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Author: 羅暐翔
Thesis Title: 國中學生發展性資產與吸菸意向及吸菸行為之相關研究
Advisor: 李景美
Degree: 碩士
Department: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
Thesis Publication Year: 2009
Academic Year: 98
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 177
Keywords (in Chinese): 發展性資產國中生青少年吸菸意向吸菸行為
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 327Downloads: 42
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  • 本研究主要目的在探討台中縣太平市公立國中青少年發展性資產、吸菸意向與吸菸行為的現況,並探討其間的關係。研究對象是民國九十七學年度第一學期就讀於台中縣太平市四所公立國中(其中包括一所完全中學)一、二、三年級普通班的學生。抽樣方法採分層集束抽樣,抽出十五個班級,有效樣本數為452人。研究採橫斷式調查研究,以結構式自填調查問卷為工具,團體自填問卷的方式蒐集研究對象之個人基本變項、發展性資產、吸菸意向、吸菸行為等資料,於民國九十七年十一月下旬蒐集完成。將所收集之資料,以統計套裝SPSS軟體,依研究目的及變項特性進行統計分析。













    The aim of this research was to explore the current situation of developmental assets, smoking intention, and current smoking behaviors among the adolescents in the public junior high schools in Taiping City, Taichung County. Also, this research explored the relation among these variables. The research subjects were the students of the regular classes in the first, second, and third grades from four public junior high schools in Taiping City. Taichung County (including one complete school.) The sampling method was stratified cluster sampling. Effective sample of 452 students in 15 classes were selected. The data was collected through a group self-administered questionnaire to collect the data of background information, developmental assets, and smoking intention, smoking behavior. The data collection was completed in late November 2008 and was analyzed by the statistical software SPSS.

    The research findings were as follows:
    1. The average scores of developmental assets, external assets, internal assets, and assets of the eight categories among the students were only in the middle level. In terms of the distribution situation based on groups, the scores of the assets among the students were relatively low.
    2. Smoking intention was significantly different among the students with different mother’s occupation, father’s educational level, parent marriage situation, and academic performance. The students with lower mother occupational level, lower father educational level, from single parent family, and lower academic performance had higher smoking intention.
    3. Smoking behavior was significantly different among the students with different gender, grades, mother’s occupation, father’s educational level, parent marriage situation, and academic performance. The students who were in the second-grade, male, with mother working at non-technical job,with father in lower educational level, from single-parent family, and with lower academic performance had higher rate of smoking.
    4. The smoking intention of the students who smoked cigarettes were significantly different from those who didn’t smoke. The students who smoked cigarettes had significant higher smoking intention than those who did not smoke.
    5. Developmental asset has significantly different among the students with different parents’ occupation, parents’ educational level, parent marriage situation, and academic performance.
    6. External assets were significantly different among the students with different parents’ occupation, parents’ educational level, parent marriage situation, and academic performance.
    (1) The support asset was significantly different among the students with different parents’ educational level, parent marriage situation, and academic performance.
    (2) The empowerment asset was significantly different among the students with different parents’ occupation, parents’ educational level, parent marriage situation, and academic performance.
    (3) The boundariy-and-expectation asset was significantly different among the students with different parents’ occupation, parents’ educational level, parent marriage situation, and academic performance.
    (4) The constructive-use of-time asset was significantly different among the students with different grades, father’s occupation, parents’ educational level, and academic performance.
    7. Internal asset was significantly different among the students with different parents’ occupation, parents’ educational level, and academic performance.
    (1) The commitment-to-learning asset was significantly different among the students with different parents’ occupation, parents’ educational level, parent marriage situation, and academic performance.
    (2) The positive-vales asset was significantly different among the students with different parents’ educational level and academic performance.
    (3) The social-competence asset was significantly different among the students with different parents’ educational level and academic performance.
    (4) The positive-identity asset was significantly different among the students with different parents’ occupation, parents’ educational level, and academic performance.
    8. Internal and external assets could significantly predict students’ smoking intention with explained variance being 12.8%. Internal assets could significantly predict smoking intention.
    9. Assets of the eight categories could significantly predict students’ smoking intention with explained variance being 17.3%. Constructive use of time, commitment to learning, positive values, and positive identity could significantly predict smoking intention.
    10. Internal and external assets could significantly predict students’ smoking behavior. The internal assets could significantly predict smoking behavior.
    11. Assets of the eight categories could significantly predict students’ smoking behavior. Commitment to learning, positive values, and positive identity could significantly predict smoking behavior.

    Based on the research findings, it is suggested to strengthen the developmental assets of the youngsters through family, school education processes, social linkages and the external environment, with emphasis focusing on the internal assets. In terms of tobacco prevention education, it is suggested that youngsters should be taught developmental assets in related curriculum. In school education, it is suggested that counseling, health education, and life education should assist youngsters with different background to develop various assets.

    書名頁 ……………………………………………………………… i 論文口試委員審定書 ……………………………………………… ii 授權書 ……………………………………………………………… iii 中文摘要 …………………………………………………………… iv 英文摘要 …………………………………………………………… vi 致謝 ………………………………………………………………viii 目錄 ………………………………………………………………… ix 表目錄 ………………………………………………………………xii 圖目錄 ……………………………………………………………xiv 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機……………………………………………….. 1 第二節 研究目的………………………………………………... 8 第三節 研究問題………………………………………………… 8 第四節 研究假設………………………………………………... 9 第五節 名詞定義……………………………………………….. 10 第六節 研究限制……………………………………………..… 13 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 國內青少年吸菸行為與吸菸意向…………………….. 15 第二節 個人基本變項與吸菸行為的相關研究……………… 20 第三節 青少年發展性資產的概念…………………………… 25 第四節 青少年發展性資產與吸菸行為的研究…………...… 33 第三章 研究方法 45 第一節 研究設計與架構………………………………………. 45 第二節 研究對象…………………………………………….… 46 第三節 研究工具………………………………………….…… 47 第四節 研究步驟與進度……………………………………….. 60 第五節 資料處理與統計分析……………………………….… . 62 第四章 結果與討論 63 第一節 受試者的個人基本變項…………………………………. 63 第二節 受試者的發展性資產…………………………………… 67 第三節 受試者個人基本變項和吸菸意向吸菸行為之關係…… 83 第四節 個人基本變項和發展性資產之間的關係……………… 97 第五節 發展性資產對吸菸意向的預測力…………………...… 123 第六節 發展性資產對吸菸行為的預測力…………………….. 127 第五章 結論與建議 132 第一節 結論……………………………………………………… 132 第二節 建議……………………………………………………… 135 參考文獻 148 中文部分…………………………………………………………… 148 英文部分………………………………………………………….... 150 附錄 156 附錄一:DAP量表授權同意書……………………………………. 156 附錄二:預試問卷…………………………………………………. 158 附錄三:專家效度名單……………………………………………. 167 附錄四:正式問卷…………………………………………………. 168 附錄五:問卷委託函………………………………………………. 177

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