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研究生: 尤怡婷
Yu, Yi-Ting
論文名稱: 以「WordWall」數位遊戲探討印尼初學者在華語文學習焦慮、遊戲學習興趣、遊戲焦慮與知覺遊戲學習的價值
Using the “WordWall” for Indonesian Beginners’ to Learn Chinese and to Explore Their Chinese Learning Anxiety, Gameplay Interest, Anxiety and Perceived Learning Value
指導教授: 洪榮昭
Hong, Jon-Chao
口試委員: 蔡雅薰
Tsai, Ya-Hsun
Lin, Chien-hung
Hong, Jon-Chao
口試日期: 2021/12/03
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系海外華語師資數位碩士在職專班
Department of Chinese as a Second Language_Online Continuing Education Master's Program of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 多媒體學習理論華語文學習焦慮遊戲學習興趣遊戲焦慮知覺遊戲學習的價值數位遊戲
英文關鍵詞: “WordWall”, Chinese learning anxiety, learning interest, learning anxiety, learning value
研究方法: 準實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200016
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:182下載:50
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  • 基於多媒體學習的認知情意學習理論,本研究採用「WordWall」線上數位遊戲來探討參與者複習華語以名詞、動詞、形容詞三種不同詞性的詞彙時,在華語文學習焦慮、遊戲學習興趣、遊戲焦慮與知覺遊戲學習的價值對遊戲進行中的影響。本研究採用準實驗研究法和問卷調查法來觀察以華語為第二語言學習者的情意變化,在研究實驗中,教師解說華語三種不同詞性的詞彙後,利用「WordWall」線上遊戲來進行複習。本研究有四十九名學生,家庭背景為印尼華僑,皆具備基本識字和華語基礎溝通能力,屬於初級華語學習者,運用華語三種詞性以名詞、動詞、形容詞帶入「WordWall」遊戲來複習,共進行七周時間,藉以了解華語學習者面對華語三種不同詞性的詞彙在「WordWall」圖案文字配對遊戲學習情緒的變化以及探索因性別、年齡和華語先備能力所產生的影響,其研究結果歸納出以下結論。

    Based on the cognitive-affective learning theory of multimedia learning, this study aims to apply the「WordWall」game to explore students, Chinese learning anxiety, learning affective state (game learning interest, game learning anxiety), and learning cognition ( learning value) in Chinese nouns, verbs and adjective learning with the help of digital games. This research uses quasi-experimental research methods and questionnaire survey methods to observe the affective changes of learners who use Chinese as a second language. In the research experiments, teachers utilized the 「WordWall」game to review Chinese nouns, verbs and ajectives words after explicating Chinese three different types of speech. There were forty-nine students in this present study. Their family background was Indonesian Chinese overseas. They all had basic literacy and basic communication skills in Chinese, but they were beginner Chinese learners. They used different parts of speech to bring them into the "Word Wall" game to review vocabulary in a total of seven weeks. With the aim of understanding the changes of Chinese language learners learning emotions in the 「WordWall」pattern text matching game in the face of different Chinese parts of speech, and to investigate the effects of gender, age, and the use of Chinese and non-Chinese at home, the results of the study are summarized as following conclusions:
    1. The 「WordWall」game has no gender difference in Chinese language learning anxiety and interest, but in terms of perceived learning value, male students’ learning value is higher than female students.
    2. When different age groups use the 「WordWall」game to review Chinese three different parts of speech, there are no significant differences in Chinese language learning anxiety, learning interest, and perceived learning value.
    3. Learners who use non-Chinese communication at home to review Chinese three differesnt parts of speech through the 「WordWall」game have higher learning anxiety than learners who use Chinese to communicate at home.
    4. Pre-ability Chinese language learners review Chinese nouns, verbs and adjective through the 「WordWall」game, there is a difference in perceived learning value of game learning.

    ABSTRACT III 目錄 V 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 4 第三節 名詞釋義 9 第四節 研究範圍及限制 12 第二章 文獻探討 14 第一節 多媒體認知情意學習理論 14 第二節 遊戲學習興趣 18 第三節 華語文學習焦慮 24 第四節 遊戲焦慮 28 第五節 知覺遊戲學習的價值 32 第六節 「WORDWALL」遊戲 36 第七節 名詞、動詞、形容詞的學習成效 37 第三章 研究方法 42 第一節 印尼小學生面對三種不同詞性的詞彙教學設計 42 第二節 研究流程與研究對象 50 第三節 研究工具 53 第四節 研究假設 57 第五節 研究問卷 62 第四章 資料處理與分析 65 第一節 樣本回收情況 65 第二節 獨立樣本T檢定 65 第三節 相關分析 73 第四節 研究結果與討論 75 第五章 結論與建議 79 第一節 結論 79 第二節 研究貢獻 80 第三節 研究建議 81 參考文獻 83 中文文獻 83 英文文獻 86 附錄 115 附錄一「WORDWALL」遊戲學習興趣 115 附錄二 「WORDWALL」華語文學習焦慮 116 附錄三「WORDWALL」遊戲焦慮 117 附錄四 「WORDWALL」學習價值 119

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