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研究生: 江慶育
Ching-Yu Chiang
論文名稱: 國三學生在浮力情境中對作用力辨識與力平衡理解之探討
An exploration of ninth graders’discernment of force on objects in a buoyance situation and their understanding of the concept of equilibrium
指導教授: 譚克平
Tam, Hak-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 160
中文關鍵詞: 浮力力平衡迷思概念
英文關鍵詞: buoyance, force equation, misconception
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:302下載:30
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  • 本研究的主要目的是探討國三學生,在處理需要力平衡概念的浮力問題時,是否能根據物體在液體中不同的浮沉情況,辨識出作用於物體上所有的作用力?以及探討學生是否能利用力平衡的觀點,來判斷在不同的浮沉情境,液體中物體所受作用力之間的關係?

    This dissertation aims to explore if junior high school students (ninth grade) could identify all the acting forces exerted on a floating object in different circumstances when they deal with buoyancy problems. In addition, this thesis also studied whether students could distinguish the relationship between all the acting forces in different circumstances based on the concept of equilibrium.

    Our research sample involved 105 junior high school students in Taoyuan County, Taiwan. A test written by the author was exploited as an investigation tool which focuses on the identification of applied forces, force diagrams drawing, as well as the determination of the relationship between buoyancy and gravity on the objects being studied. This test would reveal their conception while they worked on the buoyancy problems. On the other hand, in order to fully understand what extent students could reach with respect to the concepts of “exerted forces” and “equilibrium of forces”, interviews with 18 students via half-structure protocol were also pursued and interpreted. The results are expected to help understand their comprehension as well as the difficulties they may have in learning the concept of buoyancy. The findings are summarized as follows:

    1.When fewer forces were exerted on an object, the better force diagrams were drawn and the forces better identified.
    2.In drawing force diagrams, some students tend to identify the force of buoyancy and gravity easily while neglecting forces.
    3.Some students mistook pressure as an acting force.
    4.When students used buoyancy equation to resolve problems, they could not simultaneously consider the variation between object volume and liquid density, but rather focus on one quantity, thereby leading to some misjudgments.
    5.Some students judged buoyancy intuitively: the larger the buoyancy force is, the easier the object would rise; the smaller the buoyancy force, the easier the object would sink.
    6.Some students could not understand the real cause of buoyancy, leading to the misunderstanding that the buoyancy force would differ while an object is differently positioned in a liquid.
    7.Some students are not able to differentiate between floating and sunken bodies.

    第壹章 緒論...................................... 1 第一節 研究背景與動機............................. 1 第二節 研究目的與問題............................. 5 第三節 名詞解釋.................................. 6 第四節 研究範圍與限制............................. 7 第貳章 文獻探討.................................. 8 第一節 概念的形成與改變........................... 8 第二節 概念改變................................. 11 第三節 迷思概念的探討............................. 18 第四節 力與力平衡概念............................. 27 第五節 浮力與其迷思概念........................... 31 第六節 教科書浮力單元介紹與基測浮力試題分析..........35 第參章 研究方法.................................. 41 第一節 研究設計................................. 41 第二節 研究對象................................. 41 第三節 研究工具的開發............................ 43 第四節 研究過程................................. 61 第五節 資料處理................................. 63 第肆章 研究結果與討論............................. 64 第一節 學生的整體表現............................ 64 第二節 學生在作用力的辨識與力平衡應用的理解......... 74 第三節 學生在作用力辨識與力平衡應用的相關分析...... 116 第四節 學生在作用力辨識與力平衡應用的晤談分析....... 123 第伍章 結論與建議............................... 129 第一節 結論.................................... 129 第二節 建議.................................... 133 參考文獻 中文資料......................................... 136 西文資料......................................... 138 附錄一........................................... 141 附錄二........................................... 153 附錄三........................................... 157

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