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研究生: 唐曉霙
Hsiao-Ing, Tang
論文名稱: 公務機關領導風格、工作滿意度與組織承諾相關性之研究
A Study on Relativity among Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Government
指導教授: 上官百祥
Shang Guan, Abi-Xiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 153
中文關鍵詞: 領導風格工作滿意度組織承諾
英文關鍵詞: leadership style, job satisfaction, organizational commitment
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:159下載:39
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  • 政府各機關所需人員各有其專業,故國家考試分各類科錄取不同領域的專業人員,希望人才適得其所,發揮其效能。但當人員更迭頻繁時,則易影響整個行政績效。如何使公務人員認同機關,願意為其付出並留任以提昇行政績效,即為本研究所探討的重點。本研究以主管領導風格、工作滿意度為自變數,組織承諾為依變數,探討主管領導風格、工作滿意度對組織承諾的影響,並以行政機關公務人員為問卷調查對象,共發問卷270份,回收有效問卷217份,採相關分析、t檢定、變異數及迴歸等分析方法。

    A government is composed of many organizations which respectively possess personnel with varied professional skills. Therefore, various civil servant recruitment examinations are held to select people with skills that are needed in different domains, hoping to achieve the goal of “the right people fitting into separate professions.”
    When changing jobs becomes common among civil servants, it affects the performance of the entire administrative. The purpose of this study is to explore on how we can increase civil servants’ keenness on identifying with their institution, how to boost their willingness of making contributions and remaining in the same job positions.
    This study lists leadership styles and job satisfaction as independent variables; job commitment as the dependent variable. Discussion will be on the relationship of the three variables for civil servants.
    Data was collected from a questionnaire filled out by staffs of the government and among the 270 samples, 217 responses were valid. The collected data was evaluated with Pearson’s correlation analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis, and liner regression analysis.
    Results of the study showed that there is a significant relationship among leadership style, job satisfaction and job commitment; job satisfaction serves as the mediating effect between leadership style and job commitment. Based on the end results, the author proposes a few suggestions for future researchers and for the Examination Yuan when it comes to constructing a proper system for civil servants which motivates them and also enhances administrative performance.

    誌 謝...................................................i 中文摘要.................................................iii ABSTRACT..................................................v 目  錄.................................................vii 表  次..................................................ix 圖  次................................................xiii 第一章 緒論................................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機.......................................1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題....................................5 第三節 研究範圍與限制.......................................6 第四節 重要名詞釋義.........................................7 第二章 文獻探討.............................................9 第一節 領導風格.............................................9 第二節 工作滿意度..........................................22 第三節 組織承諾............................................29 第四節 領導風格、工作滿意度與組織承諾的相關研究................38 第三章 研究設計與實施......................................41 第一節 研究架構............................................41 第二節 研究假設............................................43 第三節 研究方法與步驟......................................45 第四節 研究對象...........................................49 第五節 研究工具...........................................50 第六節 資料分析方法........................................59 第四章 調查結果與討論......................................63 第一節 問卷回收與信度分析...................................63 第二節 敘述性統計分析......................................66 第三節 公務人員對工作滿意度與組織承諾之差異分析...............76 第四節 公務人員對主管領導風格、工作滿意度與組織承諾之關聯分析...90 第五節 公務人員的工作滿意度對主管領導風格與組織承諾之中介效果分析 ................................................100 第六節 研究假設之驗證.....................................107 第五章 結論與建議.........................................111 第一節 研究發現與結論.....................................111 第二節 管理上之建議.......................................115 第三節 後續研究之建議.....................................120 參考文獻.................................................123 一、中文部份..............................................123 二、外文部分..............................................126 附  錄..................................................135 附錄一 專家內容效度審核彙整表..............................137 附錄二 主管領導風格與工作滿意度對組織承諾影響問卷.............149


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