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研究生: 沈秉勳
Shen, Ping-Hsun
論文名稱: 住宅連環再冷卻系統之能耗與空氣品質分析
Analysis on Energy Consumption and Air Quality of the Residential Chain Recooling System
指導教授: 陳韋任
Chen, Wei-Jen
口試委員: 莫懷恩
Mo, Huai-En
Teng, Tun-Ping
Chen, Wei-jen
口試日期: 2022/06/15
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 連環再冷卻系統(CRS)空氣品質可程式控制器(PLC)
英文關鍵詞: Chain Recooling System(CRS), Air quality, Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)
研究方法: 實驗設計法觀察研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201053
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:65下載:17
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  • 本研究將連環再冷卻系統(CRS)實際裝設於桃園一處民宅作為實驗場域,但因民宅本身條件限制故取用CRS系統的風管設計。將實驗場域劃分成四個空間,使用全熱交換器與換氣風扇形成一個再冷鏈的循環。為了瞭解CRS系統於實驗場域的效益,製作了由可程式控制器(PLC)搭配電力表所組成的電力監控模組,以及NodeMCU連接多合一感測器所組成的空氣品質監測模組。並設計以二個禮拜為週期輪流開啟與關閉CRS系統為期三個月的實驗,分析CRS系統開啟與關閉的能耗及空氣品質差異,過程中利用路由器使用網際網路下載資料消除實驗場域於異地收集數據的困難。研究結果顯示,空氣品質的部分CRS系統開啟後CO2濃度總平均降低44%、PM 2.5為54%,CO2濃度趨勢與理論一樣根據再冷鏈順序遞增,並且根據臺灣現行法規標準,CO2濃度與PM 2.5濃度在任一時刻都能低於標準。電力的部分CRS系統開啟後會多出55 W的消耗功率,在冷氣部分會節省28 W,以台電費率計算一個月會多出63元的花費。並以實驗場域為基準計算了傳統全熱交換器系統造價會比CRS系統多出約2,424元。

    In this study, a chain recooling system (CRS) was installed in a residential house in Taoyuan, but only use the air duct design of the CRS system due to the difficulty of renovating the house. The experimental area was divided into four spaces, and used Energy Recovery Ventilation and a circulating fan to form a recooling chain. In order to understand the effectiveness of the CRS system in the experimental area, create power monitoring model consisting of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) with a power meter and an air quality monitoring model consisting of an NodeMCU with an all-in-one sensor. The experiment was designed to analyze the difference of energy consumption and air quality between the CRS system open and close. During the process, the router is used to download data using the Internet to solve the difficulty of collecting data in a different place in the experimental area.
      The results of the study show that the total concentration average reduction in CO2 after the CRS system is turned on is 44%、PM 2.5 is 54%. The CO2 concentration increases sequentially according to the recooling chain as in the theory, according to the current regulatory standards in Taiwan, the CO2 and PM 2.5 concentration can be lower than the standard at any time. The part of electricity CRS system will consume 55 W more after the power is turned on, and 28 W will be saved in the air conditioning part, will cost $63 more a month according to the Taiwan Power Company rate. The cost of the conventional Energy Recovery Ventilation system is about $2,424 more than the CRS system based on the experimental area.

    謝辭 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 目次 v 表次 vii 圖次 ix 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 3 1.3研究流程 3 1.4論文架構 5 1.5文獻回顧 6 第二章 理論基礎與文獻探討 9 2.1可變風量控制系統 9 2.2連環再冷卻系統 10 2.3可變風量控制系統與連環再冷卻系統比較 13 2.4能源可視化 17 第三章 實驗設計 19 3.1實驗場域 20 3.2電力監控實驗 25 3.3空氣品質監測 33 3.4實驗方法與步驟 39 3.5數據分析 40 第四章 結果與討論 43 4.1空氣品質分析 43 4.2電力迴路消耗分析 59 4.3傳統全熱交換器比較 63 第五章 結論與建議 65 5.1結論 65 5.2建議 67 參考文獻 69 作者簡介 73

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