Author: |
賴珮瑄 |
Thesis Title: |
未婚單身女性幸福感之質性研究 |
Advisor: |
Tien, Hsiu-Lan |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2012 |
Academic Year: | 100 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 224 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 未婚單身女性 、幸福感 、紮根理論分析方法 |
Keywords (in English): | never-married single women, well-being, Grounded Theory |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 1108 Downloads: 164 |
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The purpose of this research is to investigate how never-married single women perceive well-being and what factors influence their perception of well-being. Fifteen never-married single women, aged from 35 to 50, participate in this research. The author analyzes the data by means of the method of Grounded Theory.
The results indicate that there are nine core factors which bring the never-married single women well-being, namely, Job, Leisure, Social Relationship, Continuing Education, Intra-personal Relationship, Single State, Personal Achievement, Health State, and Financial Stability. Critical findings in detail are as follows:
(1) Job: The research shows that never-married single women perceive well-being from good working environment, high degree of vocational congruence, positive job feedback, rewarding salary, self-fulfillment, self-efficacy, and personal growth.
(2) Leisure: Never-married single women perceive positive emotion and express feelings through their interests and hobbies. They construct life meaning on these experiences they are involved and enjoy. Leisure time meets never-married single women’s needs for social interactions with friends and family. Also, leisure activities provide information and knowledge, develop life experiences, and obtain comfort and relaxation.
(3) Social Relationship: Never-married single women acquire rapport and support from social relationship, which satisfies the social needs of belongingness and love. When never-married single women affiliate with others, they establish friendship and devote themselves to altruistic behavior in social relationship; furthermore, they regard the well-being of friends and family members as their own well-being.
(4) Continuing Education: Never-married single women keep learning new skills and knowledge, and thus improve their vocational abilities. Never-married single women obtain psychological growth by continuing education life. Good learning atmosphere and environment reinforce never-married single women’s willingness to learn. Never-married single women continue learning based on their personal interests, they perceive well-being while learning. Continuing education is a process toward self-fulfillment for never-married single women.
(5) Intra-personal Relationship: Never-married single women build up inner peace through aloneness and solitude, that is, never-married single women establish the relationship within themselves by self-reflection, self-acceptance, and self-care.
(6) Single State: Never-married single women have a broader social support system. Being single brings less stress and burdens to them.
(7) Personal Achievement: Never-married single women perceive well-being when they achieve their personal goals.
(8) Health State: Never-married single women perceive well-being when their health states maintain at steady situations.
(9) Financial Stability: Never-married single women perceive well-being when the need of financial stability is achieved.
Besides the nine core factors mentioned above, this research also indicates that negative life events are related to affect the well-being never-married single women perceive. Certain factors that improve such situations are as follows:
(1) Self-adjustment: Never-married single women are able to adjust their cognition to perceive positive emotions.
(2) Social Support and Resources: Social support and resources aid never-married single women in solving problems and ease the stress they encounter.
(3) Coping: Never-married single women develop coping behavior and strategies to manage negative life events.
According to the results, suggestions and limitations for further applications are brought up in the end of this research.
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