, manufacturing, and finance. Twenty-seven business professionals and 10 tertiary EBP instructors were interviewed, and 143 additional business professionals were invited to complete needs-analysis questionnaires. Hutchinson and Waters’ (1987) tripartite categorization of needs served as a major framework to analyze the English needs in the workplace and the English skills taught in the tertiary EBP courses, while Bachman and Palmer’s (2010) categories of language functions were used to ascertain the communicative functions of English tasks commonly performed in the business workplace.
The results showed that the content of the EBP curricula did not match the English needs of business professionals, as it was found that English reading and writing tasks were performed much more frequently than listening and speaking tasks in the business workplace in Taiwan. The communicative functions of the common English tasks are manipulative, ideational, and heuristic (Bachman and Palmer, 2010). The participants lacked the ability to socialize and maintain small talk in English with international business partners, and thus desired to learn English oral communication skills, cross-cultural communicative skills, and pragmatic skills for interaction. The ANOVA tests revealed that company type and company location had no effect on English needs; nevertheless, the English needs among the three professional fields and the perceived difficulty of English tasks among the respondents with different work experiences were found to have statistically significant differences.
Based on the above findings, three suggestions were made to EBP instructors and curriculum designers: First, needs analysis should be conducted before EBP instructors design their syllabi as students without work experience require a necessity-based syllabus to prepare them for future required tasks in the workplace, while working students require a syllabus based on language skills that they are lacking. Second, instructors need to place more attention on English writing training and design more interactive tasks, and finally, the concept of “world Englishes” should be introduced. It is hoped that the findings of this study can help university plan curriculum that better prepare students for the internationally-oriented workplace.
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