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研究生: 李玫蓉
Lee Mai-Jung
論文名稱: 太平洋學會與美國對華政策(1941-1949)
The Institute of Pacific Relations and American Foreign Policy in China(1941-1949)
指導教授: 賴澤涵
Lai, Jeh-Hang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 歷史學系
Department of History
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 197
中文關鍵詞: 太平洋學會美國對華政策
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:250下載:0
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  • 摘 要

    目 次 緒論 第一章 戰時的太平洋學會 第一節 太平洋學會之創立 第二節 太平洋學會之著作刊物 壹 期刊 一 《太平洋事物》(Pacific Affair) 二 《遠東觀察》(Far Eastern Survey) 貳 著作 第三節 太平洋學會會員參政情形 第四節 太平洋學會之國際會議 第二章 美中政策之爭執 第一節 壓力政策 壹 史迪威(Joseph W. Stilwell)及駐華使館官員 貳 華萊士(Henry A. Wallace)使華 一 美軍觀察團駐延安 二 史迪威奉召回國 三 美國官員對中共之觀感 第二節 靈活政策 壹 無條件支持國府與靈活政策之爭 貳 馬歇爾使華 第三節 「亞洲狄托」(Asin Tito)之理想 第三章 麥卡錫主義之親共控訴 第一節 美亞(Amerasia)事件 第二節 太平洋學會的親共宣傳 第三節 美國政府中的親共官員 壹 親共官員之集團 貳 太平洋學會之國際會議 第四章 回顧與檢討 第一節 美中政策之檢討 第二節 國府的宣傳工作及軍事狀況 第三節 國共內戰之局勢 壹 國民政府方面 貳 中共方面 結論 附錄 附錄一 1941-1949年間報章雜誌討論中國局勢之資料表—以蔣中正總統檔案、《紐約時報雜誌》、《大公報》為主 附錄二 1941-1949年美國國務院遠東司及駐華人員資料表 附錄三 1941-1945年美國國務院與駐華使館人員探討中國局勢文件資料表 徵引文獻

    徵 引 書 目
    一、 中文書目
    (一) 檔案
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    Utley, Freda. The China Story. Chicago: H. Regnery Co., 1951.
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    Pacific Affairs 1936-1949
    A British Observer. “The Future Foreshadowed: China’s New Democracy.” Pacific Affairs 11(December 1938):454-464.
    Asiaticas. “China’s Advance from Defeat to Strength.” Pacific Affairs 11(June 1938):21-34.
    “Asiaticas” and Edgar Snow. “Comment and Correspondence: Criticizes ‘Red Star over China’.” Pacific Affairs 9(June 1936):237-252.
    Baerensprung, H. W. “Book Reviews: Twin Stars of China. A Behind the Scenes Story of China’s Valiant Struggle for Existence by an U. S. Marine Who Lived and Moved with the People. By Evans Fordyce Carlson. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co. 1940. Pp. x+331. With many illustrations by the author.” Pacific Affairs 14(June 1941):229-230.
    Barnes, Joesph. “Book Reviews: The Battle for Asia. By Edgar Snow. New York: Random House. 1941. Pp. 431.” Pacific Affairs 14(June 1941):222-226.
    Biggerstaff, Knight. “Book Reviews: Last Chance in China. By Freda Utley. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. 1947. Pp.408.” Pacific Affairs 21(December 1948):422-423.
    Carter, Edward C. “Notes and Comment: The Hot Springs Conference.” Pacific Affairs 18(March 1945):94-100.
    Copland, D. B. “United States Policy in China.” Pacific Affairs 21(December 1948):339-347.
    Fairbank, John K. “Book Reviews: The Struggle for North China. By George E. Taylor. I.P.R. Inquiry Series. New York: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations. 1940. Pp.xiv+247.” Pacific Affairs 14(June 1941):226-229.
    Farley, Miriam S. “Book Reviews: Security in the Pacific. A Preliminary Report of the Ninteh Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations. New York: International Secretariat, I. P. R. 1945. 169 pp...” Pacific Affairs 18(June 1945):190-193.
    Fei, Hsiao-Tune. “Book Reviews: One Month in Yenan. by Chao Chao-Kuo. Chungking; Hsin Min Pao, 1944.” Pacific Affairs 18(December 1945):391-393.
