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Author: 陳願之
Thesis Title: 特定體育團體企業社會責任之重要-表現程度分析
The Importance-performance Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility for National Sport Federations
Advisor: 陳美燕
Chen, Mei-Yen
Committee: 陳伯儀
Chen, Bo-I
Yang, Shih-Chieh
Chen, Mei-Yen
Approval Date: 2024/05/26
Degree: 碩士
Department: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2024
Academic Year: 112
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 106
Keywords (in Chinese): 運動組織治理社會影響永續經營單項運動協會
Keywords (in English): sport governance, social impact, sustainable development, sport association
Research Methods: 量化研究
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 406Downloads: 16
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  • 組織與企業在追求經營的同時,對社會與環境的影響日益深遠。全球意識高漲下,體育運動組織注重社會責任與環境永續的風氣也愈加興盛。組織須將企業社會責任納入其治理當中,以達到永續經營的願景。在實踐企業社會責任之時,也須反思自身決策方向,因此企業社會責任的衡量相當關鍵。本研究主要探討特定體育團體專職人員在企業社會責任的重視程度與表現程度,分析組織需改善或保持的先後次序。以紙本問卷進行立意抽樣,共收集 152 份有效問卷。研究工具包含企業社會責任量表與人口統計變項。資料處理與分析方式包含信度分析、描述性統計分析、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析,與重要-表現程度分析法。研究結果顯示,特定體育團體以奧亞運單項運動協會居多,單項運動協會以球類運動為多,專職人員多為女性,教育程度以大專院校為多數,婚姻狀況以未婚居多。不同性別、婚姻狀況、教育程度的專職人員在企業社會責任不同面向上具有顯著差異,而不同面向的重要度與滿意度之間具有顯著正相關。分析結果發現,設定並達成財務目標、與其他非營利組織互助交流、避免社會觀感不佳的作為等項目應優先改善;節省運作成本、妥善控制收支平衡、推行民間社會或文化活動、提升民眾身心健康、符合社會道德規範、依照組織章程運作、重視協會永續發展等項目應繼續保持。因此,本研究建議特定體育團體對低滿意度項目制定因應措施,採取綜合性企業社會責任策略,集中資源於應優先改善之項目。未來研究方面,則可對其他非營利組織進行分析,或探討重視程度與表現程度的背後原因。

    The impact on society and the environment caused by organizations and businesses is becoming profound while they pursue operations and profitability. With global consciousness on the rise, there is a growing emphasis within sport organizations on social responsibility and environmental sustainability. Organizations must integrate corporate social responsibility into their governance to achieve a vision of sustainability. While practicing corporate social responsibility, it is necessary to reflect on the direction of policies. Therefore, the measurement of corporate social responsibility is essential. This study primarily investigated the level of importance and performance of corporate social responsibility among national sport federations, analyzing the areas in which organizations need to improve or maintain. A purposive sampling method was used to distribute paper-based questionnaires, and 152 valid responses were collected. Research tools included a corporate social responsibility scale and demographic variables. Data processing and analysis methods included reliability analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation analysis, and importance-performance analysis. The results showed that the majority of national sport federations were sport associations related to the Olympics and Asian Games, with ball sports being predominant. The personnel were mainly female, with a majority having a college education background and being unmarried. There were significant differences in corporate social responsibility among gender, marital status, and education level. A positive correlation was found between the importance and performance of different aspects of corporate social responsibility. The analysis revealed that setting and achieving financial goals, mutual assistance and communication with other non-profit organizations, and avoiding behaviors that create a negative image should be prioritized for improvement. On the other hand, cost-saving in operations, proper control of income and expenditure, promotion of community or cultural activities, enhancement of public health, compliance with social moral norms, adherence to articles of association, and emphasis on sustainable development should be maintained. As a result, this study suggested that national sport federations develop corresponding measures for low-satisfaction areas and adopt a comprehensive corporate social responsibility strategy, focusing resources on areas needing improvement. Future research could analyze other nonprofit organizations or explore the reasons for the measured level of importance and performance.

    謝辭 i 中文摘要 ii 英文摘要 iii 目次 v 表次 viii 圖次 xiii 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究問題 3 第四節 研究重要性 4 第五節 名詞釋義 4 第貳章 文獻探討 6 第一節 特定體育團體之介紹 6 第二節 企業社會責任之相關研究 7 第三節 運動組織治理之相關研究 12 第四節 重要-表現程度分析法 15 第五節 本章總結 17 第參章 研究方法 18 第一節 研究架構 18 第二節 研究流程 19 第三節 研究範圍與對象 19 第四節 研究工具 20 第五節 資料處理與分析 25 第肆章 結果與討論 27 第一節 特定體育團體專職人員之現況與特性分析 27 第二節 特定體育團體專職人員在重要度與滿意度之現況分析 31 第三節 不同特定體育團體專職人員特性在重要度與滿意度之差異分析 58 第四節 特定體育團體專職人員在重要度與滿意度之相關分析 73 第五節 特定體育團體專職人員之重要與滿意度分析 75 第伍章 結論與建議 84 第一節 結論 84 第二節 建議 88 參考文獻 90 附錄 102 附錄ㄧ 特定體育團體-奧亞運單項運動協會列表 102 附錄二 特定體育團體-非奧亞運單項運動協會列表 103 附錄三 特定體育團體-綜合性協會列表 103 附錄四 研究問卷 104

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