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研究生: 施惠真
Shih Hui-Chen
論文名稱: 國中國文科統整課程的設計歷程與教學實施結果之研究
Chinese Integrated Courses Designing Process and Practicing Result in Junior High School
指導教授: 張景媛
Chang, Ching-Yuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 241
中文關鍵詞: 國中國文科統整課程
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:237下載:31
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  • 本研究主要的目的,在瞭解透過教師的合作,轉化現行國文教材為統整課程的可行性,並分析統整課程的實施結果,進而歸納結論,以作為國文教師或對國中國文科有興趣的研究者,未來在課程設計、教學實施與研究上的參考。
    一、 單一領域統整課程設計程序為兩階段八步驟,依序是︰1、建立研發小組;2、確立實施內容;3、分享閱讀心得;4、討論現行教材轉化為統整課程之方式;5、分析課文來發展統整課程的架構;6、根據課程的架構來發展教學活動;7、根據教學活動來設計學習單與評量;8、製作教學手冊與學習手冊。前四個步驟是前置作業階段,後四個步驟是課程設計階段。
    二、 培養教師課程設計的知識與能力,包括︰1、九年一貫課程與統整課程的知識;2、採橫向的分析方式掌握國文教材重要的內涵與精神的能力;3、將國文教材的重要內涵與精神轉化為統整課程架構的能力;4、根據統整課程架構與十大基本能力的內涵來發展統整性教學活動的能力;5、根據教學活動來發展知識、情意、與技能兼具的學習評量單的能力。
    三、 「成長與蛻變」統整課程的特色,包括︰1、看似單一領域課程,實則有跨領域課程的內涵與精神;2、能掌握家政、環境與生涯議題的內涵與精神;3、課程的設計與實施能掌握課文重要的內涵,包括作者、題
    四、 影響統整課程發展的重要因素,包括︰1、行政人員、其他教師與家長的支持與協助;2、團隊成員在特質與專長方面的協調性;3、研究者與教師的合作方式與程度;4、教師的參與意願、知識與經驗;5、教師對課程的熟悉度與詮釋方式;6、時間;7、學生參與活動與完成學習評量單的程度。
    五、 統整課程設計與實施的檢討,包括:1、統整課程設計的檢討–課文進行方式能以講述為主活動為輔、活動設計能考慮課程整體目標作多元化的設計、學習單設計能兼顧學生的程度與興趣;2、統整課程實施的檢討–合作學習方式的引導與調整、時間調配能更明確化。
    一、 統整課程的設計與實施方面的建議,包括:1、深入分析教材以掌握其
    二、 研究方面的建議,包括:1、課程設計前應諮詢專家學者;2、分析教師的專業成長歷程;3、觀察分析教師的十大基本能力;4、深入探討每一現象背後的原因;5、從學生學習歷程的角度看待統整課程教學實施的結果;6、針對不同的教材發展單一領域式統整課程;7、擴大研究的對象與時間。

