Author: |
黃膺喆 Ying-Che Huang |
Thesis Title: |
腹直肌疲勞對下肢跳躍表現與著地負荷的影響 The impact on lower extremity during jumping and landing after rectus abdominis fatigue |
Advisor: |
Chang, Jia-Hao |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
運動競技學系 Department of Athletic Performance |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2013 |
Academic Year: | 101 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 74 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 核心肌群 、排球 、肌電圖 、關節力矩 |
Keywords (in English): | core muscles, volleyball, electromyography, joint moment |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 320 Downloads: 34 |
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Volleyball players have a large number of jumping and landing in a game. It may endure the huge load on the joints of lower extremity. The joint injuries of lower extremity occur most frequently in volleyball players. Based on previous studies, the core muscles was more stable, upper and lower extremity could activate faster. Purpose: To evaluate the changes on lower extremity during jumping and landing in counter-movement jump and spike jump after rectus abdominis fatigue. Methods: 12 male volleyball players in collegiate division I were recruited. 3D motion analysis system, force plates and surface EMG were used to collect the kinematics, kinetics, and muscles activation during jumping and landing in CMJ and SPJ. After CMJ and SPJ test, participants were asked to perform the rectus abdominis training until fatigue. The kinematics, kinetics, and muscles activation in CMJ and SPJ were collected again. The paired sample t-test was used to compare the data before and after training. The significant level was set α=.05. Result: After rectus abdominis fatigued, the COM was higher while squat, and the jumping height was lower. While landing, decrease was found in the ankle moment of jumping leg, and increase of the joint load of breaking leg was noted. Conclusion: The players could not fully squat after rectus abdominis fatigued. It caused the jumping height lower. The load ratio of jumping leg and breaking leg was changed during landing, and caused the load increase of breaking leg. Based on the results from this study, coaches could strengthen the core muscles training for volleyball players to increase stability of performance and reduce the risk of lower extremity injuries.
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