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Author: 林慶宏
Lin, Ching-Hung
Thesis Title: 運動詩意想像的迴盪與存有-論運動世界中的詩意哲學
Retentissement and Existence of Poetic Image in Athletics-A Study of Poetic Philosophy in the Sports World
Advisor: 劉一民
Liu, I-Min
Degree: 博士
Department: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
Thesis Publication Year: 2020
Academic Year: 108
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 72
Keywords (in Chinese): 詩意哲學詩意象詩意想像運動詩意想像運動詩意哲學
Keywords (in English): poetic philosophy, poetic image, poetic imagination, poetic image in athletics, poetic philosophy in athletics
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 242Downloads: 33
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  • 本研究以法國科學哲學家加斯東‧巴舍拉(Gaston Bachelard, 1884-1962)「詩意哲學理論」(Poetic Philosophy)作為理論進路,透過質性典範的資料蒐集以及現象學(phenomenology)探究方法,探討競技運動世界中「運動詩意想像」(Poetic Image in Athletics)的樣態形貌、運作形式及存有價值,藉此勾勒出專屬於競技運動世界的「運動詩意哲學」(Poetic Philosophy in Athletics)具體圖式。研究發現,運動人的運動詩意想像充斥在競技運動世界的所有情境之中,而運動員運動詩意想像具有「瞬間應對」、「向外擴延」、「主客交融」、「熱忱與希望」、「超越境況」五項特色;運動教練運動詩意想像則具有:「設身處地」、「後顧前瞻」、「內外交替」、「他者為主」、「冒險探索」五項特色。此外,研究也發現當運動人因為外在事物意象的觸發而啟動運動詩意想像時,其內在心靈中的意識「原型」(archetype)會被同步喚醒 (火、水、氣、土四種原型),並藉由「原型」增強運動詩意想像的功能與強度。基於探究結果的彙整與釐清,研究得知以運動人「運動詩意想像」為立論基礎所搭建而成的「運動詩意哲學」,具有不同於傳統詩意哲學的本質特性:身體性(physicality)、超越性(transcendence)、風格性(style)、迴盪性(retentissement)。最後,透過運動人想像力運作的十項特色、四種原型及四點特性的揭示與闡述,證明巴舍拉詩意哲學理論帶給競技運動世界的正向價值,同時也確立「想像力」對於競技運動世界的不可取代性,讓所有運動人,能夠因此而更加勇於想像、大膽追夢。

    This research is based on the "Poetic Philosophy" proposed by French scientific philosopher Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962). Furthermore, through qualitative model data collection and phenomenology as the research method, the shape, operation form and existence value of "Poetic Image in Athletics" in the competitive athletics field are discussed. Based on this, the author has further created a specific scheme of "Poetic Philosophy in Athletics" which is exclusive to the world of competitive athletics. The research found that Poetic Image in Athletics is filled with all the situations of sports people in the competitive athletics field. For the Poetic Image of athletes, there are "instant response", "extends outward", "integration of subject and guest", "passion and hope", "beyond the situation", a total of five characteristics. As for the sports coach’s Poetic Image, there are five characteristics “stand in one's shoe”, “awareness for schedule”, “internal and external alternation”, “priority for others” and “adventure with exploration”. On top of that, research also found that when a sports person is triggered by the image of external things and starts to have Poetic Image in Athletics, the "archetype" of consciousness in their inner soul will be awakened simultaneously (including 4 prototype: earth, water, air, fire ). Moreover, inspired by "archetype", it will enhance the power and strength of Poetic Image in Athletics. After summarizing and clarifying the results of the discussion, it can be seen that "Poetic Philosophy in Athletics", which is based on the "Poetic Image in Athletics" of sports people, has different characteristics from Poetic Philosophy: physicality, transcendence, style, retentissement. Finally, through the revealing and elaboration of ten characteristics of sportsperson's imagination, four prototypes and four characteristics, the positive value of the Poetic Philosophy proposed by Bachelard to the sports world has been recognized. Meanwhile, this research also identified the irreplaceability of "imagination" in the competitive athletics field, so that all athletes can be more imaginative and to encounter challenges without fear.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 2 第二節 研究目的與課題 7 第三節 研究課題的進路擬定 9 第四節 研究範圍 11 第五節 研究限制 12 . 第貳章 詩意哲學 13 第一節 探究想像的現象學 14 第二節 進入的態度與方法-讚嘆、誇大、耽溺與驕傲 16 第三節 閱讀的感受與觸發-迴盪與共鳴 19 第參章 研究方法 22 第一節 研究資料的來源 24 第二節 從質性典範著手-人類學的視野 25 第三節 認識論的釐清-現象學的探究路徑 27 第肆章 運動世界中的詩意想像 32 第一節 運動員的詩意想像 33 第二節 運動教練的詩意想像 40 第伍章 關於運動的詩意哲學 47 第一節 運動詩意想像與詩意想像的意向性作用差異 48 第二節 運動詩意想像與詩意想像的原型差異 52 第三節 運動詩意哲學 63 第陸章 結語 68 參考文獻 70

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