Author: |
楊永吉 Yang,Yung-Chi |
Thesis Title: |
以PDCA改善台灣棒球維基館網頁內容品質之研究-以嘉農球員頁面為例 A Study on the Improving the Content Quality of Taiwan Baseball Wiki by PDCA- Case Study of Kano Players Page |
Advisor: |
Tseng, Yuen-Hsien |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
圖書資訊學研究所 Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2020 |
Academic Year: | 108 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 92 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | PDCA 、頁面品質 、台灣棒球維基館 、嘉農棒球隊 、數位典藏 |
Keywords (in English): | PDCA, Page Quality, Taiwan Baseball Wiki, Kano baseball team, digital archive |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 353 Downloads: 12 |
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Baseball is a relatively popular sport in Taiwan. The history of baseball has not been valued in the past, and there are only a few related books. The preservation of historical materials is quite difficult. It was not until the emergence of the Taiwan Baseball Wiki. The Taiwan Baseball Wiki is a digital archive of baseball records. It aims to record people, events, times, places, cultural relics, etc. that are worth recording in the history of Taiwan baseball. The film "KANO" made by Ma Chih-Hsiang and Wei,Te-Sheng in 2014 is the true story of the first time the Taiwanese Cannon baseball team scored in the Koshien Stadium in the Japanese era. This film not only caused Taiwan's baseball circles to re-emphasize the history of past baseball, but even the Koshien History Museum in Japan displayed Kano-related exhibits for this. The history of Kano baseball and its players has also become an important part of Taiwan's baseball history, but the record in the baseball wiki is not complete. This research hopes to enrich the Kano Players page in the Taiwan Baseball Wiki, and let fans understand the history.
This study uses PCDA as a method to improve quality. The following is a brief description: First, find the list of Kano players from the page about Kano in the Taiwan Baseball Wiki, and then filter the pages you want to make. Next, click on the page to summarize the common points. The researchers found that Taiwan Aboriginal players have more inherited ancestors and should be able to complete research in a limited time. Therefore, the literature analysis method is used to find out the relevant literature, after reading, after the induction and integration, the data is organized into the player's page. Then check to see if any missing data has not been processed, and record it for the second round. Next, based on the preliminary information, the relevant people were interviewed for the problems found in the study. Then take the required information from the interview and organize it into words. Finally, ask the photo or unit to upload photos to the page. After the completion of the process, the process is standardized and recommendations are made to future editors.
After two rounds of operation, the player's page was improved, and the PCDA's continuous looping to improve quality and progress was also proven. The application was also effective in improving the pages of the Taiwan Baseball Wiki. In addition, standardized processes have been developed during the research process for subsequent researchers.
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