研究生: |
簡邦瑋 Chien, Pan-Wei |
論文名稱: |
運用專利分析探討5G車聯網技術於自動駕駛應用之發展 Understanding the Development Trends of 5G Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Technology for Autonomous Driving: A Patent Analysis |
指導教授: | 蘇友珊 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
工業教育學系 Department of Industrial Education |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 129 |
中文關鍵詞: | 專利分析 、5G 、行動通訊車聯網 、聯網自動駕駛汽車 |
英文關鍵詞: | patent analysis, fifth generation, cellular vehicle-to-everything communication, connected and autonomous vehicle key factors |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001226 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:498 下載:0 |
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汽車與交通運輸產業正在經歷一場轉變。過去,每輛汽車都只是個別獨立的交通工具,車輛彼此之間或車輛與周遭環境都是無法交互溝通對話的。但是,車聯網科技與自動駕駛汽車,正漸漸地轉變為現實。這種科技轉型的核心正是有著大資料傳輸量、高傳輸速率,以及低延遲特性的5G行動通訊技術。由5GAA推動的車聯網服務,被認為是市場領導的技術發展方向,透過5G行動通訊車聯網的整合,聯網自動駕駛車 (Connected Autonomous Vehicles, CAV) 將在新一代協同式智慧型運輸系統 (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems, C-ITS) 中發揮關鍵作用。
本研究運用專利分析法探討5G行動通訊、車聯網服務對於自動駕駛應用之發展。研究結果顯示5G車聯網與其自動駕駛應用,自2018年起,處於高度發展狀態。美國、韓國、瑞典、中國、芬蘭 等國為目前的五大專利技術持有國家。在各類自動駕駛應用專利統計結果上,美國為目前專利件數最多的國家,其次是韓國、日本、瑞典、中國、芬蘭、德國 等國家。依國際專利分類碼的分析:H04W 72/00、H04W 4/00以及G08G 1/00,為研究結果中重要的IPC分類。在專利權公司佔有率分析顯示出高通 (Qualcomm) 、三星電子 (Samsung Electronics) 、蔚來汽車 (NIO USA) 、豐田汽車 (Toyota) 等公司現於各類自動駕駛應用中持有較多的專利技術。
The industries of automobile and transportation are going through a transition. In the past, vehicles were mere isolated chunks of metal, and it was unheard of for vehicles to interact with one other, let alone interact with the world around them. With the autonomous vehicles and Connected Autonomous Vehicles becoming a reality, we upgrade the automobile transportation to a whole new scale. At the core of this transformation is the 5G technology standard along with its low latency and higher bandwidth. 5GAA V2X Technology is considered to be the market-led solution, endorsing regulatory frameworks and supporting technological evolution for the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System (C-ITS). Through the integration of 5G, (Connected Autonomous Vehicle) CAV plays a crucial role in the market in which the new generation C-ITS should be imminent. The study utilizes the patent analysis method to explore the development of 5G V2X technologies for autonomous driving applications. It shows that 5G V2X and its autonomous driving applications have been in a highly-developed state since 2018. Countries like the United States, South Korea, Sweden, China, Finland are currently the top five in this patent system. The analysis further reveals that the IPCs of H04W 72/00, H04W 4/00 and G08G 1/00 are significant in the research results. Among them, Qualcomm, Samsung, NIO USA, and Toyota hold the most patents in various applications. This study proffers valuable information for the industry or research institutions on the development of 5G V2X autonomous driving applications, and sheds light on the understanding of the current patent status and the distribution.
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