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Author: 吳治緯
Thesis Title: 石墨烯中電子電子交互作用之研究
Current-Current correlator in Graphene
Advisor: 高賢忠
Degree: 碩士
Department: 物理學系
Department of Physics
Thesis Publication Year: 2014
Academic Year: 102
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 54
Keywords (in Chinese): 石墨稀量子場論微擾理論
Keywords (in English): Graphene, QFT, Perturbation theory
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 216Downloads: 25
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  • 在本文中,我們利用量子場論計算了Graphene電子間交互作用對current-current
    correlator造成的一階修正。這個結果可以用來計算Graphene的conductivity 。

    In this paper, we use quantum eld theory to calculate current-current correlator
    in Graphene to rst order in electron-electron interaction. The result can be used
    to calculate the correction to the conductivity of Graphene.

    1 Introduction 1 2 Vacuum polarization 4 3 First order correction of perturbation to current-current correla- tor 9 4 Conclusion 23 Reference 24 Appendices 25 A Tensor analysis for egg diagram 25 B Tensor analysis for self energy diagram 46

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