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Author: 張雅琇
Thesis Title: 少年夫妻老來伴-公教人員退休後夫妻相處之研究
A Study of The Government Employees and School Staff Get Along With Their Spouse After Retirement In Daily Life.
Advisor: 黃馨慧
Degree: 碩士
Department: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
Thesis Publication Year: 2011
Academic Year: 99
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 186
Keywords (in Chinese): 退休公教人員夫妻相處
Keywords (in English): Retirement, Government employees and school staff, To get along with spouse
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 188Downloads: 13
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  • 本研究之目的為瞭解公教人員退休後夫妻日常生活之改變,探索公教人員退休前、後夫妻間的相處情形,並分析退休公教人員夫妻相處之相關因素。研究方法採用深度訪談法來蒐集相關資料。

    The purpose of this research is to get a grip on the change of the government employee and school staff couple’s daily life after retirement, and to explore the situations between these people to get along with their spouse before and after retirement and to analyze the related factors of these people getting along with their spouse. This research used In-depth interview to collect the data.
    The sample was selected by purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The study participants are retired couples. Either the husband or the wife has to be a government employee or school staff, and the other one doesn’t have to be. There are five chosen couples. All of them come from Yunlin County. The average age is 62 years old. They all have been married for over 30 years.
    In the result, the most obvious changes in the retired government employee and school staff get along with their spouse are three aspects: “Health”, “Economy” and “Daily Life”. There are many factors influencing the retired couples’ life, and different factors influence in different ways. From the health aspect, “to keep in good health and workout viewpoint” and “self- health’s condition” are important influential factors to get along with spouse after retirement. The better health condition and the more positive viewpoint of keeping in good health and workout can lead them to a better quality of life in their relationship.
    From the economy aspect, “the amount of pension” and “investments, shopping” are important influential factors to get along with spouse after retirement. The amount of pension will influence the economic support in a family after retirement. The investments and shopping can easily cause arguments between couples.
    From the daily life aspects, “housework division”, “family relationships”, “life arrangement” and “retiring timing” are highly related in getting along with spouse after retirement. If the husband shares more household chores, and the wife is willing to be a communication bridge between father and children, and the early retired couples have reached a consensus on the living arrangemnts ,the quality for husbands getting along with wives will be better. And through the research results, researcher also gives retired couples, family related educators and future research suggestions.

    目次 摘要........................................I Abstract...................................II 第一章 這一切的開始...........................1 第一節 我的發想―退休父母的爭執.................1 第二節 發想延伸的疑問.........................6 第三節 名詞釋義...............................7 第二章 從巨人的肩膀看世界......................9 第一節 夫妻相處之定義及其相關研究理論...........9 第二節 夫妻相處之影響因素.....................14 第三節 退休定義及其相關理論與研究..............18 第三章 研究非一蹴可幾.........................31 第一節 研究的建基............................31 第二節 招兵買馬..............................34 第三節 工欲善其事,必先利其器..................37 第四節 一步一腳印............................40 第五節 倫理為研究之道.........................45 第四章 退休夫妻生活甘苦談.....................47 第一節 執子之手與子偕老的懋家物語..............47 第二節 含飴弄孫順其自然的晨芹物語..............65 第三節 樂天知命同進同出的實華物語..............79 第四節 佳人才子婦唱夫隨的禎蕥物語..............94 第五節 心心相印以和為貴的鴻馨物語.............114 第五章 你來我往辯真章........................139 第一節 退休生活的基礎―健康的影響..............139 第二節 退休生活的後盾―經濟的影響..............147 第三節 退休生活的本質―日常相處的影響...........152 第六章 這之後...............................161 第一節 結論.................................161 第二節 建議.................................164 第三節 研究者省思札記........................167 參考資料................................... 171 附錄一 退休相關法令..........................179 附錄二 研究參與者基本資料表...................181 附錄三 初訪大綱............................. 183 附錄四 續訪大綱..............................184 附錄五 研究參與同意書.........................185 附錄六 研究訪談記錄表.........................186 表目錄 表2-3-1 退休生活影響因素表.....................28 續表2-3-1 退休生活影響因素表...................29 表 3-2-1 受訪者基本資料表......................36 表 3-4-1 訪問資料表...........................42

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