    Gould, Randall. “Book Reviews: China’s Wartime Politics, 1937-1944. By Lawrence K. Rosinger. Revised edition. Princeton University Press, issued under the auspices of the International Secretariat, I.P.R. 1945. PP.133.” Pacific Affairs 18(September 1945):287-288.
    Grimsdale, G. E. “Book Reviews: The Stilwell Papers. By Joseph W. Stilwell. New York: Sloane. 1948. 354 pp. Maps.” Pacific Affairs 22(March 1949):90-92.
    Hanson, Haldore. ”The People behind the Chinese Guerillas.” Pacific Affairs 11(September 1938):285-298.
    Hubbard, G. E. “Measuring-Up China.” Pacific Affairs 19(March 1946):97-100.
    Isaacs, Harold. “Perspectives of the Chinese Revolution: A Maxist View.” Pacific Affairs 7(September 1935):269-233.
    Lapie, Pieere Olivier. “Notes and Comment: China’s Small Political Party Appeal for Democracy.” Pacific Affairs 17(September 1944):330-336.
    Lattimore, Owen. “After Four Years.” Pacific Affairs 14(June 1941):141-153.
    Lee, Frank C. “Land Redistribution in Communist China.” Pacific Affairs 21(March 1948):20-32.
    Martin, Kingsley. “Book Reviews: The Situation in Asia. By Owen Lattimore. Boston: Little, Brown. 1949. 244 pp.” Pacific Affairs 22(September 1949):320-322.
    Michael, Franz. ”Book Reviews: Sharks Fins and Millet. By Ilona Ralf Sues, Boston: Little, Brown. 1944. 331 pp..” Pacific Affairs 17(December 1944):491-494.
    Miller, J. Clayton. “The Drama in China’s Anti-Japanese Propaganda.” Pacific Affairs 11(December 1938):465-477.
    Okazaki, Saburo. “Moscow, Yenan, Chunking.” Pacific Affairs 14(March 1941):107-112.
    Powell, J. B. “China Loods Forward. by Sun Fo. With an introduction by Lin Yutang. New York: John Day. 1944. p. 276.” Pacific Affairs 17(December 1944):494-496.
    Ridley, John. “Book Reviews: Thunder Out of China. by Theodore H. White and Annalee Jacoby. New York: Sloane. 1946. 331 pp..” Pacific Affairs 20(December 1947):437-438.
    Rosinger, Lawrence K. “Book Reviews: The China of Chiang K’ai-shek. A Political Study. by Paul Linebarger. Boston. World Peace Foundation. 1941.” Pacific Affairs 14(December 1941):480-482.
    Steiger, G. Nye “Book Reviews: Prerequisites to Peace in the Far East. ByNathaniel Peffer. I.P.R. Inquiry Series. New York: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations. 1940. Pp. XI+121.” Pacific Affairs 14(June 1941):230-231.
    Stratford Conference of IPR. “The Stratford Conference.” Pacific Affairs 20(December 1947):477-478.
    Strong, Anna Louise. “Eighth Route Regions in North China.” Pacific Affairs 14(June 1941):154-165.
    Tarr, E. J. “Book Reviews: Solution in Asia. By Owen Lattimore. Boston: Little Brown. 1945. 214 pp..” Pacific Affairs 18(December 1945):375-376.
    The Ninth I.P.R. Conference “The Ninth I.P.R. Conference.” Pacific Affairs 17(December 1944):511-512.
    Timperley, H. W. “Makers of Public Opinion about the Far East.” Pacific Affairs 9(June 1936):221-230.
    Toller, W. Stark. “Book Reviews: China’s Destiny. By Chiang Kai-shek. With an Introkuction by Lin Yutang. New York: Macmillan. 1947. Pp. 260. & China’s Destiny and China’s Economic Theory. By Chiang Kai-shek. With Notes and Commentary by Philip Jaffe. New York: Roy. 1947. Pp. 347.” Pacific Affairs 20(September 1947):331-335.
    Vinacke, Harold M. “Book Reviews: Chiang Kai-Shek, Asai’s Man of Destiny. By H. H. Chang. New York: Doubleday Doran. 1944. 288 pp.. ” Pacific Affairs 17(December 1944):496-497.
    Vinacke, Harold M. “United States Far Eastern Policy. ” Pacific Affairs 19(December 1946):351-363.
    Wales, Nym. “Why the Chinese Communists Support the United Front: An Interview with Lo Fu.” Pacific Affairs 11(September 1938):311-322.
