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Author: 王慧娟
Thesis Title: 日籍漢語學習者中介語之敘述模式研究
Advisor: 曾金金
Degree: 碩士
Department: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
Thesis Publication Year: 2005
Academic Year: 93
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 197
Keywords (in Chinese): 中介語敘述模式修辭對比語篇分析漢語敘述語料庫
Keywords (in English): Interlanguage, Narrative Mode, Contrastive Rhetoric, Discourse Analysis, Language and Culture, Chinese Narratives, Corpus
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 根據Sapir-Whorf假說:人們是依循著母語的規範與習俗,去解釋他們所觀察到的客觀世界,而人們的思維模式在很大的程度上,建築在其所屬族群的語言習慣上。本研究的目的在瞭解日籍漢語學習者中介語的敘述模式,並以母語為日語的中、高級漢語學習者為研究對象。
    研究對象包括漢語母語者與日籍漢語學習者各三十名,以兩組圖片進行口語敘述,並根據受試者語料建立語料庫。再根據語料庫資料,按照詞、句子、語篇的層次,從四個架構來分析漢語母語者與日籍學習者敘述語篇的差異,這四個架構分別為:(1) Halliday(1985)的敘述句動詞及物性過程理論,(2) Labov(1972)的語篇結構理論,(3)敘述人稱,(4)名詞指稱。

    In linguistics, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (SWH) states that there is a systematic relationship between the grammatical categories of the language a person speaks and how that person both understands the world and behaves in it. This study focuses on the interlanguage of intermediate to advanced Japanese learners of Chinese and to see if any patterns or generalizations can be found by looking at a large number of learners’ spoken Chinese.
    The subjects of this research include 30 native speakers of Japanese and another 30 native speakers of Chinese. They are showed two sets of pictures and the oral narratives is recorded and kept in a corpus. Using the learner corpus as data source, sort the words, sentences and discourses into four different frameworks. The four frameworks are (1) Halliday’s verbs process theory (1985), (2) Labov’s discourse structure of narrative (1972), (3) pronouns (point of view) and (4) Nouns reference.
    The investigation shows that the discourses of Chinese learners and Japanese learners are different in terms of their foci and ways of narrative. Chinese learners tend to focus on development events and actions and behaviors of characters. Contrary, Japanese learners tend to describe more on the background of the events or on the appearance of the characters as well as the result or state of the action. The narratives tendency shown on the Chinese discourse of Japanese learners also exhibits the narrative traits of Japanese.
    A second language learner tends to apply his native language narrative mode into his second language acquisition. This might be the main factors of the fossilization of Japanese learners. Thus, the study suggests that a Chinese teacher should perceive the narrative tendency and differences of Chinese and Japanese, remind learners of them and further to facilitate learners’ acquisition of Chinese.

    第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1語言與文化 5 2.1.1 Sapir-Whorf假說 5 2.1.2文化對比 6 2.1.3日本文化 6 2.1.4小結 8 2.2語篇結構對比分析研究 9 2.2.1 Kaplan(1966) 9 2.2.2 Tannen(1980) 11 2.2.3 Mihm(1991) 12 2.2.4 劉齊生(1999) 14 2.2.5小結 15 2.3 中介語研究 16 2.3.1中介語理論 16 2.3.2鄧立立(1998) 17 2.4日語類型學研究 18 2.4.1金谷武洋(2003) 18 2.4.2大野晉(1974) 21 2.5 敘述語篇 22 2.5.1 Halliday動詞及物性過程理論(1985) 22 2.5.2 Labov 語篇結構(1972) 28 2.5.3敘述人稱 33 2.5.4名詞指稱 37 第三章 實驗設計與分析模式 41 3.1語篇對比相關研究 41 3.2實驗設計 43 3.2.1受試者 43 3.2.2實驗材料 44 3.2.3實驗工具 46 3.2.4實驗方式及流程 46 3.2.5實驗地點與時間 47 3.3 語料庫建立 48 3.3.1語料庫內容 48 3.3.2語料庫欄位 48 3.3.3語料劃分標準 48 3.4 分析模式 49 3.4.1敘述句的動詞及物性過程 50 3.4.2語篇結構 53 3.4.3敘述人稱 56 3.4.4名詞指稱 57 第四章漢、日組口語語篇敘述模式 59 4.1 漢、日組敘述句之動詞及物性過程分析 59 4.1.1 敘述句之動詞及物性過程分析說明 59 4.1.2 漢、日組敘述句之動詞及物性過程使用分析 63 4.1.3漢、日組敘述句之動詞及物性過程傾向討論 76 4.2 漢、日組語篇結構分析 80 4.2.1敘述語篇結構分析說明 80 4.2.2漢語受試者敘述語篇結構使用情形 85 4.2.3日籍受試者敘述語篇結構使用情形 86 4.2.4漢、日受試者在敘述語篇結構差異 87 4.3 漢、日組敘述人稱使用分析 90 4.3.1敘述人稱分析說明 90 4.3.2漢語受試者敘述人稱使用情形 93 4.3.3日籍受試者敘述人稱使用情形 95 4.3.4漢、日受試者在敘述人稱使用差異 96 4.3.5日籍受試者敘述人稱使用傾向討論 100 4.4 漢、日組名詞指稱使用分析 105 4.4.1名詞指稱分析說明 105 4.4.2漢語受試者名詞指稱使用情形 112 4.4.3日籍受試者名詞指稱使用情形 114 4.4.4漢、日受試者在名詞指稱使用上的異同 118 4.4.5漢、日受試者在名詞指稱上的差異 121 4.5 小結 126 4.5.1漢、日口語語篇的敘述傾向 126 4.5.2造成差異的原因 128 第五章 結論 131 5.1漢、日組在口語敘述傾向的差異 131 5.2實驗結果與前人研究的比較 132 5.3學習者母語敘述傾向相關研究在漢語教學的重要性 134 5.4可進行的後續研究 135 參考文獻 136 附件 144 (一)附表 144 (二)語料庫欄位範例 146 (三)母語受試者基本資料 147 (四)日籍受試者基本資料 149 (五)實驗說明 151 (六)受試者語料 157 (七)實驗圖片 196

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