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研究生: Kiat Chunhakitpaisan
Kiat Chunhakitpaisan
論文名稱: The Effects of Government’s Award on Organizational Practice: The Concept of Thailand’s SMEs
The Effects of Government’s Award on Organizational Practice: The Concept of Thailand’s SMEs
指導教授: 洪榮昭
Hong, Jon-Chao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: SMEs behaviorPerceived awardAward incentiveOrganization intention
英文關鍵詞: SMEs behavior, Perceived award, Award incentive, Organization intention
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:150下載:17
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  • While an organization needs change, a good manager is supposed to feel it. There is need to pay more attention to the factors and drivers which happen within or outside of the organization and make the need for change evident and necessary. We conducted this study to determine the perceived value of government‟s award on organization. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in the country's economic development. In many countries, the government creates and designs the award for the SMEs who have good performance and also to assist the SMEs to challenges in the competitive global business environment. This research studies the SME‟s practices behavior. Value creation is become a part of organizations. Awards perceived value and incentive should be viewed as a part of improving process of an organization. These values are derived from a combination of awards competition‟s benefits during competition of government‟s award. Investigate the each value relationship by the ways organization response to award competition. The results indicate between before applying and after applying competition stage. We investigate the relationship of awards lead the organizational climates which return on firm competitive, whereas new awards are associated with growth.

    While an organization needs change, a good manager is supposed to feel it. There is need to pay more attention to the factors and drivers which happen within or outside of the organization and make the need for change evident and necessary. We conducted this study to determine the perceived value of government‟s award on organization. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in the country's economic development. In many countries, the government creates and designs the award for the SMEs who have good performance and also to assist the SMEs to challenges in the competitive global business environment. This research studies the SME‟s practices behavior. Value creation is become a part of organizations. Awards perceived value and incentive should be viewed as a part of improving process of an organization. These values are derived from a combination of awards competition‟s benefits during competition of government‟s award. Investigate the each value relationship by the ways organization response to award competition. The results indicate between before applying and after applying competition stage. We investigate the relationship of awards lead the organizational climates which return on firm competitive, whereas new awards are associated with growth.

    Table of Contents Abstract i Table of Contents ii List of Figures vi List of Tables vii Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1.1 Research background 1 1.2 Purpose of study 5 1.3 Research procedure 6 Chapter 2: Literature review 8 2.1 Definition of terminologies 8 2.1.1 Award competition 8 2.1.2 Management policies 9 2.1.3 Internal organization practice 9 2.1.4 Organizational work climate 10 2.1.5 Work motivation and work effort 11 2.1.6 Organizational performance 11 2.2 Award enhance the competitive of organization 12 2.3 Award category 15 2.4 Thailand‟s SMEs award competition criteria 17 2.5 Organizational behavior and work climate change 18 2.6 The concept of perceived value of award 21 2.7 The role of an organizational structure 23 2.8 Awards perceived value influence organizational activities 25 2.8.1 Production quality 26 2.8.2 Service quality 27 2.8.3 Research and development practice 27 2.8.4 Human resource management practice 28 2.9 The state of award competition perception 29 2.9.1 Before applying state 30 2.9.2 Middle applying state 30 2.9.3 After applying state 31 2.10 Incentive dimensions of perception 31 2.10.1 Clarity 32 2.10.2 Support 32 2.10.3 Challenge 32 2.11 Award perceiving to organizational intention performed behavior 33 2.12 Organization performs intention behavior to competitive mechanisms 37 2.13 Creating a winning performance culture 41 2.13.1 Set new expectations and culture 43 2.13.2 Strategy align the team 43 2.13.3 Focus on results and build portfolio 44 2.13.4 The drivers of culture management 44 2.13.5 Communicate within organization 44 Chapter 3: Research Methodology 46 3.1 Research design 46 3.2 Research question 47 3.3 Research framework 49 3.4 Research hypothesis 50 3.5 Population and Sample 51 3.6 Data collection method 51 3.7 Limitations of the study 52 3.8 Data analysis methods 52 3.9 Questionnaire design 53 Chapter 4: Discussions and Results 55 4.1 Descriptive statistic of the sample 55 4.2 Applying awards competition influence organization mechanisms 56 Reliability test 58 Correlations analysis 58 Multiple regression analysis 61 T-Test analysis 65 Statistic comparison 66 4.3 The relevant factors by awards competition 69 4.3.1 Awards as incentives 69 4.3.2 Awards as perceived value 69 4.3.3 Awards as intentions 70 Chapter 5: Conclusions 72 Conclusions 72 Implications and limitations 74 Recommendations for future study 75 References 76 APPENDIX: Questionnaire 87

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