    Webster, Charles. “Book Reviews: The United States and China. By John Faibank, John King. “Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1948. Xv, 384 pp.” Pacific Affairs 21(December 1948):416-421.
    Whyte, Frederick. “Review Articles: Chungking or Yenan: The Choice Before China.” Pacific Affairs 19(June 1946):199-202.
    Whyte, Sir Frederick K.C.S.I. “The Institute of Pacific Relations and the Crisis in the Far East.” Pacific Affairs 9(March 1936):5-12.
    Yen-ti, Kuo, Translation by Quentin Hsu. “Pacification Campaign in North China.” Pacific Affairs 20(September 1947):313-317.
    Yung-Ying, Hsu. “Critics of Economic Control in China.” Pacific Affairs 15(June 1942):223-229.
    “Notes and Comment: The Hot Springs Conference.” Pacific Affairs 18(March 1945):94-100.
    Far Eastern Survey 1941-1950
    Annapolis Coference of the IPR. “Transition in Asia: Annapolis Session.” Far Eastern Survey 16(April 23, 1947):91-95.
    Barnett, Robert W. “America’s Loan to China.” Far Eastern Survey 11(February 23, 1942):47-49.
    Bingham, Woodbridge. ”American Responsibility in China.” Far Eastern Survey 18(February 9, 1949):28-31.
    Bisson, T. A. “China’s Part in a Coalition War.” Far Eastern Survey 12(July 14, 1943):135-141.
    Blankely, R. J. “The Local Newspaperman and Far Eastern News.” Far Eastern Survey 15(June 19, 1946):183-184.
    Bodde, Derk. “Report on Communist China.” Far Eastern Survey 18(November 16, 1949):265-269.
    Bolles, Blair. “Asia Policy and the Election.” Far Eastern Survey 19(December 6, 1950):221-224.
    Borg, Dorothy. “Break in United Front.” Far Eastern Survey 10(January 29, 1941):2.
    Borg, Dorothy. “China’s Red Armies.” Far Eastern Survey 10(February 12, 1941):22-23.
    Borg, Dorothy. “America Loses Chinese Good Will.” Far Eastern Survey 18(February 23, 1949):37-45.
    Borg, Dorothy. “Peace Moves in China.” Far Eastern Survey 10(March 12, 1941):38-39.
    Borg, Dorothy. “ECA and US Policy in China.” Far Eastern Survey 18(August 24, 1949):197-200.
    Carlson, Evans Forsyce. “Strategy of the Sino-Japanese War.” Far Eastern Survey 10(May 19, 1941):99-105.
    Dennett, Raymond. “Sino-Soviet Accord.” Far Eastern Survey 14(September 26, 1945):275-278.
    Dennett, Raymond. “Sino-Soviet Treaty and Reparations.” Far Eastern Survey 15(August 28, 1946):257-260.
    Fairbank, John K. “China’s Prospects and U.S. Policy.” Far Eastern Survey 16(July 2, 1947):145-149.
    Fairbank, John K. “Can We Compete in China?” Far Eastern Survey 17(May 19, 1948):113-117.
    Fairbank, John K. “Toward a Dynamic Far Eastern Policy.” Far Eastern Survey 18(September 7, 1949):201-212.
    False assumptions found in Life-sponsored report. “Mr. Bullitt’s Plan: A Chinese Reaction.” Far Eastern Survey 16(October 15, 1947):226-228.
    Farley, Miriam S. “Good News from China.” Far Eastern Survey 12(August 25, 1943):168.
    Farley, Miriam S. “The Fortnight.” Far Eastern Survey 10(June 2, 1941):61-63.
    Field, Frederick V. “The Mont Tremblant Conference.” Far Eastern Survey 12(January 11, 1943):3-10.
    Fisher, Galen M. “Outlook for Asia: Report on Asilomar.” Far Eastern Survey 16(March 26, 1947):68-71.
    Fo, Sun and Raymond Gram Swing. “Democracy in China.” Far Eastern Survey 13(May 3, 1944):75-77.
    Garvey, Eveltn. “Books on the Pacific Area: Last Chance in China. By Freda Utley. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1947. 408 pages.” Far Eastern Survey 17(May 19, 1948):123.
    Han-Seng, Chen. “Monopoly and Civil War in China.” Far Eastern Survey 15(October 9, 1946):305-310.
    Han-Seng, Chen. “Agrarian Reform in China.” Far Eastern Survey 17(February 25, 1948):41-43.
