研究生: |
古博文 KU PO-WEN |
論文名稱: |
英國教育視導制度之研究 Research in educational inspection of the United Kingdom |
指導教授: |
Hsieh, Wen-Chyuan |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 228 |
中文關鍵詞: | 英國教育視導制度 、教育標準署 、皇家督學 、學校視導 |
英文關鍵詞: | educational inspection of the United Kingdom, Office for Standard in Education, OFSTED, Her Majesty's Inspector, HMI, school inspection |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:337 下載:52 |
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This study is to gain an understanding on the origin and evolution of the education inspection system in the United Kingdom. It studies the meaning and functions of the educational inspection system in the United Kingdom, analyse the educational inspection organizations, its performance in the United Kingdom, and look into study the characteristics of the educational inspection system in the United Kingdom and provide evaluation and analysis. It also aims to classify research findings and propose recommendations on how educational inspection system in the United Kingdom can inspire us.
To achieve above-mentioned research objectives, the document analysis method was adopted for this study. A study on the origin and evolution of the educational inspection system in the United Kingdom since the establishment of Her Majestry’s Inspector in 1839 was conducted to gain an understanding on the perspective of the UK government agencies as well as those of scholars and experts on the meaning and function of educational inspection. A study on the overview of the educational inspection organizations and its performance since the establishment of the Office for Standard in Education in 1992 was also conducted. The characteristics and evaluation of the UK educational inspection system was also consolidated.
Summarizing research results obtained from document review, this study obtained the following conclusions: 1. Reforms in inspection system have close relationship with government, political and economic awareness; 2. Importance was placed on functions of inspections; 3. Decrees and regulations on inspection are comprehensive; 4. There is a division of labor between central and local authorities, and focus of inspection performance are different; 5. A scientific method was adopted for inspections and orientation is focused on communication and rebate; 6. Cooperation and support with relevant units are emphasized; 7. Contents for inspection of schools include school and administrative inspections with focus on educational inspection; 8. Inspection information is open to public; 9. Stress follow up and technical assistance after inspection.
Based on the above-mentioned research results, this study proposed the following recommendations: 1. Formulate laws for educational inspection; 2. Establish structure and manual for school inspection; 3. Establish accreditation system for inspectors; 4. Merge egular and irregular inspection and implement through appropriate polarization method; 5. Implementation of inspection should focus on communication and rebate; parents should be invited to participate; 6. Contents of inspection report should be open to public; 7. Appropriately disseminate information obtained from inspection and provide recommendations for policy; 8. Enter into cooperation with neighboring universities, teacher qualification cultivation agency or other municipalities and cities; 9. Establish extra inpector system, expand inspectors resources; 10 provide technical assistance to school to establish self-assessment system.
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