Author: |
葉寶玲 Pao-Ling Yeh |
Thesis Title: |
華人家庭倫理脈絡下諮商師透過個人心理治療與母親情感關係改變之研究 A Study of the Impact of Individual Psychotherapy on the Emotional Relationships between the Counselors and Their Mothers under the Framework of Chinese Family Ethics |
Advisor: |
Chen, Ping-Wha |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2011 |
Academic Year: | 99 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 422 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 依附 、情感關係 、個人心理治療 、華人家庭倫理 、諮商師 |
Keywords (in English): | attachment, emotional relationship, individual psychotherapy, Chinese family ethics, counselor |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 313 Downloads: 57 |
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本研究選擇紮根理論為研究方法,針對十四位諮商師進行半結構式深度訪談,並選擇使用質性資料分析軟體NVivo 8協助管理與分析資料。研究結果如下:1) 與母親情感關係包含九類正向情感經驗以及十四項負向情感經驗。2) 透過個人心理治療關係,與母親情感關係主要有十一項改變。3) 個人心理治療的治療結構方面有很大的彈性和變化。4) 與治療師情感關係包含九項正向情感經驗以及五項負向情感經驗。5) 與治療師情感關係的改變主要有六項,受到自身主觀的感覺以及對治療師真實的感覺兩方面的影響。6) 與治療師、與母親的情感關係改變二者出現五種型態。7) 與早年其他照顧者關係影響與母親的關係8)在個人心理治療後人際關係多獲得改善。9)與母親之外的其他早年照顧者、權威者、親密伴侶、平輩之間的關係雖包含正、負向情感關係,但是與權威者之間以負向關係為多。10) 從個人心理治療中對自身的諮商專業工作有十二項體會與心得。11) 華人自我狀態包含個別狀態與關係狀態兩向度,共發現十四項特質。12)與華人家庭倫理信念中角色地位、家庭教養、孝道心理三方面完全相融的有二十一項,完全不相融的有二十五項,部分相融的有二十二項。13)接受個人心理治療後個別狀態下的自我有十二項改變,而關係狀態下的自我有十項改變。14) 研究發現和依附理論與治療的概念對照下共有十項相同的發現以及十二項延伸的發現。
The object of this research is to study changes in the emotional relationship between the counselor and his/her mother and impact as a result of individual psychotherapy observed among the participating counselors. Also, I intend to understand the integration of the altered relationship into the context of Chinese family and culture. Furthermore, in this cultural context, the outcome of the study of mother-daughter relationship is compared to the concept of Attachment theory to find commonality and specificity between them. Finally, a Chinese model of counseling and psychotherapy localization is discussed.
Grounded theory was chosen as the method used in this research and fourteen counselors participated in semi-structured, in-depth interviews; the qualitative data analysis software Nvivo 8 was selected to help manage and analyze the data. The results are summarized as follows: 1) nine positive categories and fourteen negative categories of emotional experience in relationship between mother and counselor were identified; 2) there were eleven categories of mother-counselor relationship changed through individual psychotherapy; 3) there were great flexibility and variation found in the structure of individual psychotherapy treatment; 4) nine positive and five negative categories of emotional experience in the subjects’ relationships with their therapists were identified; 5) while changes in six categories were found in relationship between subjects and their therapists, they were either influenced by the subjects’ own subjective feelings or their genuine feelings toward the therapist; 6) five patterns of relational change between the subjects and their mothers or their therapists were identified; 7) the former relationships at the young age among counselor and caretakers other than his/her mother influenced the relationship between counselor and his/her mother; 8) in most cases, the relationships among the counselor and other people had improved after the counselor received individual psychotherapy; 9) although the counselors’ relationships with those other than their mothers, such as their caretakers from early years, intimate partners, and peers, consist of both positive and negative emotional categories; their relationships with authoritative figures mostly contain only the negative emotional categories; 10) the subjects obtained twelve points of understanding and experience in their counseling profession from individual psychotherapy; 11) prior to receiving individual psychotherapy, two dimensions of the Chinese ego were defined. The first ego was the personal ego, and the second ego focused on relationship, the relationship ego. Within these two dimensional Chinese egos, fourteen subsequent characteristics were identified in this research; 12) as to the integration of social status, home education and reverent, loyal to parents or elders, within traditional Chinese family ethics, we found twenty-one items could be integrated harmoniously, twenty-two items integrated partially, while twenty-five items could not be integrated at all; 13) following individual psychotherapy, twelve changes in personal ego and ten changes in relationship ego were found; 14) comparing between the results of this research and the concept of Attachment theory and treatment, we found ten similar findings and twelve other findings from this research with extended meanings and applications.
Based on the results and discussion of this research, the researcher has proposed three suggestions concerning the study of counseling; counselor education, professional training, also clinical work of counseling and psychotherapy.
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