Author: |
周真安 Chou, Chen-An |
Thesis Title: |
中英學術引言之後設論述策略分析與教學應用 An Analysis of Metadiscourse Strategies Used in Introduction Sections of Chinese and English Journals and Their Pedagogical Applications |
Advisor: |
Hsieh, Chia-Ling |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
華語文教學系 Department of Chinese as a Second Language |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2016 |
Academic Year: | 104 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 119 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 中文學術寫作 、英文學術寫作 、後設論述 、引言 |
Keywords (in English): | Chinese academic writing, English academic writing, metadiscourse, introduction sections |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 266 Downloads: 33 |
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後設論述(metadiscourse)作為一種可以歸納語篇寫作風格的模式,在學術寫作的研究中普遍為人所使用(Crismore, Markkanen & Steffensen, 1993; Hyland, 2005; Vande Kopple, 1985)。過去的研究發現,不同語言的後設論述使用有所差異(Crismore et al., 1993; Lee, 2013; Lee & Casal, 2014),章節亦是影響後設論述的主因之一(Gillaerts & Van de Velde, 2010; Yang, 2013)。然而,中文學術引言(introduction)的後設論述研究仍不多見,過去的研究在質化分析及教學應用的方面也有所不足。因此,本文將透過中英引言後設論述對比研究,歸納中文學術引言的寫作特點,將結果應用於中文學術寫作教學中。
Metadiscourse, a discourse analysis that reveals and summarizes the features of discourse, is widely used in the study of academic writing. Previous studies have shown distinctions in the number and type of metadiscourse elements across research articles in different languages and fields. However, little research focuses on the use of metadiscourse in Chinese introduction sections. This study, therefore, aims to summarize the features of Chinese introduction sections by comparing the usage of metadiscourse in Chinese and English language research article introductions. The corpus for this study is comprised of 60 introduction sections drawn from articles published in language teaching journals. Hyland’s (2005) model of metadiscourse is employed as the analytical framework for the present study. The results show that there are similarities and differences in usage between the two languages. To guide readers through each phase, both Chinese and English use interactive metadiscourse markers frequently and extensively; furthermore, there are clear similarities in the frequency of metadiscourse markers. As for the differences, Chinese employs more transitions (e.g., in addition, chúcǐzhīwài) and boosters (e.g., clearly, míngxiǎndi) than English, while English employs more evidentials (e.g., X states, X rènwéi) and hedges (e.g., possible, kěnéng) than Chinese. The language forms are differences as well. For example, in English, authors use first-person singular pronouns to refer to themselves, while Chinese authors do not. The findings suggest that Chinese research articles follow the norms of the English language academic community, but there are cultural and linguistic differences in Chinese academic writing. This study has pedagogical applications for academic writing teaching materials in TCSL (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) for English students.
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