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Author: 劉志杰
Lao, Hans Brynner
Thesis Title: The tensor to scalar ratio in primordial inflation with thermal dissipation
The tensor to scalar ratio in primordial inflation with thermal dissipation
Advisor: 李沃龍
Lee, Wo-Lung
Degree: 碩士
Department: 物理學系
Department of Physics
Thesis Publication Year: 2017
Academic Year: 105
Language: 英文
Number of pages: 76
Keywords (in Chinese): cosmologybig banginflationwarm inflation
Keywords (in English): cosmology, big bang, inflation, warm inflation
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 153Downloads: 2
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  • 無中文摘要

    Inflationary theory is the prime candidate for solving the flatness, horizon, monopole problem that are encountered in the standard Big Bang, it also provides a way for seeding the large scale structure that we see today. In this thesis we study the behavior of the tensor to scalar ratio in the context of warm inflation where there is a dissipation present due to the interaction between the inflaton and other fields which are neglected in the standard cold inflation. We will also provide another approach on determining the observables during inflation by solving the evolution of the quantities in question. The tensor to scalar ratio can be approximated using the slow-roll parameters, this in turn can be used to check the authenticity of the approach taken. We fix the number of e-folding to be 60 before the end of inflation.

    Contents Abstract 1 Introduction 1 2 Standard Big Bang Cosmology 2 2.1 Expansion of the Universe 3 2.2 Einstein’s equations 4 2.3 Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Cosmology 4 3 Cosmic Inflation Paradigm 9 3.1 Conformal Space and Horizons 9 3.2 Big Bang Problems 12 3.3 Shrinking Hubble Sphere 14 3.4 Dynamics of the Inflaton 15 3.5 Slow-Roll Inflation 17 3.6 Perturbations from Inflation 19 3.7 Reheating 20 4 Warm Inflation in General 22 4.1 Warm Inflation Dynamics 22 4.2 Slow-Roll Warm Inflation 24 4.3 Primordial Power Spectrum 27 4.4 Analytic Solution 29 5 Warm Inflation Models 32 5.1 Chaotic Inflation 33 5.2 Higgs-like Inflation 43 5.3 Axion Inflation 54 6 Conclusion 66 A Scalar Field Theory 67 B Perturbations during Inflation 69 B.1 Scalar, vector, tensor decomposition 69 B.2 Quantum to Classical Scale 71 B.3 Statistics of Cosmological Perturbations 71 B.4 Scalar Perturbations 73 B.5 Tensor Perturbations 73 C Notations and Conventions 74 Bibliography 75

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