Author: |
鍾逸茹 |
Thesis Title: |
消費者對圖書出版品牌認知與影響之研究 Consumers‟ brand recognition and its effects in books publishing market |
Advisor: | 陳昭珍 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
圖書資訊學研究所 Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2010 |
Academic Year: | 98 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 134 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 圖書出版 、電子書 、品牌認知 、知覺風險 、購買意願 |
Keywords (in English): | books publishing, e-book, brand recognition, brand recognition, purchase intention |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 260 Downloads: 14 |
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1. 紙本圖書出版品牌的特色聯想與忠誠度愈高愈能提升紙本圖書的購買意願;
2. 價格是消費者在選購紙本圖書與電子書產品的考量主因;
3. 消費者在選購電子書產品時,重視價格與使用安全性;
4. 紙本圖書出版品牌所代表的良好品質可降低金錢損失風險,提升紙本圖書與其電子書產品的購買意願。
Nowadays, the brand management is emphasized for enlarging their market share by strengthening the association and loyalty for consumers. However, the production process improved by the information technology not only brings the opportunity of the e-publishing, but also changes the used way of reading and consuming books. This study aims to analyze the way of building and managing brand in the traditional publishing market, to investigate how the brand to impact on consumers‟ perceived risk and purchase intention in the consumption of books and e-books, and to provide the proper direction for the brand managment. In order to investigate the normal consumers‟ brand recognition and its effects on their purchase behavior, the consumer books publishing market is particularly focused on. In this study, for analysing the books publishing brand elements based on the industrial structure of the books publishing industry, quantitative methods are applying to measuring the brand recognition underlying these brand elememts. By using statistical methods such as ANOVA and regression analysis, it is inspected that the variance of consumers‟ brand recognition among these proposed brand elements and the effect of consumers‟ brand recognition on both consumers‟ perceived risk and purchase intention in the consumption of books and e-books.
The results of this study revealed that consumers have insignificant difference among the consumers‟ brand recognitions of the books publishing market, including “brand awareness/association”, “perceived quality”, and “brand loyalty”, underlying theses propsed brand elements which are “author”, “title/series”, “publisher”, and “distributor.” Besides, the well brand awareness/association and brand loyalty would increase the consumers‟ book purchase intention. Financial risk is the most powerful variable of the direct effect on the consumers‟ intention to purchase books; financial risk and physical risk are the only two variables of the direct effect on their intention to purchase e-books. Purchase intentions in both books and e-books could be increased within reducing the financial risk of purchasing through enhancing the perceived quality. Therefore, there are some conclusions in this study as follows:
1. The enhanced brand association and loyalty of books publishing would increase consumers‟ books purchase intention significantly;
2. Price is the main consideration in the consumption of both books and e-books;
3. Price and the safety in use are important factors when the consumer select e-book products;
4. The good perceived quality of books publishing brand lowers the financial risk and increases purchase intentions in the consumption of books and e-books.
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