Author: |
許博庭 Xu, Bo-Ting |
Thesis Title: |
多波長與圓極化窄頻紅外光熱輻射之設計 Design of multi-wavelength and circular polarization narrow-band infrared plasmonic-thermal emitters |
Advisor: |
Hsiao, Hui-Hsin |
Committee: |
Hsiao, Hui-Hsin 林致廷 Lin, Chih-Ting 涂維珍 Tu, Wei-Chen |
Approval Date: | 2021/03/25 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
光電工程研究所 Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2021 |
Academic Year: | 109 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 77 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 窄頻紅外光熱輻射器 、侷域型表面電漿子 、多波長發射 、圓極化熱輻射 |
Keywords (in English): | Narrowband infrared photothermal radiator, localized surface plasmon, multi-wavelength emission, circular polarization thermal radiation |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 162 Downloads: 0 |
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This dissertation researches on heat radiation elements in the mid-infrared band (4-10μm), based on the metal/dielectric/metal sandwich stack structure, and explores the different metal line widths and the refractive index of dielectric materials with respect to the wavelength of heat radiation. Controlled and successfully implemented a multi-wavelength thermal radiation emitter. This double-layer sandwich structure is composed of an asymmetric cross-shaped metal structure combined with two dielectric materials of silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide. The magnetic resonance wavelength in the metal/dielectric/metal resonant cavity is first designed through simulation calculations. The double-layer asymmetric cross-shaped stacked structure can excite multiple localized surface plasmon resonances, and have different resonance modes and spectral characteristics under the incidence of x and y polarized light; then samples are made by the yellow light process According to the experimental results, five narrow-band thermal radiation emission peaks have been successfully measured. Due to the characteristics of localized surface plasmon resonance, the thermal radiation obtained by the measurement has no dispersion and exhibits polarization dependence. Polarizers can be used To adjust the emission wavelength. In addition, because the left and right-handed circularly polarized thermal radiation transmitter is helpful in the analysis and detection of the spinality of molecular chemical bonds, based on the metal/dielectric/metal stack structure design, this article discusses the upper rectangular metal antenna in different thicknesses from simulation calculations. Under the dielectric layer of, the phase changes corresponding to the antenna structure parameters, and optimized two sets of infrared heat radiation emitters with the best efficiency and circular polarization. The multi-wavelength and circular polarization mid-infrared thermal radiation emitter studied in this paper can be used as a light source to be integrated into the mid-infrared optical detection system, providing detection of multi-band infrared radiation signals, improving the accuracy of molecular recognition and being applied to specific rotation Molecular detection.
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