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Author: 楊于凡
Thesis Title: 含鎳超氧化物歧化酶擬態化合物之電子效應
Electronic Effect of Model Compounds for Nickel Superoxide Dismutase
Advisor: 李位仁
Degree: 碩士
Department: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
Thesis Publication Year: 2014
Academic Year: 102
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 64
Keywords (in Chinese): 鎳錯合物含鎳超氧化物歧化酶擬態化合物
Keywords (in English): Ni Complexs, NiSOD, Mimics
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 此研究以本實驗室所開發的鎳超氧化物歧化酶擬態化合物的 2,6-bis(((S)-2-(diphenyl-hydroxymethyl)-1-pyrrolidinyl)methyl)pyridine (H2BDPP)配位基為基礎,將其苯環區及吡咯部分進行推拉電子基之 修飾,合成出H2BDPOMeP,H2BDPOMePOH 和H2BDPCF3P 三種配位基。 將此三種配位基去質子化後與[Ni(CH3CN)6](ClO4)2 反應得到 Ni(BDPOMeP),Ni(BDPOMePOH)及Ni(BDPCF3P),並在乙腈中測得其還 原電位分別為E1/2 = -0.1815/ -0.1195/ 0.017 V (vs. Fc/Fc+)。將以上三種 二價鎳錯合物氧化後,可經EPR 測得三價鎳錯合物的訊號。利用三 價鎳錯合物與KO2 反應後,可從紫外-可見光光譜圖上確認其轉變回 原本二價鎳錯合物。[Ni(H2BDPCF3P)(CH3CN)](BF4) 2 消除O2 •−的IC50 為356μM 與含其他修飾配合基的鎳錯合物比較,發現還原電位數值 越大的錯合物,其IC50 的數值也越大。

    Based on the ligand2,6-bis(((S)-2-(diphenyl-hydroxymethyl)-1-pyr rolidinyl)methyl)pyridine (H2BDPP) previously synthesized in our lab, this work has focused on studying the electronic effect of the ligand in the mimics of NiSOD. Three ligands H2BDPOMeP , H2BDPOMePOH and H2BDPCF3P, have been designed and synthsized. After deprotonating the ligands and reacting with [Ni(CH3CN)6](ClO4)2, three complexes Ni(BDPOMeP) (1), Ni(BDPOMePOH) (2) and Ni(BDPCF3P) (3) have been prepared. The redox potentials (E1/2) of complexes 1~3 are -0.1815, -0.1195 and 0.017 V vs. Fc/Fc+ in CH3CN, respectively. After oxiding the NiII complexs 1~3, the EPR diagrams demonstrate that they are converted to NiIII species. The electron absorption spectra indicate that reaction of 1+, 2+ and 3+ with KO2 produce original complexes 1, 2 and 3. The IC50 for scavenging O2 •− of the [Ni(H2BDPCF3P)(CH3CN)](BF4) 2 is 356μM larger than that of the [Ni(H2BDPP)(CH3)3CN](ClO4)2 and [Ni(H2BDPOMeP)(CH3)3CN](ClO4)2. Comparing the value of E1/2 and IC50 of the prepared NiSOD mimics, we find that there is a relation between the E1/2 and the IC50.

    中文摘要………………………………………………………………...Ι 英文摘要………………………………………………………………...IΙ 圖索引…………………………………………………………………III 表索引…………………………………………………………………..V 附錄索引……………………………………………………………..VI 第一章 緒論 第一節 含鎳超氧化物歧化酶之介紹與文獻探討………………1 第二節 含鎳超氧化物歧化酶擬態化合物之文獻探討………..…8 第三節 研究動機與目的……………………………………16 第二章 實驗部分 第一節 實驗儀器、藥品及條件……………………………………17 第二節 配位基的合成與鑑定……………..……………………24 第三節 錯合物的合成與鑑定………………………………….32 第四節 錯合物與超氧化鉀的反應…………………...…..39 第三章 結果與討論 第一節 鎳金屬錯合物之結構比較..…………...…………40 第二節 液態中鎳金屬錯合物之光譜及比較………………….44 第三節 鎳錯合物與KO2之反應性……….……………………56 第四章 結論與展望………...…………………………………….…....59 參考文獻…………………………………………………………….….61

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