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研究生: 王韶均
Wang, Shao-Chun
論文名稱: 平面視覺空間知覺效果X動態海報設計之創作研究
The Study of Graphic Visual-Spatial Perception Effects X Motion Posters Design
指導教授: 施令紅
Shih, Ling-Hung
口試委員: 劉素真
Liu, Su-Chen
Chou, Shyan-Bin
Shih, Ling-Hung
口試日期: 2022/07/18
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 207
中文關鍵詞: 七情六欲平面視覺空間動態海報
英文關鍵詞: graphic visual-spatial perception, motion posters, seven emotions and six desires
研究方法: 歷史研究法焦點團體法狹義KJ法創作實驗法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201553
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:108下載:0
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  • 當眼睛視網膜受到三維度空間的刺激後產生視知覺,其中雙眼線索以及單眼線索判斷物件間的前後空間關係。平面視覺空間中單眼線索為主要深度知覺的線索,從史前時代起將三維度所見的物體繪製於二維度圖像上,並隨時代發展而有不同應用。海報此種媒材隨著印刷術的進步透過大量印刷以傳達訊息,並隨著新媒體、科技的蓬勃發展,海報從印刷傳達演變出動態海報的螢幕展示方式。在二維度的海報上,添加時間、動態以及音訊的元素增加海報的敘事性,在觀看動態海報時加強情緒感受的變化,而「時間」與「空間」的變化是海報所無法取代的,動態海報因為載體的呈現方式,展示不再受張貼場合、展示時間所限制。


    While human eyes receive stimulus from the three-dimensional space, a visual perception was created which recognizes the depth of planes and judges the distance of objects based on binocular cues as well as monocular cues. The monocular cue is the primary dept perception in graphic visual-spatial perception to illustrated three-dimensional objects with two-dimensional graphics, and such practice dated back to the prehistoric age while the mediums kept evolving over time. The poster is such kind of medium that developed in conjunction with the advancement of typography, to communicate information design via printing. Evolved from the poster, the motion posters communicate beyond printing and display on the screen, which is developed alongside the new media and modern technology. The motion pictures enhance the narrativity of the poster by adding time, motion, and audio to intensify the emotional perception while viewing the motion poster, in which the change in time and space of the motion poster is something that the traditional poster cannot reproduce. Due to the flexibility of the media, the motion poster has no longer been constrained by the poster location and display time.
    This research offers a document analysis of graphic visual-spatial perception, posters, and motion posters while providing the reference of visual perception, depth perception, and the form, composition, and development of posters and motion posters. The motion posters were divided into three genres based on their purposefulness: advertising propaganda motion posters, communicational motion posters, and interactive motion posters.
    In the case analysis, the motion posters from the highly internationalized Bienal del Cartel Bolivia BICeBé 2017, 2019, and 2021 are collected. The analysis summarized that the optimal playing time for the looping posters is between 3 to 15 seconds.
    KJ Method was applied to further analyze the forms of their graphic visual-spatial perception. The result is summarized as below: (1) The motion posters can be categorized into four genres: object graphics, illustration, realism and modeling, and can be further categorized into fourteen forms, including overlapping illustration, figure-ground graphics, overlapping and overlapping transparent surface graphics and overlapping modeling, etc. (2) They can be categorized into eleven motion forms to construct the motion effects in graphic visual-spatial perception, in which the displacement, flicker, axial flip and gradation are the most commonly found.
    The study of creation is done with the theme " seven emotions and six desires", using a total of thirteen emotional feelings, including happiness, anger, sadness, fear, love, disgust, desire, vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch and sense. The analysis results of the spatial perception and motion form was implemented into the creation, to enhance psychologically the emotion delivery of the narrative, and to experiment displaying the motion posters with different media.

    謝誌 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 目錄 v 表目錄 viii 圖目錄 xi 第壹章:緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法 3 第三節 研究範圍與限制 4 一、研究範圍 4 二、研究限制 4 第四節 研究流程與架構 5 第貳章:文獻探討 7 第一節 相關文獻回顧 7 第二節 視覺空間知覺原理 10 一、視覺知覺的形成 10 二、深度知覺 12 三、平面視覺空間的發展與演進 19 第三節 海報 23 一、海報的定義 23 二、海報的發展與演進 24 三、海報的構成與形式 29 第四節 動態與動態海報 33 一、動態海報的發展 33 二、動態的構成 34 三、動態海報的表現形式 37 第五節 小結 41 第參章:平面視覺空間應用於動態海報的形式分析 43 第一節 動態海報分析 43 一、動態海報循環 43 二、動態海報秒數分析 44 第二節 平面視覺空間分析 47 第三節 動態形式分析 61 第四節 案例分析 94 第肆章:創作過程與理念說明 97 第一節 創作主題與內容 97 第二節 作品成果 100 一、七情系列 100 二、六欲系列 132 第三節 創作展覽 160 一、 展覽主視覺「七情六欲」 161 二、展場內容 166 三、其他展示方式 173 第伍章:結論與建議 177 第一節 研究結論 177 第二節 後續與建議 180 參考文獻 181 附錄 188 附錄一:玻利維亞國際海報雙年展E類動態海報入選案例 189 附錄二:動態海報循環與秒數 199 附錄三:音樂授權書 200

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