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Author: 蔡欣耘
Thesis Title: 中華民國表演藝術協會作為政府與表演藝術團體中介組織之研究
A Study of the Performing Arts Alliance is as an Intermediator between the Government and Performing Art Organizations
Advisor: 何康國
Ho, Kang-Kuo
Degree: 碩士
Department: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
Thesis Publication Year: 2012
Academic Year: 100
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 276
Keywords (in Chinese): 中華民國表演藝術協會表演藝術聯盟非營利組織中介組織政府表演藝術表演藝術團體
Keywords (in English): Taiwan Performing Arts Association, Performing Arts Alliance (PAA), Non-profit organization, Intermediary organization, Government, Performing arts, Performing arts group
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 中華民國表演藝術協會(表演藝術聯盟,以下簡稱表盟)的成立象徵著臺灣表演藝術團體間「結盟」力量的凝聚。自86年正式成立至今已15個年頭,從扮演監督國藝會的角色開始,藉由表演藝術團體的聚合,期盼從團隊角度出發和政府建立起一座對話的橋樑。表盟身為一個非營利組織介於政府與表演藝術團體間扮演中介組織的角色,在兩者間的溝通、媒合與資源分配上扮演了相當重要的角色。然而,近年來表盟不斷出現被政府「收編」的責難,且在組織「自我核心價值」與「經營面」上面臨許多困境與為難。






    The establishment of Taiwan Performing Arts Association (Performing Arts Alliance, hereinafter referred to as PAA) symbolized the cohesion of power of “alliance” among performing arts groups in Taiwan. For 15 years since 1995, starting from the role as a supervisor of National Culture and Arts Foundation, PAA has hoped that from the angle of team work and through getting together of performing arts groups, it could build up a bridge of dialogues with the government. As a non-profit and intermediary organization between the government and performing arts groups, PAA has played a very important role in communications, matching and allocation of resources. However, in recent years, PAA has been censured as a group “incorporating” with the government. Moreover, PAA itself faces the dilemma and difficulties in the “self-core values” and “operation dimension” of organization.

    In light of aforementioned situations and with the PAA as the subject of research, the study adopts the literature analyses in qualitative researches, case study and in-depth interviews as methods. It conducts in-depth interviews with the personnel and units inside and outside alliance before reorganization and analyses of materials to explore the internal organization operations, the intermediary role of PAA and the interactions between the government, performing arts groups and corporations. It is hoped that the results could be a useful reference for future operations of PAA.

    The study found:
    1. The purpose of establishment of PAA is for the public welfare in its nature. It aims to be an alliance of specific organizations (performing arts groups or individuals). While it has review system for the membership under the principle of high respect, it lacks of systematical norms of rights and obligation that the members have high autonomy. In addition, as PAA understands the mandated rights and obligations as a non-profit organization, its contracted projects are broadly in line with the purpose. Most of action strategies are in the form of contractor for external projects. PAA has highly competitive edge, but its key for operation is the “members” of organization. Furthermore, it has neither constructed systematical standard operation procedures (SOP) nor paid little attention to organization and management. Despite the substantial increase of employees, it has no clear division of labors, and it attracts few new members due to the lack of welfare systems and innovation for members. The last but not least important thing is that PAA highly depends on the government and has not been self-sufficient.

    2. Regarding the type of organization, PAA is an organization of “commercial” and “mutual help”. It plays roles as a provider of referral, communications and opinions and controller plus the regulator of resources, but its fundraising work is not effective and has not established a volunteer system.

    3. PAA has close relationship with the government, similar to the “partnership”. The government may initially ask for the opinions from PAA and provide the opportunities of commissioned projects. On the part of arts group, PAA plays roles of organizing interactions among arts groups, counseling and guidance, communication and translation, coordination and allocation of resources and integration of opinions. However, the big differences between teams tend to result in inconsistency of initiative and passive relationships and frequency. The arts groups eargerly hope to obtain beneficial resources because of their view of PAA as a “semi-governmental organization”. Besides, PAA rarely runs relationship with corporations that their relationship with the corporations is rather cold.

    Finally, the study presents following recommendations based on the research results and
    1.Elevate the perspective, and reconsider the role and position of the organization.
    2.Construct a set of perfect “systematical SOP” to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization;
    3.Stabilize finance, explore and develop the possibility of sponsorship from business community;
    4.Dialogue with the government on the active and initiative standings and seek for interactive pressure groups;
    5.Create diverse services for members from macro angle, secure more resources, particularly on the services for medium and small performing arts groups; and
    6.Integrate the voice of teams, reduce the gaps of cognition and between urban and rural areas, and more initiatively and actively get close to the performing arts groups.
    7.Establish a”Business Development Team” as an intermediate between enterprises and performing art groups.

    中文摘要------------------------------------------------Ⅰ 英文摘要------------------------------------------------Ⅲ 謝 誌------------------------------------------------Ⅵ 目 錄------------------------------------------------Ⅶ 表 目 錄------------------------------------------------Ⅸ 圖 目 錄------------------------------------------------XI 第一章 緒論------------------------------------------- 1 - 第一節 研究背景與動機-------------------------------- 1 - 第二節 研究目的------------------------------------- 3 - 第三節 研究問題------------------------------------- 4 - 第四節 研究流程圖與架構------------------------------ 4 - 第二章 文獻探討--------------------------------------- 6 - 第一節 臺灣表演藝術總體環境分析----------------------- 6 - 第二節 與表演藝術相關之現行文化政策------------------- 22 - 第三節 非營利組織概述------------------------------- 38 - 第四節 中華民國表演藝術協會組織概述------------------- 51 - 第三章 研究方法--------------------------------------- 61 - 第一節 研究範圍與對象---------------------------------61 - 第二節 研究方法------------------------------------- 61 - 第三節 訪談對象------------------------------------- 63 - 第四節 訪談綱要--------------------------------------65 - 第五節 研究限制------------------------------------- 68 - 第四章 研究分析與結果---------------------------------- 69 - 第一節 表盟組織內部運作模式分析與結果------------------ 69 - 第二節 表盟作為中介組織之成效分析---------------------- 91 - 第三節 表盟與外部單位之互動關係分析-------------------- 95 - 第四節 未來展望與發展趨勢之分析----------------------- 112 - 第五章 結論與建議------------------------------------- 131 - 第一節 研究結論------------------------------------- 131 - 第二節 研究建議------------------------------------- 140 - 第三節 後續研究建議---------------------------------- 146 - 參考文獻--------------------------------------------- 147 - 附錄 訪談稿------------------------------------------ 156 - 訪談對象:A1--------------------------------------- 156 - 訪談對象:A2--------------------------------------- 175 - 訪談對象:B1--------------------------------------- 192 - 訪談對象:B2--------------------------------------- 201 - 訪談對象:C1--------------------------------------- 213 - 訪談對象:C2--------------------------------------- 224 - 訪談對象:D1--------------------------------------- 241 - 訪談對象:D2--------------------------------------- 250 - 訪談對象:E1--------------------------------------- 260 -

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