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研究生: 林坤誼
Kuen-Yi Lin
論文名稱: 臺灣與美國科技課程發展之比較研究
A Comparative Study on Curriculum Development of Technology Education between Taiwan and the United States of America
指導教授: 李隆盛
Lee, Lung-Sheng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 330
中文關鍵詞: 科技教育課程發展比較研究標準本位
英文關鍵詞: technology education, curriculum development, comparative study, standard-based
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:546下載:100
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With the coming of the new century, the educational reform is conducted widely all over the world for the purpose of promoting competitiveness in every country. Taiwan is famous on the name of “Green Silicon Island,” and technology education has played an important role in developing high-tech human resources. When it is mentioned to the educational reform of technology education in Taiwan, the trends of technology education in the United States are always considered definitely. As for the major trend of technology education in the United States, William E. Dugger who is the leader of “Technology for All American Project” believes that it is moving to the standard-based education. California is the first participant in the stansards-based education reform, so there must be many valuable experiences could be offered to us. Therefore the approach of comparative study is utilized and two research methods, literature review and in-depth interview, are also employed in this study to explore the state of curriculum development of technology education in Taiwan as well as in California and to find out the real problems in Taiwan. Through this study, the state-of-the-art of curriculum development of technology education in Taiwan and California are explored and the real problems of curriculum development of technology education in Taiwan and California are proposed: (1) Technology standards: (a) The ideal of technology standards is limited in students in Taiwan; meanwhile, the ideal of technology standards is lacking of the needs of students in California. (b) The developmental process of technology standards is lacking of criteria and evaluation team in Taiwan; meanwhile, the developmental process of technology standards is lacking of verifying students’ basic competency in each learning grade in California (c) The results of technology standards are lacking of specific standards and the examplar of technological activities in Taiwan; meanwhile, the results of technology standards are lacking of concerning the international issue of design in California. (2) Technology textbook: (a) The ideal of technology textbook do not reflect the value of leaning technology in Taiwan; meanwhile, the ideal of technology textbook do not concern the students’ financial support in California. (b) The ideal of technology textbook editor is not corresponding to the ideal of technology teacher in Taiwan and California. (c) The technology textbook is utilized the process of standards-related curriculm development and its content can not cover all competency indicators in Taiwan; meanwhile, the technology teachers always utilize many textbooks and it is needed to confirm that the learning content can meet all the technology standards in California. (d) The content of technology textbook is limited in technology standards and the design of teachers’ handbook is not good enough in Taiwan; meanwhile, the content of technology textbook is needed to meet the needs of all districts, but it is hard to meet all needs of each district in California. (3) Curriculum development: (a) The ideal of curriculum development of technology education is lacking of considering the needs of industry in Taiwan; meanwhile, the ideal of curriculum development of technology education is lacking of concerning the status of school in California. (b) The process of currirculum development of technology education do not match the ideal of standard-based curriculum development in Taiwan; meanwhile, the process of curriculum development of texhnology education is corresponding to the ideal of standard-based curriculum development, but it may be a heavy working load to technology teachers. (c) The results of curriculum development are lacking of integrating literature review and rubric with technological activities in Taiwan; meanwhile, the results of curriculum development are lacking of the planning of learning portfolio in California. (4) Professional group: (a) The tasks of professional group in Taiwan are lacking of offering the professional learning opportunities; meanwhile, the tasks of professional group in California are lacking of ont the spot mentoring in schools. (b) The professional group in Taiwan is lacking of the member with familiar of educational reform in assisting technology teachers’ professional learning; meanwhile, the professional group in California is lacking of outstanding technology teachers’ exemplary teaching. (c) The professional group in Taiwan is lacking of utilizing the information and communication technology in offering the professional learning opportunities; meanwhile, the professional group in California is lacking of developing teaching materials for technology teachers to utilize in their classroom. (5) Technology association: (a) The technology association in Taiwan is lacking of the mechanism of professional learning and mutual communication with industry; meanwhile, the technology association in California is lacking of the mechanism of influcing the curriculum planning in schools. (b) The technology associations in Taiwan and California still have to work hard in promoting the teaching opportunities. According to the result of this study, if the problems mentioned above were solved, the technology education in Taiwan will have a more properous future.

謝 誌 I 摘 要 III ABSTRACT V 目 次 IX 表 次 XII 圖 次 XIV 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 15 第三節 研究方法與步驟 19 第四節 研究範圍與限制 24 第五節 重要名詞釋義 27 第二章 科技課程發展的理論基礎 29 第一節 科技課程發展的演進 29 第二節 科技課程發展的哲理 46 第三節 科技課程發展的利弊分析 54 第四節 科技課程發展的模式 61 第三章 研究設計與實施 89 第一節 研究架構 89 第二節 研究對象 92 第三節 研究工具 98 第四節 研究實施 100 第五節 資料處理 102 第四章 臺灣中小學的科技課程發展 107 第一節 臺灣科技標準的研訂理念、程序與成果 107 第二節 臺灣中小學科技課程教科書發展的理念、程序與成果 121 第三節 臺灣中小學科技教師課程發展的理念、程序與成果 129 第四節 臺灣專業團體的角色、任務與成果 140 第五節 臺灣科技學會的角色、任務與成果 147 第五章 美國加州中小學的科技課程發展 157 第一節 美國加州科技標準的研訂理念、程序與成果 157 第二節 美國加州中小學科技課程教科書發展的理念、程序與 成果 169 第三節 美國加州中小學科技教師課程發展的理念、程序與成 果 177 第四節 美國加州專業團體的角色、任務與成果 184 第五節 美國加州科技學會的角色、任務與成果 189 第六章 臺灣與美國加州中小學科技課程發展的比較 199 第一節 中小學科技標準的研訂理念、程序與成果之比較 199 第二節 中小學科技課程教科書發展的理念、程序與成果之比 較 207 第三節 中小學科技教師課程發展的理念、程序與成果之比較 214 第四節 縣市/學區專業團體的角色、任務與成果之比較 219 第五節 科技學會的角色、任務與成果之比較 225 第七章 結論與建議 231 第一節 結論 231 第二節 建議 252 參考書目 259 附錄一 訪談問卷大綱 271 附錄二 探索科技教育學會活動示例 273 附錄三 深度訪談開放式編碼 275 附錄四 論文計畫審查意見與修訂說明 321 附錄五 論文口試審查意見與修訂說明 329

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