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研究生: 江惠月
論文名稱: 社工員親屬寄養認知與寄養品質指標之研究
The cognition and quality indicators of kinship foster care among social workers
指導教授: 彭淑華
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會工作學研究所
Graduate Institute of Social Work
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 138
中文關鍵詞: 親屬寄養寄養家庭社工員
英文關鍵詞: kinship foster care, foster family, social worker
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:145下載:19
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  • 本研究想要瞭解國內親屬寄養為何一直無法被推展。因此,將從探討社工員對於親屬寄養的認知著手,包含優缺點以及親屬的範圍。此外,也將探究社工員對於親屬寄養的品質指標意向為何,藉此了解非親屬寄養品質指標用在親屬寄養的合適性。本研究以縣市政府兒少保護社工員,及家扶基金會和世界展望會從事寄養業務的社工員為研究對象。採普查方式施以問卷調查,共計發出525份問卷,回收355份,回收率為67.6%,有效問卷為336份。其研究結果簡列如下。另根據研究結果,研究者進而對於社工員在親屬寄養的認知、親屬寄養的品質指標,以及其他方面提出相關建議,期望親屬寄養能夠在未來有良好的推展。

    This research is to find the reason why kinship foster care domestically can't be developed properly and to start with social workers’ cognition of kinship foster care, including the advantage, disadvantage and the range of kinship. Moreover, the quality indicator for social workers to review the kinship foster care will be discussed as well. Thus, the appropriateness of quality indicator applied in nonkinship foster care can be taken into consideration if it is applied in kinship foster care. This research samples are composed of child protective social workers in government section, and social workers from the two institutions: Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, and World Vision of Taiwan. The method of census was used and all options of social workers were collected through questionnaires. There are 525 questionnaires dispatched and 355 copies were returned. The return rate reached 67.6% and valid questionnaires were 336 copies. The result will be listed as the followings. According to the result, some relative suggestions for social workers’ cognition of kinship foster care, quality indicator of kinship foster care and other aspects were raised in order to improve kinship foster care in the future.

    The Results:
    1.The organization that social workers belong highly supports kinship foster care. However, it is not applied appropriately in reality.
    2.Social workers identify with most of advantage and disadvantage of kinship foster care and some opinions of theirs for some advantage and disadvantage are different from ones of overseas researches.
    3.Social workers think that people of no blood relations but of strong emotional bond to a child can be kinship foster family. The lineal relatives can also become kinship foster family. Blood relations are better within three degrees.
    4.The quality indicators for social workers to review the kinship foster care are as the following.(1)Family conditions are required.(2)The training needs to be contained in kinship foster care. Yet the training can be replaced with methods which are different from the ones applied nowadays.(3)Foster care licenses are required but can be obtained in due course after children are settled.(4)Social workers’ supervising and visitation are required and the frequency is the same as foster families.(5)Foster care payments are required.(6)The more social workers agree that lineal relatives become kinship foster family, the more they will agree for payments of foster care and extra subvention to lineal kinship foster family.
    5.Social workers think that sexual abuse children by parents are not suitable for kinship foster family. But more than half of social workers think that children of substance abused parents or abused children can be
    settled in kinship foster family.
    6.The more social workers agree with the advantages of kinship foster care, the more they agree that training can be replaced with other methods and foster care license can be obtained in due course after children are settled. The more social workers agree with the disadvantages of kinship foster care, the more they tend to family conditions, training and supervising visitation. Besides, social workers tend to non-payments for kinship foster care.

    目 次 中文摘要ⅰ 英文摘要ⅱ 目 次 ⅲ 表目次 V 圖目次 Vⅲ 第一章 緒論1 第一節 問題陳述1 第二節 研究動機與目的4 第三節 名詞界定6 第二章 文獻探討7 第一節 家庭寄養服務的內涵與現況7 第二節 社工員對親屬寄養的認知之相關文獻探討21 第三節 親屬寄養品質指標之相關文獻探討28 第四節 親屬寄養認知及寄養品質指標之相關因素49 第三章 研究方法55 第一節 研究設計55 第二節 樣本設計60 第三節 研究工具61 第四節 資料處理65 第四章 研究結果分析67 第一節社工員背景資料分析67 第二節 社工員親屬寄養認知相關因素71 第三節 社工員親屬寄養品質指標相關因素83 第四節 社工員背景資料、親屬寄養認知與親屬寄養品質指標之相關性 101 第五章 結論與建議 109 第一節 結論109 第二節 討論115 第三節 建議119 第四節 研究限制及對未來的建議123 參考文獻127 中文部分127 英文部分130 附錄133 附錄一 社工員親屬寄養認知與親屬寄養品質指標之研究問卷 133

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