Author: |
廖晟堃 Sheng-Kun Liao |
Thesis Title: |
人力派遣制度下派遣員工組織氣候知覺、組織認同與工作滿意相關性之研究 A Study on the Relationships among Organizational Climate, Organizational Identification and Job Satisfaction in the Employment System of Employee Dispatching Industry |
Advisor: |
Chu, Yih-Hsien |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2005 |
Academic Year: | 93 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 118 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 人力派遣 、組織氣候 、組織認同 、工作滿意 |
Keywords (in English): | temporary employment, organizational climate, organizational identification, job satisfaction |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 471 Downloads: 56 |
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對企業組織而言,組織氣候是指組織成員在所處的組織環境中所得到的一種知覺感受或認知,這種知覺、認知進而引發人員的工作動機和行為表現。而人力派遣員工是定期性的人力彈性運用,經常性的在各要派公司輪動,其知覺認知、行為表現與理論上是否有所差別呢? 本研究以派遣員工為研究對象,採用問卷調查的研究方法,共取得148份有效樣本,探討派遣員工組織氣候知覺、組織認同、與工作滿意的關聯性,量化統計分析結果如下:
A Study on the Relationships among Organizational Climate, Organizational Identification and Job Satisfaction in the Employment System of Employee Dispatching Industry
Author: Sheng-Kun Liao
Adviser: Yih-Hsien Chu
For company organizations, organizational climate means a kind of perception or awareness which members of the organization can feel in that environment. This kind of perception or awareness will further elicit the working motivation and behavior performance from those members. Temporary workers are the application of regular labor flexibility, and they frequently move around the user enterprises. Do their perception, awareness and behavior performance have any difference from those described in the theory? The subjects in this study are temporary employees. The methodology is a questionnaire survey. We receive 148 valid samples in total. We will discuss the connection between temporary workers, organizational climate, organizational identification and job satisfaction. The results of quantificational statistic analysis are as follows:
1. Job satisfaction of temporary employees varies with respect to demographic variables such as age, level of education, temporary experiences and seniority.
2. There is a positive relationship between the organizational climate of temporary workers, organizational identification and job satisfaction.
3. There is noticeably positive relationship between organizational climate and organizational identification, between organizational climate and job satisfaction, and between organizational identification and job satisfaction.
4. The greater organizational identification temporary workers have toward their temporary company, the more influence the organizational climate has on job satisfaction.
This study suggests the managers in the organization have to work out the way to improve the organizational identification of temporary workers by building up harmony, mutual trust and the organizational climate of helping each other. In addition, the managers have to set up performance feedback and fair compensation system to increase the cooperation of temporary workers. At the same time, they can use work design variety and work specialization and provide related educational training system to enhance the job satisfaction of temporary workers. In such a way, temporary workers are expected to show the behavior which is beneficial to the organization.
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