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研究生: 黃寶園
Huang ao-Yuan
論文名稱: 柯氏性格量表效度概化之統合分析
A Meta-Analysis of Validity Generalization
指導教授: 林世華
Lin, Sieh-Hwa
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 316
中文關鍵詞: 柯氏性格量表效度概化統合分析
英文關鍵詞: KMHQ, validity generalization, meta-analysis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:366下載:0
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  • 本研究之目的乃在透過統合分析法(meta-analysis),對柯氏性格量表過去34年來所累積
    針對特定精神病的研究相當少, 為能獨自成為一自變項以為分析的單位,因此本研究便無

    This research aims at objective and statistical analysis on the investigat
    ivedata Ko's Mental Health Questionnaire (KMHQ) in the past thirty-four yearst
    o get some idea about the extent of KMHQ's validity generalization. Thi
    s research collects eighty-seven surveys and research papers onKMHQ from compu
    ter index, the ancestry approach and the information suppliedby Mr. Ke Yeong-h
    e. Regarding to the quality rating standard and researchcategory set by this
    research, fifty-two pieces are chosen to serveas the fundamental database of t
    his research. Then according to the testers' characteristic the fifty-two sur
    vey reports are classified into six independent variable categories for this
    research. They are psychological-invalids, nonpsychological-invalids, physica
    l-invalids, criminals, specialclans and sex. Last but not least, this resear
    ch employ the computer programMeta-HC developed by Cang Jao-tzer and the resea
    rcher as the analyzing tool. The research reveals that in the psychological
    -invalids there have eight subtests weighted average effect size "d" reaching
    mid and up, in the nonpsychological-invalids there have six subtests weighted
    average effect size "d" reaching mid and up, in the physical-invalids there ha
    ve only two subtests weighted average effect size "d" reaching mid and up, in
    the criminals therehave five subtests weighted average effect size "e" reachin
    g mid and up, in the special clans there have seven subtests weighted average
    effect size "d" reaching mid and up, and in the sex there have only
    two subtests weighted average effect size "d" reaching mid and up. Th
    is showing that KMHQ's standard of validity generalization is pretty high, tha
    t the distinction is obvious, and it is an effective distinguishable perso
    nality test. Among the six independen
    t variables, the weighted average effect size of the psychological-invalids i
    s the highest, meaning that KMHQ's distinguishing capability being the strong
    est. The next three independent variables are special clans, nonpsychologica
    l-invalids and criminals. However, the effect size on physical-invalids and se
    x only reach mid or low degree, showing that KMHQ's distinguishing capability
    on physical-invalids and sex is not high. This research has quite abundant
    result through deliberate research design; however, since the obtainable info
    rmation is limited. For example, research papers on specific psychologic
    al invalids are very few and thus cannot be singled out as one indepen
    dent variable for analysis unit. As a result, this research cannot have a
    bsolute judgement on KMHQ's distinguishing capability on specific psycho
    logical invalids. What we can say is that, generally speaking, KMHQ certainl
    y has distinguishing capability on no npsychological invalids. That is, prese
    ntly handy information is the survey, but the diagnosis function is a bit ins
    ufficient. To sum up, the utmost conclusion of this
    essay is that, the extent of KMHQ's validity generalization is pretty hi
    gh, its distinguishing capability is pretty idealized. Therefore, KMHQ is a
    personality test that deserves to be further developed, studied as well as pop
    ularly adopted.