    The purpose of this research is to explore the possibility of transferring current Chinese teaching materials into integrated course by means of teachers’ cooperation, and to analyze the result of practicing integrated courses to further generalize a conclusion. The research is expected to offer assistance for Chinese teachers or researchers, who are interested in Chinese subject in junior high school, in course design, teaching practice and future research.
    The research uses qualitative survey in case study. The purpose is to discuss the uniqueness and complexity of the case studied in a specific activity. The location is taken place in a large school sited in Taipei County. There are four teachers and five classes involved in this qualitative survey. Research methods include observation, interview and documents collection. The source of analyzed data comes from classroom daily report, course developing meeting minutes, teacher interviews, teachers retrospective report, student interviews, student self-evaluation index, Chinese attitude sentence completion question and words to students’ parents…etc.
    This research makes several conclusions as followings:
    I. Solitary field integrated course designing process is divided into 8 steps in two phrases: (1) establish research group; (2) confirm practicing content; (3) share post-study feelings; (4) discuss about methods of turning current teaching materials into integrated courses; (5) analyze the structure to develop integrated courses; (6) develop teaching activities based on course structures; (7) design learning evaluation index based on teaching activities; (8) produce teaching brochure and learning brochure. The previous four steps are categorized as pre-operating phrase and the rest four steps are categorized as course designing phrase.
    II. To nurture teachers’ knowledge and ability in designing courses, including (1) to get information about nine-year fundamental (compulsory) courses and integrated courses; (2) to catch the important spirit inside Chinese teaching materials in a vertical analyzing approach; (3) to develop the ability of transforming important spirit of Chinese teaching materials into integrated course structure; (4) to develop the ability of developing integrated teaching activities based on the integrated course structure and the spirit of 10 basic abilities; (5) to develop the ability of developing learning evaluating index consisting of knowledge, emotion and technique based on teaching activities.
    III. The characteristics of “development and change” contain: (1) a solitary field course in appearance has the spirit of cross-field courses; (2) can catch the spirit of family works, environment and career topic; (3) the design and practice of courses can catch important spirit of lessons, including author, main idea, article content, vocabulary, shared similar country content and different role content; (4) making activity content and evaluating methods more diversified, lived and adoptive; (5) exhibit and develop student’s basic ability and diversified intelligence; (6) can increase students’ Chinese verbal ability, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, punctuation application and vocabulary quantity; (7) adjoining education with fun to facilitate knowledge realization and memorization, emotion cultivation and technique development; (8) increase the mutual relationship between teachers and students, and parents and students; (9) students themselves and their life experiences are main roles in the course progression.
    IV. Important factors that influence integrated course development include: (1) support and coordination of administrative personnel, others teachers and students’ parents; (2) coordinating ability of characteristics and expertise in group members; (3) cooperating methods and degrees between researchers and teachers; (4) participating willingness, knowledge and experience; (5) teachers’ familiarity and interpretative methods; (6) time; (7) students’ participating frequencies in activities and learning evaluating index.
    V. Discussion about integrated course designs and practice includes: (1) discussion about integrated course design – lecturing should support with activities in class, and activities design should be able to consider the ultimate goal of course design that to be diversified and taking care students’ comprehension level and interests; (2) discussion about integrated course practice – by means of the guiding and adjusting of corporate learning method, to clarify time allocation.
    Based on the result and discussion of this research to provide suggestion about integrated course design and practice, and future research.
    I. Recommendations made to integrated course design and practice include: (1) deeply analyze teaching materials to catch their important spirit inside; (2) steps in increasing course teaching tests or evaluation before practicing courses in the education system; (3) course designs should cooperate with teaching objectives as a whole project; (4) integrating the methods of integrated into traditional teaching methods.
    II. Recommendations made to future research include: (1) discuss with experts about recommendation before designing courses; (2) analyze professional development history of each teacher; (3) observe and analyze teachers’ 10 basic abilities; (4) deeply explore causes of each phenomenon; (5) evaluate the practicing result of integrated courses in the approach of students’ learning experience; (6) develop solitary field of integrated courses with different teaching materials; (7) broaden research samples and time.

    誌謝詞………………………………………………………………… Ⅰ 中文摘要……………………………………………………… Ⅱ 英文摘要………………………………………………………… Ⅲ 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………… 1 第二節 待答問題…………………………………………… 5 第三節 名詞釋義………………………………………… 5 第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………… 6 第一節 統整課程的理論基礎…………………………………… 6 第二節 統整課程設計流程之探討………………………………21 第三節 國內相關的實徵研究……………………………………28 第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………33 第一節 研究程序………………………………………………33 第二節 研究取向…………………………………………………34 第三節 研究個案…………………………………………………34 第四節 研究人員…………………………………………………36 第五節 研究工具……………………………………………………38 第六節 資料的蒐集與分析………………………………………41 第七節 資料的信度與效度檢核…………………………………44 第八節 研究倫理……………………………………………46 第四章 研究結果…………………………………………………48 第一節 統整課程設計歷程之分析………………………………48 第二節 統整課程教學實施結果之分析……………………………84 第五章 討論……………………………………………………… 164 第一節 統整課程設計歷程之討論…………………………… 164 第二節 統整課程教學實施結果之討論………………………… 180 第六章 結論與建議………………………………………………… 191 第一節 結論…………………………………………………… 191 第二節 建議……………………………………………………… 194 參考文獻……………………………………………………………199

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