Author: |
賴韻如 |
Thesis Title: |
鷹架式探究課程對學生心智模式和科學解釋之影響:以板塊構造學說為例 |
Advisor: | 許瑛玿 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
地球科學系 Department of Earth Sciences |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2009 |
Academic Year: | 97 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 178 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 科學探究 、鷹架 、心智模式 、科學解釋 |
Keywords (in English): | Scientific Inquiry, Scaffolding, Mental Model, Scientific Explanation |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 353 Downloads: 26 |
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This study aims to examine the effects of different scaffolds on student mental model and scientific explanation through the data analysis of worksheets, interviews, and students’ responses of open-end questions. After adopting experiment methodology, the researchers selected 81 tenth graders at Taipei city as participants to receive the scaffolding inquiry curriculum in the topic of tectonics. The main results indicated that student’s mental models of earth inner structure had no significant difference before and after the curriculum, but in the plate dynamics and terrain structure in Taiwan area were had significant improved after the curriculum. It is possibly because the earthquake software provided visualizations to help students reveal underlying meaning of the data. For scientific explanatory, the students had significantly improved in the overall scientific explanation, describing supporting evidences, and reasoning. After grouping students into two experimental groups, two versions of the scaffolding inquiry curriculum including complete scaffolding and simply scaffolding were administrated. The results showed that the students in the complete scaffolding group performed no significantly different than those in the simple scaffolding group in their mental models of earth inner structure and the plate dynamics. However, the students in the complete scaffolding group performed significantly better in the mental model of terrain structure nearby Taiwan, describing supporting evidences, reasoning and overall scientific explanation. It is because that the complete scaffolding version provided written prompts in the activity sheets to help students inquiry from simple to complex tasks and to guide them to reveal the meaning of representations in the visualization tool which could promote students’ constructing correct mental models and reasoning based on evidences.
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