Author: |
吳品瑢 |
Thesis Title: |
「記憶‧顯影」-照片圖像與意象再現的創作研究 “Memory and Developing”—A Creative Study of PhotoImages and Imagery Recurrence |
Advisor: | 王瓊麗 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2011 |
Academic Year: | 99 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 92 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 圖像 、寫實主義 、再現 、挪用 、拼貼 、裝飾藝術 |
Keywords (in English): | images, photography, realism, representation, collage, Art Deco |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 321 Downloads: 119 |
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Starting from one’s own photo images of living as the medium, this study is aimed to explore the existence and continuance of memory among the past, present, and future. Through image reproduction, people, events, objects, and places at the moment are exhibited and restored; in a history-like way, through drawings and paintings as links, past visual experiences are engraved, arousing the real sense of people once being together. No matter what the social status is, how much wealth we have, or how we argue people’s ideas and will, images are capable of creating a beautiful universal value. Art is really like what Kant explains, “beauty is a representation of the feeling of pleasure.”
In the works, figures in the childhood are aided with photographical scenes, realism theory in painting, symbolism in visual arts, and psychological transference; objects of living are juxtaposed, appropriated, and collaged with modern artistic methods; miscellaneous things in our life are hidden in passing memory. All of which, as if montage editing, foregrounds the sweetness and genuineness of surrealistic desires.
By discovering folk arts in the early lifestyles of Taiwan, these works let people on this land realize that 1) the inheritance and creation of culture is on the same route; that 2) Art Deco and the experiment of colors are intended to seek multiple ways of creating works. This creative study “Memory and Developing” about appropriating old photos and reappearance mental imageries is exactly a simple belief, without any criticism or complex, awakening those beautiful hours that we had before.
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