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Author: 張雅淳
Chang, Ya-Chun
Thesis Title: 迷彩轉化-張雅淳彩墨創作論述
Camouflage Transformation-The Color Ink Painting Discussion of Chang Ya Chun
Advisor: 孫翼華
Sun, Yi-Hua
Degree: 碩士
Department: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
Thesis Publication Year: 2019
Academic Year: 107
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 67
Keywords (in Chinese): 迷彩戰鬥文藝軟實力彩墨創作
Keywords (in English): Camo, Combat Art, Soft Power, Color ink creation
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 195Downloads: 0
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  • 本研究主要探討以軍人為主題的創作,進而比較現代科技發達下的產物,微電影、連續劇等等,儘管科技就能呈現軍人的力與美,但依舊無法取代繪畫。筆者本身為軍人,針對軍中生活感同身受地細節捕捉,筆者內心的投射,萃取迷彩生活,並且轉化與呈現在創作中。

    The research discusses the theme of the serviceman. Despite modern media such as micro films and TV dramas being able to portray the power and beauty of the serviceman, paintings remain as the essential way of presentation that cannot be easily replaced. The thesis transforms and captures details of military life as well as the inner reflection of the writer as a serviceman in real life.
    The introduction of the thesis includes the motivation, purpose, area of research, methodology and critical vocabulary definitions. The main concept is described in chapter 2 which builds on military soft power that is similar to art images. The importance and functionality of art images are also provided. In addition, ink wash painting artists who have adopted the serviceman as a theme for their paintings are also mentioned in the chapter. In chapter 3, the contents reflect on the inner emotions of the writer as a serviceman and the strong intention to enhance the serviceman image through the writer’s creation and art forms. Also, the chapter focuses on shaping art works, creative styles, materials and personal creative ideas. Ink wash and glue-pigment are also mentioned in the chapter as materials in the creative process of art-making to produce rich texture and quality. The study of documents and literature is also incorporated in the art works. Chapter 4 is about the creative concept and analysis of artworks, it elaborates on the ideas and techniques used. Chapter 5 is the conclusion which highlights that the writer’s art work centering on the serviceman is different from those in the past. As a part of the new generation, the writer hopes to make a difference and reach a breakthrough in terms of presenting artworks with new energy, materials and unique personal styles.

    摘 要 i Abstract ii 謝 誌 iii 目次 iv 圖目次 v 表目次 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究內容與範圍 2 第三節 研究方法 4 第四節 名詞解釋 5 第二章 文獻探討及藝術詮釋 8 第一節 軍事軟實力 8 第二節 臺灣當代彩墨的意涵與脈絡 13 第三節 藝術實踐中的軍人形象塑造 16 第三章 「迷·彩」創作思維及歷程 20 第一節 創作理念 20 第二節 創作模式 27 第三節 創作技法分析 28 第四節 創作步驟與方法 29 第四章 「迷·彩」創作作品解析 32 第一節 歌頌系列 33 第二節 專注系列 38 第三節 隱喻系列 51 第五章 結論 64 參考文獻 66

    1. 何政廣,《孟克》,藝術家出版社,1996。
    2. 何政廣,《德.庫寧》,河北教育出版社,2005。
    3. 何政廣,《歐美現代美術》,台北:藝術家出版,2007。
    4. 邱宜文,古詩選讀《附吟唱光碟》,文津出版社,2008。
    5. 南懷瑾,《易經繫撰別講》,老古文化事業股份有限公司,2017。
    6. 莊連東,《逆滲透》,五南圖書股份有限公司,2015。
    7. 陳康芬,《斷裂與生成:台灣五○年代的反共∕戰鬥文藝》,國立臺灣文學館,2012。
    8. 馮一銘、戴明德,《怎樣畫工筆•意筆人物》,明天出版社,1992。
    9. 黃俊郎,《新譯易經讀本》,三民出版社,2006。
    10. 黃朝湖,《彩墨藝術文選─台灣彩墨的歷史走向與國際面向》,台中市文化局,2003。
    11. 黃筱薌、李亞明、胡瑞舟,《勝於無形國軍軟實力指標初探》,國防大學政戰學院,2016。
    12. 劉益昌、高業榮、傅朝卿、蕭瓊瑞著,《臺灣美術史綱》,藝術家出版社,2015。
    13. 魏伶容等譯,《德國表現主義藝術》,台北:藝術家出版社,2006。

    二、 期刊
    1. 黃光男,文人畫在台灣的評述,書畫藝術學刊,6期,P1-16。

    三、 網站
    1. 百度百科:拼貼畫瀏覽)
    2. in side share:拼貼藝術瀏覽)
    3. 青年日報:戰鬥文藝氣象新 傳揚國軍軟實力瀏覽)
    4. 抽象主義的靈魂藝術家——威廉·德·庫寧瀏覽)
    5. 一戰中,讓德國潛艇也感到害怕的「幽靈船」瀏覽)
    6. This map shows every country's military camouflage pattern瀏覽)
