研究生: |
張慕暄 Chang, Mu-Syuan |
論文名稱: |
魔術融入劇場製作及其團隊對自信心之影響 The Impact of Integrating Magic into Theater Production Group on Confidence |
指導教授: |
Fan, Sheng-Tao |
口試委員: |
Fan, Sheng-Tao 容淑華 Jung, Shu-Hwa 李其昌 Li, Chyi-Chang |
口試日期: | 2024/06/04 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
表演藝術研究所 Graduate Institute of Performing Arts |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 116 |
中文關鍵詞: | 魔術 、劇場製作 、自信心 |
英文關鍵詞: | Magic, Theater Production, Confidence |
研究方法: | 參與觀察法 、 個案研究法 、 半結構式訪談法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400733 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:183 下載:5 |
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隨著現今教育核心思想逐漸改變,教學的方法也越來越趨多元。研究者從自身教學及學習經驗中得到啟發,希望藉由透過帶領魔術與劇場結合之演出製作,在海內外進行展演,研究目的在於探討魔術融合劇場對自信心之影響。本研究採用個案研究方法。本研究的個案為歷時三個月的魔術融入劇場製作,並在臺灣與澳洲進行六場演出;以及為期二週的魔術教學工作坊。藉由參與融合劇場元素的魔術演出製作,與實際學習魔術,讓參與者獲得不一樣的學習體驗。研究對象包括三類:四位魔術或劇場專家、五位參與工作坊的成員、38位欣賞魔術融合劇場製作的觀眾。研究工具包括 : 深度訪談專家的大綱、研究者田野筆記、對觀眾的調查問卷。過程中以參與觀察法與訪談法進行資料收集。研究結果顯示,魔術與劇場製作相結合時具備顯著的教育價值。這種結合不僅有助於提升劇組成員在自信、創意與技術技能等多方面的發展,同時對觀眾的創造力和藝術鑑賞能力也產生了積極的影響。通過實施魔術學習工作坊,參與者體驗到了練習和表演魔術所帶來的成就感,從而證實了這種教學方法的多重益處。
As the core concepts of modern education evolve, teaching methods are becoming increasingly diverse. Inspired by personal teaching and learning experiences, the researcher aims to explore the impact of combining magic and theater production on self-confidence by directing and presenting such performances both domestically and internationally. This study employed a case study methodology. The case involved a three-month magic-infused theater production, which featured six performances in Taiwan and Australia, as well as a two-week magic teaching workshop. Through participating in the magic theater production and learning magic firsthand, participants experienced a unique learning journey. The research subjects included three groups: four magic or theater experts, five members of the workshop, and 38 audience members who watched the magic-infused theater production. The research tools included: a detailed interview outline for experts, the researcher’s field notes, and a survey questionnaire for the audience. Data collection was conducted through participant observation and interviews. The research findings indicate that combining magic and theater production offers significant educational value. This combination not only enhances the self-confidence, creativity, and technical skills of the theater crew members, but also positively influences the creativity and artistic appreciation of the audience. Through conducting the magic learning workshop, participants experienced the sense of achievement from practicing and performing magic, thereby validating the multiple benefits of this teaching method.
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