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Author: 林子揚
Lin Tzu Yang
Thesis Title: 優秀女子網球雙打比賽主要得分技術之探討-以2008年海碩盃女子職業網球雙打為例
The Winning Advantage of Outstanding Women Tennis Players: Case Study on Professional Women’s Doubles Players in the 2008 OEC Taipei Ladies Open
Advisor: 劉錦璋
Liu, Gin-Chang
Degree: 碩士
Department: 運動競技學系
Department of Athletic Performance
Thesis Publication Year: 2009
Academic Year: 97
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 48
Keywords (in Chinese): 網球雙打得分優勢
Keywords (in English): tennis, doubles, winning advantage
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 267Downloads: 24
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  • 摘要
    目的:探討優秀女子網球選手在雙打比賽中整體、保發球局及破發球局中各項得分技術(發球、接發球、截擊及底線)和相關變項(Aces 率、雙發失誤率、一發贏球率、二發贏球率、一發接發球贏球率、二發接發球贏球率)之情形。方法:以2008年海碩盃女子職業網球公開賽晉級女子雙打16強至決賽賽事之優秀網球選手為研究對象,經Excel資料統整及樞紐分析交叉比對後,分別以描述統計的方式呈現。結果:雖然獲勝與落敗選手在整體、保發球局及接發球局中的各項得分比率之排列皆相同,但在相關變項中獲勝選手在一發贏球率、二發贏球率、一發接發球贏球率、二發接發球贏球率皆有較高於落敗選手的現象。另外,不論是優秀女子網球選手、獲勝與落敗選手或冠軍與其他獲勝選手在整體雙打比賽中皆以截擊贏球率為主要得分技術,在接發球局皆以接發球技術為主要得分技術。不過,冠軍選手與其他獲勝選手在保發球局時主要得分技術有所差異,冠軍選手以截擊與發球為主要得分技術,而其他獲勝選手則以發球與底線為主要得分技術。結論:1.優秀女子網球雙打選手在各項得分技術表現方面,整體以截擊為主,保發球局以發球為主,而破發球局以接發球為主。2.獲勝選手贏球的重要關鍵可能是因為在相關變項上優於落敗選手。3.冠軍選手與其他獲勝選手在保發球局中主要得分技術有所差異,冠軍選手以直接而有效的截擊技術為主,而其他獲勝選手則停留以底線技術為主,此點可能是影響獲得冠軍的重要關鍵。

    Objective: The objective of this thesis is to explore the overall use of techniques (including serve, return of serve, volley, and ground stroke techniques) by outstanding female tennis players during doubles matches, service games and receiving games. Point-winning related variables (including percentage of aces and double faults, winning percentage on first serve and on second serve, winning percentage on return of first serve and on return of second serve) are also analyzed in this research.Method: Starting from the fourth round up to the finals, players of the women’s doubles category in the 2008 OEC Taipei Ladies Open were closely examined for this study, Excel and pivot analysis were used for cross-examination of the data and figures compiled from their matches, and descriptive statistics of the results are shown in this research. Result: Although results showed that there were no differences in the order of winning rate in the use of overall, service and service-returning techniques between winning and losing players, the related variables in percentage of aces and double faults, winning percentage on first serve and on second serve, winning percentage on return of first serve and on return of second serve were higher for winning players than those for losing players. In addition, the key winning techniques used in doubles matches by outstanding female players, winning players, as well as losing players were their net-approaching winning rate; their service-return ability was the main winning technique in receiving games. However, the champion team, compared with the other players, showed difference in the use of winning techniques in service games--volley and service skills were the main winning techniques for the tournament-winners, while ground strokes and services skills were the main winning techniques for other players.Conclusion: 1. Outstanding female doubles players relied on the excellence of their volleying ability as the key winning technique during doubles matches, while their service ability was key during their service games, and their return of serve the key during receiving games. 2. The most important factor for players to win matches is perhaps associated with the difference in related variables 3. The champion team of the tournament showed different winning techniques from other winning players during service games. The tournament-winners relied mainly on effective volley skills, while other players relied mainly on their baseline game—which could be a chief factor that is connected to whether the players are able to win the entire tournament or not.