    Hsia, Dr. C. L. and Mr. T. Bisson. “Letters to the Editor.” Far Eastern Survey 12(August 11, 1943):157-159.
    Jenkins, Shirley. “Conference Comment.” Far Eastern Survey 14(January 31, 1945):15.
    Jenkins, Shirley. “Transition in Asia: Annapolis Session.” Far Eastern Survey 16(April 23, 1947):91-94.
    Johnson, Eugene I. “Thought Control in America?.” Far Eastern Survey 15(May 22, 1946):151-154.
    Johstone, William C. “The Hot Springs Conference.” Far Eastern Survey 14(January 31, 1945):16-22.
    Kallen H. M. “Reconstruction and the Chinese.” Far Eastern Survey 15(November 20, 1946):352-355.
    Lindsay, Michael. “Conflict in North China: 1937-1943.” Far Eastern Survey 14(July 4, 1945):172-176.
    Lindsay, Michael. “Military Strength in China.” Far Eastern Survey 16(April 9, 1947):80-83.
    Linebarger, Paul M. A. “The Case for Aid to China.” Far Eastern Survey 17(February 11, 1948):37-39.
    Linebarger, Paul M. A. “The Failure of Secret Diplomacy in China.” Far Eastern Survey 18(September 7, 1949):212-215.
    Lockwood, William W. “The Gi in Wartime China.” Far Eastern Survey 16(January 15, 1947):84-86.
    Melby, John F. “Bokks on the Pacific Area: The East and West Must Meet: A Symposium. Edited, with an introduction by Benjamin H. Brown. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press. 1959. 134 pp..” Far Eastern Survey 28(December 1959):188-189.
    Michael, Franz H.. “Chinese Military Tradition-2.” Far Eastern Survey 14(March 27, 1945):84-86.
    Michael, Franz. “Books Review: Is China a Democracy?.” Far Eastern Survey 12(August 11, 1943):164-166.
    Michael, Franz. ”A Revolutionized Kuomintang?.” Far Eastern Survey 17(July 28, 1948):161-164.
    Moore, Harriet. “China’s Northern Front.” Far Eastern Survey 12(December 22, 1943):243.
    Peffer, Nathaniel. “Books on the Pacific Area: The United States and China. By John King Fairbank. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press(The American Foreign Policy Library), 1948. 338 pp.” Far Eastern Survey 17(August 11, 1948):183-184.
    Porter, Catherine. “Guerrillas in the Solomons.” Far Eastern Survey 12(January 11, 1943):3.
    Rosinger, Lawrence K. “China Policy and the 1948 Elections.” Far Eastern Survey 17(October 20, 1948):233-238.
    Rosinger, Lawrence K. “White Paper on China.” Far Eastern Survey 18(September 7, 1949):205-208.
    Salisbury, Laurence E. “Report on China.” Far Eastern Survey 13(November 15, 1944):211-213.
    Salisbury, Laurence E. “Changes in China.” Far Eastern Survey 14(January 31, 1945):13-15.
    Salisbury, Laurence E. “Our China Policy.” Far Eastern Survey 14(April 25, 1945):89-92.
    Salisbury, Laurence E. “Support of the Status Quo.” Far Eastern Survey 14(October 24, 1945):297-299.
    Salisbury, Laurence E. “Personnel and Far Eastern Policy.” Far Eastern Survey 14(December 19, 1945):361-364.
    Salisbury, Laurence E. “Foreign Service in the Far East.” Far Eastern Survey 15(August 14, 1946):241-244.
    Salisbury, Laurence E. “New Aid to China.” Far Eastern Survey 17(April 21, 1948):89-92.
    Stein, Guenther. “Peoples Political Council Reorganizing.” Far Eastern Survey 11(July 13, 1942):158-160.
    Stein, Guenther. “Chungking Considers the Future.” Far Eastern Survey 11(September 7, 1942):228-236.
    Stein, Guenther. “Wartime Government in China.” Far Eastern Survey 11(September 7, 1942):190-193.
    Stein, Guenther. “China’s Forbidden Crisis.” Far Eastern Survey 16(March 12, 1947):49-52.
    Stevens, Harley. “Business and Politics in China.” Far Eastern Survey 15(September 25, 1946):295-299.
    Uhlmann, Lt. George. “Land of Five Withouts.” Far Eastern Survey 12(May 3, 1943):86-88.
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