研究生: |
陳傳杰 Chuan-Chieh Chen |
論文名稱: |
臺灣產金絲桃屬植物之分類研究 A taxonomic study of Hypericum L. (Clusiaceae) of Taiwan |
指導教授: |
Wang, Jenn-Che |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
生命科學系 Department of Life Science |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 120 |
中文關鍵詞: | 藤黃科 、金絲桃屬 、分類學 |
英文關鍵詞: | Clusiaceae, Hypericum, taxonomy |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:418 下載:72 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
本研究利用外部形態、種子與花粉細微形態、染色體、以及生態及地理分佈等資料,進行台灣產金絲桃屬 (Hypericum L.) 植物之分類研究。結果將台灣產本屬原生種類處理為12種及2亞種。與前人處理之主要差異為:將三脈金絲桃 (H. geminiflorum subsp. trinervium) 由雙花金絲桃 (H. geminiflorum subsp. geminiflorum) 中分出;以及將Lu (1976) 記錄之小地耳草 (H. laxum) 併入地耳草 (H. japonicum) 中。
以外部形態而言,雌蕊及萼片形態為台灣產本屬植物之主要分類依據,葉片與果實之形狀以及腺體分佈形式亦可提供良好之分類佐證。種子表面的細部構造有助於輔助外部形態的分類結果,但對於外部形態相似的分類群此項特徵無法再提供更詳細的資訊;而花粉的細部構造則變異不大,無法提供足夠的證據。染色體方面,首次報導下列四個分類群之染色體數:H. formosanum (n=21)、H. geminiflorum var. simplicistylum (2n=42)、H. sampsonii (n=10)、及H. subalatum (n=21)。生態及地理分佈方面,分類群間多屬異域分佈,其中,H. erectum、H. formosanum、H. nakamurae、H. nokoense、以及H. subalatum之分佈極為侷限。
The genus Hypericum (Clusiaceae) in Taiwan was taxonomically revised based on morphological, palynological, cytotaxonomic, phytogeographical, and ecological studies. Twelve species and two subspecies are recognized. Hyericum geminiflorum subsp. trinervium, which was previously treated as synonymous with H. geminiflorum subsp. geminiflorum., is now treated as distinct. The record of H. laxum by Lu (1976) is treated as synonymous with H. japonicum.
Morphology of pistils and sepals are valuable characters for the classification within the genus in Taiwan. Besides, leaf and fruit shapes and distribution patterns of glands also provide useful information. Seed micromorphology displays more or less interspecific difference, but is unable to distinguish closed related taxa. Observation of chromosome numbers reveals some variations among species. The chromosomes numbers of H. formosanum (n=21), H. geminiflorum subsp. simplicistylum (2n=42), H. sampsonii (n=10), and H. subalatum (n=21) are determined for the first time. Biogeographically, most taxa are allopatric distribution. Some species, H. erectum, H. formosanum, H. nakamurae, H. nokoense, and H. subalatum, have very narrow range of distribution.
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(*) cited from:
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(**) cited from:
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