Author: |
郭于中 Kuo, Yu-Chung |
Thesis Title: |
全球在地化之理論與實踐:以台視台語新聞為例之分析 Glocalization in Theory and Practice with Reference to TTV Taiwanese News Program |
Advisor: |
Chen, Wen-Cheng |
Committee: |
Wu, Rui-Wen 劉瀚宇 Liu, Han-Yu 鄭自隆 Cheng, Tzu-Leong 陳文俊 Chen, Wen-Chun 陳文政 Chen, Wen-Cheng |
Approval Date: | 2023/07/20 |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
政治學研究所 Graduate Institute of Political Science |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2023 |
Academic Year: | 111 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 312 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 全球化 、全球在地化理論 、全球在地化實踐 、台語新聞 、台視台語新聞 |
Keywords (in English): | globalization, glocalization theory, glocalization practice, Taiwanese news, TTV Taiwanese News Program |
Research Methods: | 個案研究法 、 半結構式訪談法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 193 Downloads: 18 |
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Since the late 20th century, globalization and democratization have become two defining global trends. For decades, numerous scholars have attempted to explain how globalization affected the human world from different perspectives. These discussions have helped shape the concept of glocalization.
This paper aims to analyze the theory and practice of glocalization using TTV Taiwanese news as an example. This article first introduces the theory of glocalization and news glocalization, including the origin of the concept of glocalization, the meaning of glocalization and the theoretical viewpoints and criticisms of glocalization. The author then discusses the strategy for analyzing glocalization, which includes attaching equal importance to global and localized news, presenting international news in local discourse, and translating international news into the local language. This thesis then goes on to present a context analysis of the production and broadcasting of TTV Taiwanese news, including the development of Taiwanese news in Taiwan, the current status of TTV Taiwanese News production and broadcasting, and the features of TTV Taiwanese news at each stage. This is followed by another analysis of the strategy and practice of presenting international news in local discourse in the case of Taiwanese news. The author examines the glocalization strategy of Taiwanese news, the methods of practicing glocalization in Taiwanese news and the strategy and practice of glocalization based on Robertson’s theory. The chapter ends with an investigation of the practices of translating international news content for Taiwanese news production, including an analysis of the characteristics of the glocalization of Taiwanese news, an analysis of the content of Taiwanese news glocalization and an examination of Taiwanese news from a glocalization perspective.
The results show that TTV Taiwanese news demonstrates the major characteristics of news glocalization: with global and localized news occupying equal shares, with a practice of presenting international news in local discourse, and with a process of translating international news into the local language. The major discovery reported in this thesis is that TTV Taiwanese news itself is a display of different levels of glocalization.
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