Author: |
鄭智遠 Chih-Yuan Cheng |
Thesis Title: |
以鏈結資料為基礎之電影資訊系統發展與評估 Development and Evaluation of Linked Data-based Movie Information System |
Advisor: |
Ke, Hao-Ren |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
圖書資訊學研究所 Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2015 |
Academic Year: | 103 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 85 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 鏈結資料 、RDF 、SPARQL 、使用性量表 |
Keywords (in English): | Linked Data, RDF, SPARQL, System Usability Scale |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 178 Downloads: 3 |
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There are tens of thousands of movies created since the development of films. Due to the modern technology, people get quick and easy access to movie information. However, for such a large data, there are problems derived like information scattering, duplication and inconsistency. Therefore, this studycreates a movie information platform by thecontent management system Drupal.Thisplatformusesthe LinkedData technology to combine online popular ontologiessuch as dbpedia-owl, music ontology, bibliographic ontology. The movie data is modeled according to the abovementioned ontologies, and converted into liked data using RDF.In addition, SPARQL queries are employed to integrate film-related data such as linked music data, and linked book data. Finally, this study evaluates this linked data-based movie information system by the System Usability Scale (SUS) to understand user usability and acceptance of the system.The results of this study are summarized as follows: (1) establishing a linked data-based movie information system; (2) using linked data to enrich the movie information and enhance readability; (3) the SUS evaluations show that this system’s usability is acceptable.
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