    目次 中文摘要------------------------------- i 英文摘要------------------------------- i 目 次------------------------------- iii 圖 次------------------------------- vi 表 次------------------------------- vii 第壹章、緒論 一、問題背景---------------------------- 01 二、研究目的---------------------------- 04 三、名詞操作性定義----------------------- 04 四、研究範圍---------------------------- 06 第貳章、文獻探討 一、網球雙打基本技術介紹及重要性---------- 07 二、網球雙打比賽戰略之相關文獻------------ 10 三、女子網球雙打技戰術分析之相關研究------- 13 四、本章總結---------------------------- 15 第參章、研究方法與步驟 一、拍攝對象---------------------------- 16 二、拍攝時間與地點----------------------- 16 三、拍攝流程---------------------------- 17 四、實驗器材與佈置----------------------- 18 五、研究方法與步驟----------------------- 19 六、影帶分析與記錄----------------------- 19 七、資料處理與統計分析------------------- 20 第肆章 、結果 一、比較優秀女子網球選手在雙打比賽中整體、保發球局及破發球局的各項得分技術及相關變項之情形------------------ 21 二、比較獲勝與落敗選手在整體、發球局及接發球局中各項得分技術及相關變項之情形------------------------------ 24 三、比較冠軍與其他獲勝選手在發球局與接發球局中相關變項及各項得分技術之情形-------------------------------- 30 第伍章、討論與結論 一、比較優秀女子網球選手在雙打比賽中的整體、保發球局及破發球局中各項得分技術之情形------------------------- 35 二、比較獲勝與落敗選手在整體、發球局及接發球局中各項得分技術及相關變項之情形------------------------------ 38 三、比較冠軍與其他獲勝選手在發球局及接發球局中各項得分技術之情形 ----------------------------------------42 第陸章 、結論與建議 一、結論-------------------------------- 45 二、建議-------------------------------- 45 引用文獻 中文部份-------------------------------- 46 英文部分-------------------------------- 47 附錄 附錄1---------------------------------- 48 圖次 圖1 拍攝流程圖---------------------------------- 17 圖2 拍攝佈置圖---------------------------------- 18 圖3 優秀女子網球選手在整體的各項得分技術之表現------ 22 圖4 整體在保發球局中各項得分技術------------------ 24 圖5 整體在破發球局中各項得分技術------------------ 24 圖6 獲勝選手在整體各項得分技術-------------------- 25 圖7 落敗選手在整體各項得分技術-------------------- 25 圖8 獲勝與落敗選手在整體相關變項之表現------------- 27 圖9 獲勝選手在保發球局中各項得分技術--------------- 28 圖10 落敗選手在保發球局中各項得分技術---------------28 圖11 獲勝選手在破發球局中各項得分技術---------------29 圖12 落敗選手在破發球局中各項得分技術---------------29 圖13 冠軍與其他獲勝選手在發球局中相關變項之表現------31 圖14 冠軍選手在保發球局中各項得分技術--------------- 32 圖15 其他獲勝選手在保發球局中各項得分技術------------32 圖16 冠軍選手在破發球局中各項得分技術--------------- 34 圖17 其他獲勝選手在破發球局中各項得分技術----------- 34 表次 表1優秀女子網球選手在整體的各項得分技術之表現 ----------------22 表2優秀女子網球選手在整體相關變項之表現----------------------23 表3優秀女子網球選手在保發球局及破發球局中各項得分技術之表現---- 24 表4獲勝與落敗選手在整體各項得分技術之表現------------------- 25 表5獲勝與落敗選手在整體相關變項之表現----------------------- 26 表6獲勝與落敗選手在保發球局中各項得分技術之表現-------------- 28 表7獲勝與落敗選手在破發球局中各項得分技術之表現-------------- 29 表8冠軍與其他獲勝選手在發球局中相關變項之表現 ----------------31 表9冠軍與其他獲勝選手在保發球局中各項得分技術之表現----------- 32 表10冠軍與其他獲勝選手在破發球局中各項得分技術之表現----------33

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