Author: |
蔡劻翰 Tsai, Kuang-Han |
Thesis Title: |
穿戴式裝置提升大學生身體活動量與學習動機:目標設定調節效果 Wearable device enhances college students' physical activity and learning motivation: goal setting adjustment effect |
Advisor: |
Lin, Ching-Ping |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2020 |
Academic Year: | 108 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 77 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | WisMe運動手環 、體適能 、資訊科技 、卡路里消耗 、中高強度身體活動時間 、步數 |
Keywords (in English): | WisMe sports bracelet, physical fitness, information technology, calorie consumption, medium and high intensity physical activity time, number of steps |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 422 Downloads: 0 |
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現在為資訊科技發展快速的時代,大學生是主要使用族群之一,且大學生有身體活動參與不足與久坐問題,體育課作為大學生參與運動主要途徑之一,為改善大學生身體活動參與必須從體育課開始。研究目的: 本研究旨在透過穿戴式裝置配合目標設定調節體適能教學改善大學生身體活動量與學習動機。研究方法: 本研究採用準實驗設計法 (時間系列設計),研究對象為107年第二學期修習大學體適能課程一個班級,共40人。將八週實驗教學分為四個期間來探討不同目標設定期間大學生體育課身體活動量改變情形。透過二因子混合設計變異數分析 (Two-way Mixed Design) 來分析在實驗教學四個期間,學生身體活動改變情形,以及不同身體質量指數大學生差異情形。透過成對樣本t檢定 (Paired Sample t test) 了解大學生在實驗教學前後學習動機差異情形。並透過運動手環配合目標設定回饋單等質性資料蒐集了解穿戴式裝置配合目標設定對大學生影響情形。研究結果: 一、大學生在四個目標設定期中,目標設定後 (前、中、後) 在卡路里消耗量、中高強度身體活動時間與步數上皆顯著高於無目標設定期。 二、不同身體質量指數大學生在八週實驗教學後在卡路里消耗量、中高強度身體活動時間與步數上皆無顯著差異。三、大學生在八週實驗教學後學習動機顯著高於教學前。結論: 一、穿戴式裝置配合目標設定調節體適能教學有助於提升大學生課堂身體活動量。 二、穿戴式裝置配合目標設定調節體適能教學後不同身體質量指數大學生身體活動量上無顯著差異。 三、穿戴式裝置配合目標設定調節體適能教學有助於提升大學生體適能課學習動機。
College students have insufficient physical activity, so this study will improve this problem through physical education courses. Purposes: Improve the physical activity and motivation of college students through wearable devices and goal setting to adjust physical fitness teaching. Method: The study consisted of 40 students who took a course in college physical fitness. Through the Two-way Mixed Design analyze the students' physical activity changes during the experimental teaching, and the difference in physical activity between college students with different body mass index. Through Paired Sample t test analyze the difference in learning motivation between college students before and after experimental teaching. Result: 1. The physical activity data of college students during all goal setting periods were significantly higher than the no-goal setting period. 2. There was no significant difference in all physical activity data between the students with different body mass index after the experimental teaching. 3. The motivation of college students after experimental teaching is significantly higher than that before teaching. Conclusion: 1. This kind of teaching intervention helps to improve the amount of physical activity in college students. 2. There is no significant difference in the physical activity of college students with different body mass index after such teaching intervention.3. This kind of teaching intervention helps to improve the motivation of college students' fitness classes.
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