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Author: 陳啟文
Thesis Title: 表面處理對AZO/Si 異質接面太陽能電池之研究
Study of surface treatments on AZO/Si heterojunction solar cells
Advisor: 劉傳璽
Liu, Chuan-Hsi
Juan, Pi-Chun
Degree: 碩士
Department: 機電工程學系
Department of Mechatronic Engineering
Thesis Publication Year: 2012
Academic Year: 100
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 65
Keywords (in Chinese): 太陽能電池AZO 薄膜蕭特基能障異質接面
Keywords (in English): Solar cells, AZO films, Schottky barrier, heterojunction
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 本研究使用三種不同的酸液,分別為緩衝氧化蝕刻液 (BOE)、雙氧水(H2O2) 及稀鹽酸 (HCl) 去除 p 型矽基板上的二氧化矽,並使用直流磁控濺鍍法 (DC Magnetron Sputtering) 製程溫度分別為 298 K 及 573 K ,於基板上沉積一層厚度 100 nm 的 AZO 薄膜,沉積過程通入 40 sccm 的氬氣,之後將 Al 濺鍍在矽基板底部約 1 μm 作為下電極,製備 AZO/Si 異質接面太陽能電池。以穿透式電子顯微鏡 TEM 作結構分析、TEM-EDS 作區域成份分析、電容-電壓及電流-電壓量測儀作電性分析,探討不同表面處理及不同沉積溫度下,對 AZO/Si 異質接面太陽能電池的結構與光電特性的影響。
    實驗結果顯示以 H2O2 表面前處理,製程溫度為 573 K 時,在 IPCE 值上有較佳的表現,光電轉化率約 26.6%,且各個波段的轉換效率均大於其他兩項處理材料於該波段下的轉化率,可獲得較佳的光電流約 1.1×10-4 A/cm2。

    In this study, for the purpose of removing silicon dioxide on the p-type Si substrate, three different acids were used, buffered oxide etch solution (BOE), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl).Additionally, the DC magnetron sputtering method was utilized under the process temperature of 298 K and 573 K. A layer of 100 nm AZO thin film was first deposited on the Si substrate. During the deposition, a flow of 40 sccm argon was infused. Al was sputtered on the bottom of the Si substrate as the bottom electrode. After the AZO/Si heterojunction solar cells were processed, the samples were analyzed in three ways: Transmission Electron Microscope for structural analysis, TEM-EDS for the regional component analysis, and C-V and I-V measurements for electrical analysis. These three methods explored the structure of AZO/Si heterojunction solar cell and the influence of photoelectric properties under different surface treatments and different deposition temperatures.

    The experimental results revealed that a better IPCE performance was obtained under H2O2 surface pre-treatment and process temperature of 573 K. Furthermore, the photoelectric conversion rate was about 26.6% and the conversion efficiency of each band was much better than the others. Also, the photocurrent density reached 1.1 × 10- 4 A/cm2.

    第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 本論文研究動機及方向 2 第二章 理論與文獻探討 3 2.1 太陽能電池之介紹 3 2.1.1 太陽能 3 2.1.2 太陽頻譜照度 3 2.1.3 太陽能光電研究發展 5 2.1.4 太陽能電池原理 6 2.1.5 太陽能電池等效電路及基本參數 8 2.1.6 太陽能電池種類 12 2.2 透明導電薄膜介紹 13 2.2.1 氧化鋅薄膜(ZnO) 13 2.2.2 AZO 薄膜 14 2.2.3 AZO 薄膜應用 15 2.3 薄膜成長機制 15 2.4 金屬與半導體接觸理論 16 2.4.1 蕭特基接觸 17 2.4.2 金屬與半導體的電流傳導機制 19 第三章 實驗步驟及研究方法 20 3.1 實驗流程 20 3.2 基板清洗及表面處理 21 3.3 製備AZO 薄膜 22 3.4 電流-電壓(I-V)量測法 24 3.5 電容-電壓(C-V)量測法 25 3.6 實驗量測設備 26 第四章 結果與討論 27 4.1 AZO/Si 異質接面物性分析 27 4.1.1 AZO/Si 異質接面之TEM 成份分析 27 4.1.2 AZO/Si 異質接面之TEM-EDS 成份分析 31 4.2 AZO/Si 異質接面電性分析 34 4.2.1 AZO/Si 異質接面光電特性 34 4.2.2 電流-電壓(I-V)特性量測與分析 36 4.2.3 變溫電流-電壓之蕭特基能障(ΦB)分析 40 4.2.4 電容-電壓(C-V)特性量測與分析 48 4.2.5 光電流轉換效應(IPCE)量測與分析 56 第五章 結論 60 參考文獻 61

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