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研究生: 陳宏綺
Chen Hung-chi
論文名稱: 口譯課程之學習滿意度研究:以台師大翻譯研究所為例
Learning Satisfaction with Interpreting Courses at Post-graduate Level: A Case Study of GITI, NTNU
指導教授: 陳子瑋
Chen, Tze-Wei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 學習滿意度口譯教學雙因子理論
英文關鍵詞: learning satisfaction, interpreting teaching, two-factor theory
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:654下載:35
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  • 在台灣,口譯算是一種新興行業。最早以培訓專業口譯員為目標的研究所,當屬成立於1988年的輔仁大學翻譯所。其後,口譯教學更是蔚為風尚,各地紛紛成立翻譯研究所,開設口譯課程。如此多翻譯研究所,每年共招收數十名學生,然而,這些口譯教學的實際成果為何?多少畢業生順利進入翻譯產業?完成訓練的校友對於口譯學習經驗是否感到滿意?這些都相當值得探討。

    本研究以Herzberg (1958) 所提出的雙因子理論為主要架構,將口譯學習經驗分為激勵因子與保健因子。激勵因子包括課程內容與學習成果;保健因子則為學習環境與教師教學。以此分析師大翻譯所口譯組第一屆到第十屆校友的口譯學習滿意度。透過問卷方式,了解校友滿意度,使用卡方分配分析師大翻譯所口譯組校友的背景是否對學習滿意度造成顯著差異,並配合抽樣深度訪談,具體描述校友對學習經驗感到滿意或不滿意的原因。研究結果發現:
    1. 絕大多數師大翻譯所口譯組的校友都在從事翻譯工作。比例最高者為自由業口筆譯,其次為大專院校講師,而後為政府企業專職口筆譯。顯示大多數校友都能學以致用。
    2. 校友對於在師大的整體學習滿意比例相當高,滿意的原因主要在於就業後具體感受到工作表現上較其他同事傑出。
    3. 針對師大翻譯所口譯課程,校友建議,如能將班級人數控制在10人以下、授課老師人數保持在5人以上,增加職場上非口譯技巧的教學,並要求老師講評更加明確,便能提昇日後進入師大翻譯所口譯組的學生學習滿意度。

    Since 1988 when GITIS of Fu Jen University, the very first graduate institute in Taiwan that aims at training professional interpreters was established, teaching interpreting has becomes a trend. In Taiwan, interpreting programs at post-graduate level are now available in seven universities. With so many interpreting programs and a lot of students undertaking interpreting training each year, it is important to find out the performance of these programs by looking into the career development of their graduates and the learning satisfaction of the alumni.

    The purpose of this study is to examine the level of learning satisfaction of the alumni of GITI, National Taiwan Normal University, with the interpreting courses, using Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory as the research framework. The Two Factor Theory divides learning experience into motivator and hygiene factors. The former are the sources of learning satisfaction and the later can lead to dissatisfaction when poorly maintained. In the case of learning interpreting, the motivators include course content and learning results while learning environment and the teaching of interpreting belong to the hygiene factors. Using an online questionnaire to census the satisfaction level of GITI alumni, complemented with interviews, the findings of this study are as follows:
    1. A very high percentage of the alumni are working in translation and interpretation industries.
    2. The majority of GITI alumni expressed high levels of learning satisfaction
    3. Suggestions for program improvement:
    a. class-size should be controlled at no more than 10 people;
    b. the faculty should be expanded to include at least 5 instructors;
    c. more issues and non-interpreting skills that might come at handy should be addressed in class;
    d. instructors should be more specific when commenting on students performance in class.

    摘要……………………………………………………………………………………i Abstract………………………………………………………………………………..ii 表目錄................. ………………………………………………………….................iii 圖目錄.............. ………………………………………………………........................iv 第一章、緒論………………………………………………………………..1 第一節、研究背景與動機………………………………………………..1 第二節、研究目的與研究對象…………………………………………..3 第三節、研究流程....... ……………………………………......................4 第四節、論文架構………………………………………………………..5 第二章、文獻回顧………………………………………………………….6 第一節、口譯的類型與工作內容………………………………………...6 第二節、口譯教學………………………………………………………...8 2.2.1 逐步口譯技巧…………………………………………………...9 2.2.2 同步口譯技巧………………………………………………….10 2.2.3 口譯教學成果………………………………………………….10 第三節、學習滿意度之內涵…………………………………………….12 第四節、學習滿意度相關理論………………………………………….13 2.4.1 Lewin場地論…………………………………………………...13 2.4.2 Domer差異理論………………………………………………..14 2.4.3 Herzberg雙因子理論…………………………………………..14 第五節、翻譯學生的學習滿意度……………………………………….19 第六節、其他學習滿意度研究………………………………………….22 第七節、影響學習滿意度的人口變項………………………………….28 第三章、研究方法………………………………………………………….35 第一節、研究問題與研究架構........ ………………………………........35 3.1.1 研究架構……………………………………………………….35 第二節、研究對象……………………………………………………….36 第三節、研究工具……………………………………………………….37 3.3.1問卷初稿.………………………………………………………….38 3.3.2正式問卷編輯……………………………………………………..39 3.3.3訪談………………………………………………………………..40 第四節、研究程序……………………………………………………….42 第五節、資料分析方法………………………………………………….43 第四章、研究結果與討論………………………………………………….44 第一節、研究對象基本資料…………………………………………….44 第二節、學習滿意度問卷填答狀況…………………………………….52 4.2.1整體學習滿意度………………………………………………..53 4.2.2學習環境滿意度………………………………………………..54 4.2.3課程內容滿意度………………………………………………..59 4.2.4教師教學滿意度………………………………………………..64 4.2.5學習成果滿意度………………………………………………..71 第三節、小節……………………………………………………………75 第五章、結論……………………………………………………………….78 第一節、研究總結……………………………………………………….78 第二節、研究限制與後續研究方向…………………………………….81 參考文獻…………………………………………………………………...83 英文文獻…………………………………………………………………...83 中文文獻…………………………………………………………………...85 附錄一、師大翻譯所口譯組校友學習滿意度調查問卷初稿……………89 附錄二、師大翻譯所口譯組校友學習滿意度……………………………93

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