Author: |
陳韻竹 Chen, Yun-Chu |
Thesis Title: |
臺灣自行車運動觀光導遊專業知能之研究─以證照制度建構觀點 The Study of Bicycle Touring guides' Professional Competency in Taiwan-Certified System Constructing Perspective |
Advisor: |
Li, Ching |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2014 |
Academic Year: | 102 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 254 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 運動觀光 、自行車運動觀光 、導遊 、自行車導遊 、專業知能 、證照制度建構要素 |
Keywords (in English): | sport tourism, bicycle tourism, tour guide, bicycle touring guide, professional competency, certified system constructing certificate |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 235 Downloads: 28 |
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The sport tourism was combined with sport and recreation. In recent years, the government and bicycle industry promoted the recreational bicycling. The professional competency was the critical elements for the next tour sales. However, the standards of bicycle touring guides’ professional competency have not been established. The purposes of this study were to understand bicycle touring guides’ professional competency and certify the bicycle touring guides’ professional system construting. From the industrial, government, academic perspective, eight experts who had more than one year experience in bicycle tour were chosen. The experts were intervied by semi-structure questions. The results were as following:
1. The professional compentcy for bicycle touring guides’ included
(1) Professional knowledges,which were “academic basic knowledge”, “outdoor practice guiding”, “related industry knowledge”.
(2) Professional skills, which were “physical function”, “bicycle professional skill”, “communication and negotiation”, “interpersonal interaction”, “crisis management”.
(3) Professional attitudes, which were “personal characteristics”, “work attitude”, “continuing education”.
2. Professional competency included professional skills and attitudes, which were included two items, “outdoor practice guiding” and “work attitude” eight experts pay great attention.
3. Bicycle touring guides’ certified professional system contructing included laws & regulation, authoritative department, qualification ratifying, classification, update and effectiveness.
(1) The laws and regulations: The certification should be lawmaking.
(2) Authoritative department: The certification authoritative department was the Tourism Bureau.
(3) Qualification ratifying: The certification should be qualification ratifying.
(4) Classification: The certification should be classified for technique classifications.
(5) Renew: The term of certification was three years. The hours of research and study training were 24-80 hours.
(6) Effectiveness: The effectiveness of certification was to have priority getting a job.
According, this research would construct certified bicycle touring guides’ system. Results of the study would provide guidance to the related organization when revising the laws of bicycle touring guides’ certificate in the future.
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