Author: |
陳勁瑋 Chen, Ching-Wei |
Thesis Title: |
中華職棒球迷虛擬社群意識對贊助企業品牌權益影響之探討-以中信兄弟為例並以球隊認同感為中介變項 Research on CPBL's sense of virtual community & the influence of brand equity-Use Chinatrust Brothers as sample and team identification as intervening variable |
Advisor: |
Dong, Tse-Ping |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
全球經營與策略研究所 Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2017 |
Academic Year: | 105 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 95 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 中華職棒(CPBL) 、中信兄弟 、虛擬社群意識 、球隊認同感 、品牌權益 |
Keywords (in English): | Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL), Chinatrust Brothers, The sense of virtual community, Team identification, Brand equity |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 331 Downloads: 10 |
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The purpose of this thesis is to explore the relationship between the sense of virtual community and baseball team recognition, and their influence on the brand equity of a cooperate sponsor to prove whether the three factors have positive relevance or not. Thereby, to gain practical insights, the thesis will focus on the fans of the Chinatrust Brothers, which is a baseball team, and its sponsor by CTBC Bank. The utilized instruments include “the sense of virtual community scale,” “team identification scale,” and “brand equity scale.” To examine the mentioned relationship, a questionnaire was issued in May 2017. In total, 837 questionnaires were collected, and 795 questionnaires were valid.
The analysis determined the following results: (1) The sense of virtual community positively affects fan’s team identification. (2) The sense of virtual community positively affects the fans’ opinions on the brand equity of the company. (3) The baseball team’s identification positively modifies the fan’s opinion of the brand equity of the sponsoring company. (4) The team identification is a mediator between the virtual community recognition and the brand equity of the firm. Through the analysis and conclusion of this study, it is discovered that the team identification affects the recognition of the virtual community and the firm’s brand equity
According to the results of this study, on-line community discussions and the team recognition affect the company’s brand equity. It can be noticed that the operation of the virtual community affects the company’s brand equity not only online but also offline.
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