簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王愛玲
Wang, Ai-Ling
論文名稱: 現代漢語焦點句"是...的"已然義的分析與教學
An Analysis of the "shì... de" focus construction in modern Mandarin with Pedagogical Applications
指導教授: 鄧守信
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: 焦點新信息已知信息預設
英文關鍵詞: focus, new information, old information, presupposition
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:875下載:65
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  • 本文探討現代漢語焦點結構即“是…的”句式。研究有關這方面的文獻,雖然在過去提供了豐富的見解,然而已有的研究大都注重 “是”、”的”詞性的辨析,研究範圍大體上仍以句法功能為限。事實上他們的作用不只限於句法平面,尚有篇章功能。由於各家從不同的角度來論述”是”與 “的”在焦點”是…的”結構中所扮演的角色,因此分析出來的結論也不完全相同。如 “是…的”句式是焦點、還是話題;結構是分裂還是嵌套,以及它與”是”字句、”的”字結構的界限在哪裡?這些問題都與 “是…的”焦點句的界定息息相關,但在我們使用的教材上卻未作系統性的介紹,以至於中高級漢語學習者仍有這方面的問題。


    第三章是本文的核心章節,根據前文提出 “是…的”的定義,及典型的 “是…的”句。從歷時的角度觀察“是”的演變,及與 “的”結合之關係,並提出在”是…的”框架下,有時不可任意省略 “是”或”的”。所謂的『焦點』(focus)這個概念是功能上的屬性,代表說話者所要傳達其凸顯的信息,它能以不同的媒介來表達,在音韻上如音高、音長、音量或語調的變化;在詞彙上如疑問詞的使用;在句法上如刪除、重複、焦點結構的運用;而在語用上則包括上下文的輔助以及說話者的背景知識和社會關係的影響等。




    This paper explores the "shì... de" focus construction in modern Mandarin. Although previous research has provided rich insight into this problem, most of it concentrates on analyzing the parts of speech of shì and de and its scope is limited to syntactic function. In reality, their function is not limited to the syntactic plane, but includes discourse aspects as well. Due to the fact that different researchers approach the roles played by shì and de in the "shì... de" construction from different angles, the conclusions drawn are not entirely uniform. For example, does "shì... de" mark focus or topic? Is it cleft or nested? Where are the boundaries between "shì... de" vs. a shì sentence and a de construction? These questions are all closely related to the definition of the "shì... de" focus construction. A systematic explanation of these issues has yet to appear in Mandarin teaching materials, such that even intermediate and advanced students have problems mastering the use of this construction.

    In Chapter 2, a representative sample of six articles is taken from the literature. This sample forms the basis for a discussion on how individual researchers interpret the linguistic facts. An attempt is made to integrate the various semantic, syntactic and pragmatic aspects of the issues at hand, in addition to providing a comprehensive description and explanation of the "shì... de" construction from which the related semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic arguments presented here arise. Before attempting to define the focus structure, it is first necessary to illustrate several related concepts, including information focus, topic, presupposition, information structure, and cleft sentences.
    Chapter 3 forms the core of this thesis. On the basis of the definition of the "shì... de" construction given in the last chapter and typical "shì... de" sentences, the development of shì is viewed from a historical perspective as well as its integrated relationship with de. It is shown that under certain circumstances, the "shì... de" construction cannot arbitrarily shed shì or de. The concept of focus is a functional attribute, representing information that the speaker wants to make prominent. There are several mediums by which focus can be expressed. Phonetically, it is expressed through a change in sound duration, volume, pitch height or sentence intonation; lexically by using question words; syntactically by the use of omission, reduplication or the focus structure; pragmatically, uses include context assistance as well as the influence of the speaker's background knowledge and societal relations.

    On the basis of the definition given in Chapter 3, Chapter 4 analyzes learner errors which are shown to be caused by influences from "equivalent sentences," nominalization, native-language interference, over-generalization, teaching materials, and/or learning strategies. These errors are analyzed based upon error data provided in the literature by various authors. Errors are categorized and analyzed according to their given characteristics.

    Chapter 5 presents Shou-hsin Teng's pedagogical grammar on the basis of the preceding two chapters, proposing an optimal pedagogical sequence as a reference for Mandarin teachers and for those compiling Mandarin teaching materials.

    Conclusions as well as a description of possible shortcomings of this research are presented in Chapter 6 with the hopes that the conclusions drawn here will be used by others as a basis for further inquiry into this area.

    目錄 ...... i 表目錄 ....................... iii 圖目錄 ....................... iv 第一章 緒論 ...................................... 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 ............................. 1 1.2 研究範圍與架構 ............................. 2 第二章 文獻探討 ........................................... 5 2.1 信息結構 ............................................ 5 2.1.1信息結構的定義 ...................... 5 2.1.2 信息單位 ................................. 5 2.1.3 語調與信息結構 .................... 6 2.1.4句法結構與信息結構 ........................ 7 2.1.5主位結構與信息結構 .............. 8 2.2 漢語學界對信息結構的看法 ........................... 10 2.3.信息結構下的移位 .......................... 12 2.4話題結構 ............................. 14 2.4.1句成分的話題化 .................... 15 2.5漢語的自然焦點與對比焦點 ........................... 17 2.5.1 漢語自然焦點(句尾焦點) ......................... 17 2.5.2 漢語對比焦點(突顯焦點) ....................... 17 2.5.3 漢語的話題和焦點的區分 ................ 18 2.6分裂句(Cleft Construction) .............. 18 2.6.1. 分裂句的焦點成分與功能 ................... 18 2.6.2 漢語分裂句的變換式 ....................... 20 2.6.3 漢語句尾焦點原則與代詞和動詞的關係 ....................................... 20 2.7預設 ................................. 21 2.7.1預設和蘊含 ............................ 21 2.7.2預設的範圍 ............................ 22 2.7.3預設與信息中心的關係 ........................... 22 2.7.3預設的制約 ......................... 22 2.7.4預設與背景知識 .................... 24 2.7.5 小結 ..................................... 25 2.8文獻回顧 ................................ 26 2.8.1趙元任(1968)的分析 ................................ 26 2.8.2鄧(1979)的分析 ..................... 27 2.9結論 ................................... 29 ii 第三章 「是…的」界定......................... 30 3.1 「是…的」與「是」之關係............ 30 3.1.1 「是」的用法....................... 30 3.1.2「的」......................... 31 3.2. 「是…的」的語義.......................... 31 3.3 「是…的」的語法結構.................... 33 3.4 「是…的」的篇章........................... 35 3.5 小結........................................ 37 第四章 「是…的」偏誤分析........................ 47 4.1.............................. 47 第五章 「是…的」教學語法應用................ 61 5.1 教學語法規則......................... 62 5.1.1 對外漢語教學語法的總架構..................... 62 5.2 「是…的」研究方法與語料來源...................... 63 第六章 結論................................. 67 參考文獻......................................... 68

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