Author: |
吳佳蓉 Wu Chia-Jung |
Thesis Title: |
實踐建構式教學的美術館線上課程—以問題導向學習為例 An action research of implementing the constructivistic teaching methods in art museum online courses—An example of problem-based learning |
Advisor: |
Wang, Hsiu-Hsiung |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2012 |
Academic Year: | 101 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 379 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 美術館教育 、線上課程 、建構式教學 、問題導向學習 、Facebook社群網站 |
Keywords (in English): | Education of Art Museum, Online Courses, Constructivist Teaching, Problem-based Learning, The Community Website Facebook |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 294 Downloads: 31 |
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This study explored the online courses of domestic art galleries and the phenomenon of the courses focusing on instructional teaching. It is an action research generated by the confusion of this phenomenon.
Constructivist teaching is feasible in the art museum’s educational theories and courses; Internet has the advantage to implement a constructivist teaching. Hence, the problem-based learning was taken as an example. It attempted to implement constructivist teaching in the online courses of art galleries. Basically, it is an action research based on theories. In the beginning, leading and formal action teaching were performed, and then personnel at National Palace Museum were interviewed in order to find out the feasible and practical option for art museum. It is expected to change the phenomenon of art museum’s online courses which focuses on instructional teaching.
Results of this study:
1. The online courses of foreign art galleries seldom adopt constructivist teaching either. The online courses of domestic art museum can hardly refer to them.
2. If the online courses of art museums implement constructivist teaching, it will provide different teaching strategies and viewpoints of learning, which also can be further explored.
3. “An action research of implementing the constructivist teaching methods in art museum online courses—a problem-based learning example” found out problems in leading action teaching and modified them to result in more practical formal action teaching.
4. Effects of Action Teaching
(1) The community website Facebook is suitable for implementing the online courses of art museum’s constructivist teaching (taking example of problem-based learning). But the information should be collected regularly for studies.
(2) The methods include: A. Encourage the students to learn actively and initially; B. Guide the students to discuss with others; C. Delay the work progress, to guide the students to ask questions and enable the students to acquire the problem-based learning ability.
(3) Utilize the strategy of problem-based learning and pay attention to the training of students’ self-oriented learning ability, which can also reduce the pressure of teachers to teach cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills.
(4) It was proved that it is possible to adopt constructivist teaching in the online courses of art museum. Also good effects are achieved in the three aspects of knowledge, skills and attitude.
(5) The dominant power of learning was handed over to the students. Different groups had different results. Their learning achievements laid particular stress on the display of information technology. However the introduction of the art galleries’ articles and the depth were not enough.
(6) It was proved that students can learn related knowledge and skills from the online courses, but it lays particular stress on those in which the students are responsible and it is difficult to understand the knowledge and skills necessary for completing all the tasks.
(7) This study performed online courses through typing. This can be used for long distance learning, but it can’t replace face to face teaching.
5. The study results were shared and the people involving in the field were interviewed. The modified option for practical business of art museum was proposed.
Suggestions of this study:
1. Suggestions for art galleries
(1) Constructivist teaching can provide viewpoints of learning which is different from that of instructional teaching. It is a teaching strategy worthy for the online courses of art museum.
(2) With advanced technology, it is easier to implement the constructivist online courses of art galleries and it is a perfect time to do it now.
(3) The modified option of next circle can be adopted to implement the constructivist online courses of art galleries.
(4) Online teacher training classes, online education activities can be hold at art galleries. The cooperation between art galleries and schools can also be carried out to execute the modified option of next circle.
2. Suggestions for the teachers
(1) From action teaching, the leading method in the teaching process is induced as concrete references for teachers.
(2) The learning method of cross disciplinary indicated that it is impossible to possess all specialties. Admit your disadvantages and learn from teaching.
(3) Pay attention to the design of problem-based learning task. Give the students more time so that they can understand more completely and learn all necessary knowledge and skills for completing the tasks.
3. Suggestions for future studies
(1) Learners from farther places can be investigated to indicate the features of online courses.
(2) More studies involving in video communication can be performed.
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