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Author: 郝婷
Hao, Ting
Thesis Title: 甲酸與乙酸在Ge(100)表面的吸附與熱分解反應
Adsorption and Thermal Decomposition of Formic Acid and Acetic Acid on Ge(100)
Advisor: 洪偉修
Hung, Wei-Hsiu
Degree: 碩士
Department: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
Thesis Publication Year: 2012
Academic Year: 100
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 79
Keywords (in Chinese): 甲酸乙酸吸附熱分解
Keywords (in English): formic acid, acetic acid, adsorption, thermal decomposition
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 215Downloads: 2
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  在105K時,曝露甲酸於鍺(100)表面,會同時產生未分解的甲酸分子、和斷氧氫鍵分解的甲酸鹽(單螯結構, monodentate)吸附於表面;依照曝露量多寡,在275K未分解的甲酸會脫附或分解,部份分解的甲酸鹽會再轉換成另一種最穩定的吸附態結構(雙螯結構, bidentate);當溫度升至470K時表面進行兩個競爭反應,為分解的甲酸鹽脫附或轉換成雙螯吸附態;約525K雙螯吸附態也開始脫附或生成CO2離去。因此甲酸在鍺(100)表面熱分解的產物為HCOOH、CO2和H2。

The adsorption and thermal reactions of formic acid (HCOOH) and acetic acid (CH3COOH) on Ge(100) surface were studied with temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The desorption products of thermal reactions were monitored by TPD and the reaction intermediates were identified with XPS using synchrotron radiation.
At 105 K, HCOOH molecules either adsorb molecularly or dissociate to form surface formate for all durations of exposure. Chemisorbed HCOOH desorbs intact or dissociates to form surface formate (monodentate formate) on annealing to 275 K, whereas a portion of surface formates further transfers into a more stable configuration (bidentate formate). On annealing to 470 K, surface formates ether recombine with surface H to evolve HCOOH or transfer into bidentate formate by reacting with Ge adatoms. Finally, the bidentate formates undergo recombinative desorption or decomposition to desorb CO2. The products for thermal reaction of formic acid on Ge(100) are HCOOH, CO2, and H2.
To understand the influence of longer carbon chain to the mechanism, we investigated the thermal reaction of acetic acid (CH3COOH) on Ge(100). Acetic acid undergoes thermal reaction with similar mechanisms as formic acid, but proceeds exclusively recombinative desorption rather than formation of the other products. The detailed mechanisms of thermal reactions on Ge(100) are studied and discussed in this dissertation.

總目錄 I 圖目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 謝誌 VII 摘要 X Abstract XI 第一章、序論 1 1.1 鍺材料的起源 1 1.2 鍺(100)表面特性 3 1.3 鍺的反應介紹 7 1.3.1 鍺表面的鈍化反應 7 1.4 羧酸在矽、鍺表面的發展 11 第二章、實驗部分 13 2.1 超真空系統 13 2.2 實驗系統裝置 14 2.3 同步加速器光源 15 2.4 X-ray光電子能譜(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,XPS) 18 2.5 程溫脫附質譜(Temperature programmed desorption,TPD) 22 2.6 實驗步驟 26 2.6.1 鍺(100)晶片表面的設置與清潔 26 2.6.2 實驗操作 27 2.6.3 樣品清單與純化 28 第三章、甲酸在鍺(100)表面的吸附與熱分解反應 29 3.1 結果與討論 29 第四章、乙酸在鍺(100)表面的吸附與熱分解反應 51 4.1 結果與討論 51 第五章、甲酸、乙酸在鍺(100)表面熱分解反應的比較 66 5.1 不同吸附態的結構與反應途徑 66 5.2 吸附態BD的結構 68 5.3 不同吸附態升溫後脫附的反應途徑 68 5.4 甲酸、乙酸BD結構升溫脫附比較 70 5.5 乙酸在鍺(100)表面與在矽(100)表面的比較 71 5.6 甲酸、乙酸在鍺(100)表面的反應統整 74 第六章、總結 75 第七章、參考文獻 77

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