Author: |
陳宣存 Chen, Hsuan-Tsun |
Thesis Title: |
旅遊動機及目的地意象對歐洲旅遊行程購買意願之影響 A Study of the Impact of Travel Motivations and Destination Image on Travel Product Purchase Intention |
Advisor: |
Chou, Shih-Yu |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
全球經營與策略研究所 Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2013 |
Academic Year: | 102 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 90 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 旅遊動機 、目的地意象 、旅遊行程購買意願 、歐洲 |
Keywords (in English): | Travel motivations, Destination image, Travel product purchase intention, Europe |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 553 Downloads: 41 |
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Nowadays, the tourism industry is one of the most potential industries. Because of the tourism industry becomes more and more competitive in Taiwan, therefore to achieve sustainable success has became a very important issue. This study is to investigate the impact of travel motivations and destination image on travel product purchase intention of Taiwanese travelers with group package tours to Europe. This study examines the internal motivations of travelers and analyzes the attractions of Europe via the theory of push and pulls motivations. This study also uses the concept of destination image to understand the impression and feeling of Europe traveler. Furthermore, this study also further categorizes travelers by their travel preference and demographic characteristics to explore the differences of the impact on travel product purchase intention. By doing so, I could and obtain more useful information for travel product and marketing strategies. This study finds that partial internal, external motivations and destination image positively affects travel product purchase intention.
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