Author: |
張芝華 Chang, Chi-hua |
Thesis Title: |
運用NFC技術之室內導覽系統 Development of an Indoor Navigation System Using NFC Technology |
Advisor: |
Yeh, Yao-Ming |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
資訊工程學系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2012 |
Academic Year: | 100 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 52 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | Android 、近場通訊技術 、室內地圖 、室內定位 、導航 |
Keywords (in English): | Android, NFC, Indoor Maps, Indoor Position, Navigation |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 456 Downloads: 7 |
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本研究為運用近場通訊技術在室內環境中發展定位功能,提供環境資訊及導覽的系統,並透過最短路徑演算法來提供最佳路徑的指引,可藉由此系統來解決在室內環境中無法使用全球衛星導航定位問題。我們利用Map Studio製圖工具所產生的室內平面圖作為地圖資訊系統的底圖,結合近場通訊技術快速讀取標籤內的地圖資訊來完成定位功能,其特性符合定位精確及成本效益的優勢。本研究所建立的系統可透過NFC智慧型手機配合展場等大型區域所安置的地圖標籤與位置標籤來快速取得導覽資訊,並使用內建的最佳路徑服務來引導使用者到達目的地。為呈現本系統在大型賣場、百貨公司、機場等場域的應用,我們以台北火車站為例,示範導入場域內定位、路徑搜尋與場域切換的功能,未來若能結合場域內店家的詳細資訊,可以發展成一個行動定位與商務整合的系統。
In recent years, with the growing popularity of mobile communication, the mobile location technologies are widely used. However, because of the RF signal availability, GPS is not suitable for indoor localization. Now the most of indoor navigation system applied the sensor network that constructed by Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or RFID to location, but the effect of these systems are restricted by the physical characteristics and the cost of system. Per the rise of NFC technology which is combine with the advantage of RFID and its low cost and the mobile devices which support NFC come out one after another, the range of application are more widely. According to above, it become an importance issue that how to provide user a portable and convenience indoor navigation system.
In this thesis, we develop a navigation platform which applied NFC technology to orientate in an indoor environment and work out the route to provide useful and accurate information. By Map Studio production of indoor floor plan, combined with the near-field communications technology to quickly read the label features in line with the advantages of positioning accuracy and cost-effective to establish a mobile device quick access to navigation information services. By this system can immediately access to the indoor map information and fast and accurate positioning like as outdoor electronic map service that select the destination, then give the user the best personal navigation services.
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