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研究生: 洪紹倫
論文名稱: 身體活動量對老年人白血球數目及淋巴細胞亞群之影響
Influence of Physical Activity on Leukocyte Counts and Lymphocyte Subsets for Elderly
指導教授: 徐孟達
Hsu, Meng-Da
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 身體活動量免疫淋巴球細胞
英文關鍵詞: physical activity, immune, lymphocyte
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:110下載:18
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  • 目的:本研究旨在探討不同身體活動量的老年人體內周邊血球數量及比例,淋巴細胞亞群比例是否有其差異性。方法:27位健康老年人(男性10位,平均年齡67.10 ± 2.64歲;女性17位,平均年齡68.82 ± 3.47歲),依老年人身體活動量表(PASE)將全體受試者分為高身體活動量、中身體活動量及低身體活動量三組,比較周邊血液中血球的數量及比例,淋巴細胞亞群CD3+、CD3+CD4+、CD3+CD8+、CD3-CD19+、CD3-CD16+CD56+、CD4+CD45RA+、CD4+CD45RO+、CD8+CD45RA+、CD8+CD45RO+的比例及CD4+/CD8+的比值之差異性,所得數據以獨立樣本單因子變異數進行分析。結果:發現高身體活動量組有顯著較高的淋巴球比例及單核球的比例(p< .05),而嗜中性球的數量及比例則顯著較低(p< .05)。而在淋巴細胞亞群部分,在中身體活量組與高身體動量組中,CD3+CD8+、CD3-CD19+、CD3-CD16+CD56+、CD4+CD45RA+、CD8+CD45RA+有升高趨勢,而CD3+、CD3+CD4+、CD4+/CD8+ratio值、CD4+CD45RO+、CD8+CD45RO+有下降趨勢,且中等身體活動量組的老人較其他兩組有較高的CD3-CD19+、CD3-CD16+CD56+、CD4+CD45RA+的比例及較低的CD3+比例(p< .05),表示身體活動量過高時會對老年人體內的產生免疫抑制現象,因此適度的身體活動可能較可以減緩免疫的老化現象。

    Objective: This research aims at looking into the difference in quantity and percentages of peripheral mononuclear blood cells and the percentage of their lymphocytes subsets of elderly with different level of physical activities. Method: 27 healthy elderly are invited to be our participants. (10 Men, Average age: 67.10 ± 2.64 years old, 17 women, Average age: 68.82 ± 3.47 years old) According to the difference in PASE of these participants, they are divided into three groups. Namely, high level of physical activities, medium level of physical activities and low level of physical activities. Independent event one-way analysis of variance is used to analyze the quantity and percentage of peripheral mononuclear blood cells and lymphocytes subsets( percentage of CD3+、CD3+CD4+、CD3+CD8+、CD3-CD19+、CD3-CD16+CD56+、CD4+CD45RA+、CD4+CD45RO+、CD8+CD45RA+、CD8+CD45RO+ and difference in ratio of CD4+/CD8+). Findings: It is found that there are significantly larger percentages of the peripheral mononuclear blood cells and monocyte of the participants classified as High Level of Physical Activities Group.(p< .05) while the amount and percentage of neutrophil is significantly lower(p< .05). Among the lymphocytes subsets, the ratio of CD3+CD8+、CD3-CD19+、CD3-CD16+CD56+、CD4+CD45RA+、CD8+CD45RA+、shows the tendency to increase while that of CD3+、CD3+CD4+、CD4+/CD8+、CD4+CD45RO+、CD8+CD45RO+shows the tendency to decrease following the increase in level of physical activities of the participants. The participants of the Medium Level of Physical Activities have a higher percentage inCD3-CD19+、CD3-CD16+CD56+、CD4+CD45RA+and a lower percentage in CD3+(p< .05). These findings reflect that the exceed level of physical activities of elderly will weaken their immunity. On the other hand, the appropriate amount of physical exercises can possibly slow down the aging of their immune system.

    目次 中文摘要....................................................i 英文摘要...................................................ii 謝誌.....................................................iii 目次......................................................iv 圖目次...................................................vii 表目次..................................................viii 第壹章 緒論  第一節、前言..............................................1  第二節、問題背景...........................................2  第三節、研究目的...........................................4  第四節、研究假設...........................................4  第五節、研究範圍...........................................4  第六節、研究限制...........................................5  第七節、研究重要性.........................................5  第八節、名詞操作定義.......................................5 第貳章、文獻探討  第一節、免疫系統與免疫細胞..................................7  第二節、老化對體內免疫細胞之影響............................12 第三節、老年人身體活動量評估之研究............................15 第四節、身體活動對老年人體內免疫細胞之影響.....................16  第五節、本章總結..........................................20 第参章、研究方法與步驟  第一節、研究對象..........................................21  第二節、實驗設計..........................................21  第三節、實驗日期..........................................21  第四節、實驗地點..........................................22  第五節、實驗流程..........................................22  第六節、實驗儀器..........................................24  第七節、實驗方法與步驟.....................................24  第八節、資料分析與處理.....................................29 第肆章、結果  第一節、受試者基本資料.....................................30  第二節、不同身體活動量分組受試者基本資料.....................31  第三節、不同身體活動老年人免疫細胞數量及比例之狀態............31 第伍章、討論與結論  第一節、討論.............................................36  第二節、結論.............................................43 參考文獻  中文部分.................................................45  外文部分.................................................47 附錄一:受試者須知..........................................53 附錄二:受試者同意書........................................54 附錄三:健康狀況調查表......................................55 附錄四:參加者基本資料......................................56 附錄五:老年人身體活動量表...................................58 圖目次 圖3-5-1:實驗流程..........................................22 圖3-7-1:流式細胞儀分析淋巴細胞及亞群.........................27 圖3-7-2:流式細胞儀分析淋巴細胞及亞群.........................27 圖3-7-3:流式細胞儀分析淋巴細胞及亞群.........................27 圖3-7-4:流式細胞儀分析淋巴細胞及亞群.........................27 表目次 表3-7-1:PASE計分及加權指數對照表............................25 表4-1-1:全體受試者基本資料.................................30 表4-1-2:全體受試者身體活動量得分表..........................30 表4-2-1:不同身體活動量分組基本資料..........................31 表4-3-1:不同身體活動量老年人周邊血液中血球數目及比例之狀態.....32 表4-3-2:不同身體活動量老年人T淋巴細胞及其亞群之狀態...........33 表4-3-3:不同身體活動量老年人B細胞比例之狀態..................33 表4-3-4:不同身體活動量老年人自然殺手細胞比例之狀態............34 表4-3-5:不同身體活動量老年人輔助型純真細胞、輔助型記憶細胞、胞 殺型純真細胞及胞殺型記憶細胞比例之差異........................35




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